Theory of Metal Cutting

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Theory of Metal Cutting

Theory of Metal Cutting Wedge action, Concept

of speed, Feed and depth of cut, orthogonal and
oblique cutting. Mechanics of metal cutting-Chip
formation, Types of chips, cutting ratio, shear
plane and shear angle, velocity relationships,
force measurement by tool dynamometers.
Theory of Metal Cutting
Metal Casting
Metal Forming

Metal Cutting

Metal Joining

Metal Shaping
Metal Finishing
Theory of Metal Cutting
Metal Casting
Metal Forming

Metal Cutting

Metal Joining

Metal Shaping
Metal Finishing
Theory of Metal Cutting
Metal Cutting
• INTRODUCTION- In an industry, metal components are made into
different shapes and dimensions by using various metal working
processes. Metal working processes are classified into two major
groups. They are: Non-cutting shaping or chips less or metal forming
process - forging, rolling, pressing, etc. Cutting shaping or metal
cutting or chip forming process - turning, drilling, milling, etc

• Machining: Term applied to all material-removal processes.

• Metal cutting: The process in which a thin layer of excess metal (chip)
is removed by a wedge-shaped single-point or multipoint cutting tool
with defined geometry from a work piece, through a process of
extensive plastic deformation.
Theory of Metal Cutting
Metal Cutting
Theory of Metal Cutting
Metal Cutting • Machining is an essential process of
Theory finishing by which work pieces are
produced to the desired dimensions and
surface finish by gradually removing the
excess material from the preformed blank
in the form of chips with the help of
cutting tool(s) moved past the work
• Principle of machining - the fig
illustrates A metal rod of irregular shape,
size and surface is converted into a
finished product of desired dimension
and surface finish by machining by
Theory of Metal Cutting
Theory of Metal Cutting
Metal Cutting:
• Closer dimensional accuracy
• Surface texture/finish
• Economical
• Complex shape
• Size
• Material loss (~50%)
• Scarcity of materials
• Special equipment
• Skilled operators
• Time required
• All materials cannot be machined
Theory of Metal Cutting
Essentials of Metal Cutting
• Machine Tool
• Cutting Tool
• Method
• Operator
Theory of Metal Cutting
Principle Elements of Metal Machining:
1: Cutting Speed:
The cutting speed can be defined as the relative surface speed between the tool and
the job. It is a relative term since either the tool or the job or both may be moving
during cutting. It is expressed in m/min.
2: Feed:
It may be defined as the relatively small the cutting tool relative to the work piece in
direction which is usually perpendicular to the cutting speed direction. It is
expressed in mm/rev or mm/stroke.
It is more complex element as compare to the cutting speed. It is expressed
differently for various operations.
3:Depth of cut:
The depth of cut is the thickness of the layer of the metal remove in one cut or pass
measured in a direction perpendicular to the machine surface. The depth of cut is
always perpendicular to the direction feed motion.
Theory of Metal Cutting
Comparison between Orthogonal and Oblique metal
cutting operation
Theory of Metal Cutting
Mechanism of chip formation

Machining is a semi-finishing or finishing process essentially done to impart

required or stipulated dimensional and form accuracy and surface finish to enable
the product to:
1. Fulfill its basic functional requirements.
2. Provide better or improved performance.
3. Render long service life
Machining is a process of gradual removal of excess material from the preformed
blanks in the form of chips
Theory of Metal Cutting
Mechanism of chip formation

The form of the chips is an important index of machining because it

directly or indirectly indicates:
❖ Nature and behavior of the work material under machining
❖ Specific energy requirement (amount of energy required to
remove unit volume of work material) in machining work.
❖ Nature and degree of interaction at the chip-tool interfaces
Theory of Metal Cutting
Chip Formation
• The form of machined chips depends mainly upon:
1. Work material.
2. Material and geometry of the cutting tool.
3. Levels of cutting velocity and feed and also to some extent on
depth of cut.
4. Machining environment or cutting fluid that affects temperature and
friction at the chip-tool and work-tool interfaces.
• Knowledge of basic mechanism(s) of chip formation helps to
understand the characteristics of chips and to attain favorable
chip forms.
Theory of Metal Cutting
Types of Chips

• Different types of chips of various shape, size, colour etc. are

produced by machining depending upon:
• Type of cut, i.e., continuous (turning, boring etc.) or
intermittent cut (milling).
• Work material (brittle or ductile etc.).
• Cutting tool geometry (rake, cutting angles etc.).
• Levels of the cutting velocity and feed (low, medium or high).
• Cutting fluid (type of fluid and method of application).
Theory of Metal Cutting

