10. Seerat of Holy Prophet (S.a.W.W) II

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Seerat of Holy Prophet

(S.A.W.W) II


Course Instructor Islamic Studies:

Syed Anwar Hussain

Battle of Uhud was a revenge of battle of badr from

the side of Non -Muslims in the history of Islam. Due to
the victory of Muslims in the battle of badr, the Non-
Muslims of Makkah were very angry and started
preparation for war as a revenge.
Therefore, in 3rd Hijra an army of three thousand
soldiers in the leadership of Abu Sufyan with full
weapons marched towards Madinah and reached near
to the mountain of uhud. Mean while Holy
Prophet(S.A.W) called the companions and asked for
their decision. Every Sahabi(R.A) was ready for war.
Holyprophet(S.A.W) prepared 1000 soldiers and
started to march towards the mountain of uhud.
During the journey, the leader of the hypocrites,
Abdullah ibn-e-ubai, ibn-e-salool separated from the
army of holy Prophet(S.A.W).
Now the total number of Muslim army was seven
hundred and the both armies were in front of each
other. Before starting the war, Holy Prophet (SAW)
placed a number of fifty Muslim soldiers on the
top of the mountain.
The war was started and the Muslim army in the
leadership of Holy Prophet(SAW) attacked on the
non-Muslim army with full force, therefore the
non-muslims did not bear the attack of the
Muslims and started to left the place of Battle.
Initially Muslim army achieved victory. But the fifty
soldiers which were placed on the top of mountain
by holy Prophet(SAW), left their place because
they thought that Muslim have won the battle.
The non-Muslims again attacked from the same
place on the Muslims and the Muslims got
unbalanced. Therefore, the forehead of Holy
Prophet(SAW) was badly wounded, His teeth
were broken and he fell down in the trench.
When it was conformed that the Holy
Prophet(S.A.W) is alive, then again Muslim
soldiers collected their force but the non-
Muslims left the place of war without any
decision and returned back to Makkah. In this
Battle seventy companions of Holy
Prophet(SAW) got martyred and twenty two
non-Muslims were killed.
 This battle was fought in fifth Hijrah.
 Combined military forces including non-
Muslims of Makkah, jews and many tribes
participated in this battle.
 Ahzab means combined military forces.
 The leader/commander of the non-
Muslims was Hazrat Abu Sufyan.
 The total number of Muslim forces/army
was three thousands.
 Total number of non-Muslim forces was 10000.
 With the advise of Hazrat Salman Farsi(R.A), a new
technique was adopted and the trenches were dig out
for the safety of Madinah from three sides. The total
depth was 5 yards.
 Holy Prophet (SAW) himself participated for the
digging of the trenches.
 Non-Muslim forces surrounded Madinah for one month
but did not cross the trenches.
 The non-Muslims were facing difficulties and hardship.
 Allah gave special help for believers by fast wind and
also tension and cold wind defeated enemy.
 Due to fast wind, their tents became disbalanced and
they left the place of battle without any decesion.
Treaty Of Hudaibyah
 In 6th Hijrah, Holy Prophet(SAW) decided to proceed
Makkah for the performance of Umrah
 He prepared his companions for this Umrah
 1400 Sahaba-e-Karam were with Him
 Non-Muslims of Makkah prepare for war
 Holy Prophet(SAW) sent Hazrat Usman(R.A) with
message that we did not come here for fighting but
only to perform Umrah
 After the departure of Hazrat Usman (R.A), it was
announced that Hazrat Usman (R.A) has been killed
in Makkah.
 Holy Prophet (SAW) taken an oath from Sahab-e-
Ikram for the revenge of Hazrat Usman (R.A) which
is known as Bait-e-Rizwan.
 The news was false as Hazrat Usman (R.A) came back
and the Non Muslims of Makkah sent Sohail Bin Amar for
an agreement with the Muslims.
 A treaty (Agreement) was signed at the place of
Hudaibiya with the following points.
1. Go back this year without Umrah.
2. Come next year only for three days.
3. You will come without weapons.
4. If any Muslim or Non Muslim will reach at Madinah
from Makkah he would be sent back to
5. If any Muslim will reach at Makkah he would not be sent
back to Madinah.
6. The Arab tribes are free to join Muslims or Non Muslims.
7. This agreement is for ten years.
The Conquest Of Makkah
 Holy Prophet (SAW), due to the violation of Treaty of
Hudaibia prepared his companions to attack on Makkah
in 8th Hijrah.
 He marched towards Makkah with 10,000 strong army.
 The Great Prophet SAW issued the following instructions
to the Islamic Army before entering Makkah.
 1)Any body who surrender should not be killed.
 2)Whoever takes shelter in the house of
Hazart Abu Sufiyan would not be killed.
 3)Those who tried to run away,should not be
 4) Those who close their house door should
not be killed.
5) Old people, ladies and childern should not be killed.
 Islamic army entered Makkah in peace.
 After reaching Makkah Holy Prophet (SAW) performed
 Then Holy Prophet (SAW) entered into Kabbah and remove
360 idols placed by the Non-Muslims of Makkah.
 During the demolation he was reciting “Turth has come
and falsehood removed,and falsehood should be removed”
 Then he called the Makkan people infront of him, those
who have done many mistakes and asked what do you
expect from me.When everybody lowered his head with
shame then he said” May Allah pardon you, you are free
today and there is no Burden on you today”.
 Without leaving a single soldier in conquered city , he
return back to Madinh and the conquest of Makkah was
 In 10th hijrah, Holy Prophet (SAW) performed
his first and last hajj.
 At the place of Arafat, he delivered his
famous address (speech) which is know as
Khutba-hajjatul-wida in islamic history.
 He delivered his message in front of one lakh
twenty four thousand companions and he
mounted on his camel Qaswa.
 This sermon is the last speech of Holy
Prophet (SAW) which is the conclusion and
summary of his whole teaching.

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