Project yushaaaaaa
Project yushaaaaaa
Project yushaaaaaa
5N – 3N = 2N (opposite direction)
Resultant Force
Weight of book
These 2 forces are equal but act in opposite Since the 2 forces are equal but act in opposite
directions. Hence the resultant force is zero and the directions, the resultant force acting on the book
book remains stationary. As the book is at rest, its remains zero, and the book continues moving at a
Newtons Second Law Newton's second law of motion states that when a
resultant force acts on an object of constant mass,
Newtons 3rd law of motion states that for every action, there is an
and opposite reaction and they act on mutually opposite bodies
4 Characteristics of forces told
by Newtons 3rd Law
i. Force always occurs in pairs. Each pair is made up of an action and a reaction.
ii. Action and reaction are equal in magnitude
iii. Action and reaction act in opposite direction
iv. Action and reaction act on mutually opposite bodies
Negative Positive
Wheels, since they are in circular Friction are important for vehicles
shape friction b/w the ground is as without friction the tires would
greatly reduced. just spin, friction enables the tires
to grip the road surface.
Ball bearings are b/w parts of
Air resistance is a type of friction in
motors, machines etc. preventing
air and for a diver to slow down he
them from rubbing each other
uses his parachute which due to its
reducing the wear and tear.
large surface area increases air
Applying layer of lubricants like resistance.
oil or grease greatly reduces Rock climbers usually have to grip
friction as polishing the surface the rock surface and chalk gives
removes irregularities them a better grip by absorbing the
perspiration (sweat).
Free Fall Diagrams