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Dr. Suha Abdelgadir A.Nasr

Assistant professor / DPH
Levels of Prevention
Lecture 2
d Trend
Levels of Prevention
Primordial prevention
Primary prevention
Secondary prevention
Tertiary prevention.


These can be studied under two main frameworks:
A. Levels of Prevention
B. Approaches of Prevention
Approaches of Prevention

• High risk (target) strategy

• Mass (whole population)
Approaches of Prevention

• High risk (target) strategy

Approaches of Prevention

• Mass (whole population)

Dentistry level of prevention
Share an idea or material in a
language that is easy for the
i. Primordial prevention public to understand. Inspire
d Trend
ii. Primary prevention your audience with your
iii. Secondary prevention
iv. Tertiary prevention.

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$15 prevention 15

It is the prevention of emergence or development

of risk factors in countries or population group in
which they have not yet appeared.
5 15

Individual and mass education is

main intervention method in
primordial prevention.
Example of Primordial prevention

 improving sanitation (to

eliminate exposure to infectious
 establishing healthy
 promoting a healthy lifestyle in
childhood (for example, through free
school meals or early childhood
development programmes),
It is defined as ‘action taken
2/Primary prior to the onset of the
Prevention disease, which removes the
possibility that a disease
will even occur’. It is carried
out on healthy populations.
Information and / or public health measure to the whole
population may be sufficient to maintain a disease free
environment. It may be accomplished by
measures designed to promote general health and well
being or by specific protective measures.
Modes of Intervention

a. Health promotion: It is process of

enabling people to increase control over
Primary Prevention and to improve health. This can be
(Prepathogenesis) achieved by
Health education; instruction on proper plaque removal, daily tooth brushing
and flossing

ii. Environment modification such as safe water, control

of insects and rodents.

iii. Nutritional interventions: improvement of nutrition in

vulnerable group.

iv. Lifestyle and behavioural changes; which favor health

b. Specific protection: protect against disease
agents by decreasing the susceptibility of
Primary Prevention the host or by establishing barrier against
(Prepathogenesis) agents in
the environment.
Methods include immunization, use of

specific nutrition, avoidance of allergens, protection from

carcinogens, ingestion of optimally

fluoridated water and

application of pit and fissure sealants.

More examples include fluoridation of public
of Primary water, oral evaluation, dental
prevention in prophylaxis, Fluoride use as
Dentistry preventive agent, fissure
sealants, use of Xylitol, mouth
guards, regular dental
examinations and self-care such
as tooth brushing, flossing, use
of dental rinses and medicinal.

It can be defined as ‘actions which halts the

progress of a disease at its incipient stage
and prevents complications’.
It is carried out on targeted
population identified by their
being exposed to, or indulgence,
Secondary in factors that place them ‘at risk’.
prevention The individual or the
population is required to change,
either to take some new
action, or to cease an established
action, or both, in order to lower
the levels of risk.
These services intervene or prevent the
progression and recurrence of disease by:

a. Early diagnosis:
The earlier the disease is diagnosed and treated the
better is its prognosis and helps to prevent the
of more cases

The methods (tools) employed for early diagnosis are:

1. Screening for sub-clinical disease, either in
screening surveys or in periodic medical examinations.

2. Case finding (individual and community).


b. Prompt treatment: Secondary prevention attempts

to arrest the disease process, restore health by
seeking out unrecognized disease and treating it
before irreversible pathological changes take place,
and reverse communicability of infectious diseases.
Example of
in dentistry
Examples of secondary prevention in dentistry

Fluoride use on incipient caries, dental restorations,

periodontal debridement, root canal treatments,
serial extraction, fixed and removable appliances,
installation of caps and crowns.
Tertiary Pervention

It provides a cure at an early stage in disease

process, containing the disease or its effects
on a long term basis and seeks to prevent a
recurrence of the disease.
It can be defined as ‘all measures available to
reduce or limit impairments and disabilities, minimizing
suffering caused by existing departures from good health
and to promote the patients adjustment to irremediable
conditions’. The individual or population is aware of the
disease, can see its effects and requires rehabilitation.
Tertiary Prevention Pathogenesis: (Late Stage of Pathogenesis)
Actions taken when the disease process has advanced beyond
its early stages i.e. intervention in late pathogenesis phase.

Intervention that should be accomplished in the stage of

tertiary prevention is disability limitation, and rehabilitation.
The aim of tertiary prevention is to limit disability and prevent further
complications or death.
Transition of disease

d Trend
Examples of
includes all measures for oral
rehabilitation. This includes
Examples of Tertiary
fillings of decayed teeth, the
Prevention treatment of periodontal
diseases, the replacement of
lost teeth (dentures, implants),
and the complex treatment of
oral cancer.
Thank you

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