• Continuous chips arise during the machining of ductile materials at

high speeds and minimal friction between the tool and the
workpiece, resulting from the continuous plastic deformation induced
by the tool.
• Examples: Ductile materials like mild steel and copper.
• Characteristics: These chips maintain a consistent thickness
throughout their length and often yield a favourable surface finish.
However, they can be challenging to handle and dispose of due to
their continuous nature.
Theory of Metal Cutting
tinuous Disadvanta
The noteworthy advantages include: Chips:
Difficulty in handling and disposal due
Improved surface finish. to their continuous form,
Reduced heat generation. necessitating the use of chip breakers
Extended tool life. to mitigate this issue.
Lower friction.
Decreased power consumption.
Theory of Metal Cutting

Discontinuous chips
• This is also called as segmental chips. This mostly occurs while cutting
brittle material such as cast iron or low ductile materials.
• Instead of shearing the metal as it happens in the previous process, the
metal is being fractured like segments of fragments and they pass over
the tool faces.
• Tool life can also be more in this process.
• Power consumption as in the previous case is also low.
Theory of Metal Cutting
Dis-Continuous Chips
Advantages of Dis -Continuous Disadvantage of Dis-Continuous
Chips: Chips:
Some major advantages of these chips are: The limitations of these chips are
Improved surface finish when using brittle metals.
Poor surface finish when using
Increased tool life. ductile metals.
Reduced power consumption. Increased wear and tear.
Theory of Metal Cutting
Continuous chips without BUE
• When the cutting tool moves towards the work piece, there occurs a
plastic deformation of the work piece and the metal is separated
without any discontinuity and it moves like a ribbon.
• The chip moves along the face of the tool. This mostly occurs while
cutting a ductile material.
• It is desirable to have smaller chip thickness and higher
cutting speed in order to get continuous chips.
• Lesser power is consumed while continuous chips are produced.
• Total life is also mortised in this process.
Theory of Metal Cutting

Tool Dynamometer
A tool dynamometer is a precision instrument used to measure forces
and torques during machining processes. It provides critical data that
helps in understanding the behavior of cutting tools and workpieces
under different conditions.
To measure the forces and torques acting on a cutting tool during

Used in turning, milling, drilling, and other machining operations for
research, development, and quality control.
Theory of Metal Cutting

Types of Tool Dynamometer

Turning Dynamometers: Used in lathe operations to measure forces acting on the
cutting tool.

Milling Dynamometers: Designed to measure forces in milling processes.

Drilling Dynamometers: Measure forces during drilling operations.

Theory of Metal Cutting

Tool Dynamometer
A strain gauge tool dynamometer is an instrument used to
measure forces and torques during machining and other
mechanical processes. It typically consists of a tool holder
integrated with strain gauges that detect minute deformations
in the tool caused by applied forces. These deformations are
converted into electrical signals, which can be interpreted to
provide accurate measurements of the forces involved.
Theory of Metal Cutting

Tool Dynamometer

1.Sensing Element: Usually strain gauges, piezoelectric sensors, or
capacitive sensors.
2.Tool Holder: Integrates with the sensing element to hold the cutting
3.Data Acquisition System: Converts the signals from the sensors
into readable data.
4.Signal Conditioning Unit: Amplifies and filters the signals.
5.Display and Analysis Software: For real-time monitoring and post-
process analysis.
Theory of Metal Cutting

Tool Dynamometer
Working Principle:
1. Force Application: During machining, the cutting tool interacts with the workpiece,
generating forces and torques.These forces can be classified as:
Axial Force (Fz): Along the tool axis.
Radial Force (Fx): Perpendicular to
the tool axis.
Tangential Force (Fy): In the
direction of tool rotation.
2.Deformation:The tool holder or sensing element deforms under the applied forces.Strain
gauges or other sensors attached to the tool holder detect these deformations.
3. Sensor Response: Strain Gauges: Change their electrical resistance in response to
strain, causing a corresponding change in voltage in a Wheatstone bridge circuit.
4. Signal Conversion: The sensor signals (voltage, charge, or capacitance changes) are
converted into electrical signals.These signals are often small and need amplification.
5. Data Acquisition: Amplified signals are captured by the data acquisition system.Signals
are digitized using an Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC).
6. Data Interpretation: The system is calibrated to correlate the electrical signals with
actual force values.Specialized software interprets the data, providing a real-time display of

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