Application of Orems Theory To NSG Practice
Application of Orems Theory To NSG Practice
Application of Orems Theory To NSG Practice
to assess the patient condition by the various methods explained by the nursing theory . to identify the needs of the patient . to demonstrate an effective communication and interaction with the patient. to select a theory for the application according to the need of the patient . to apply the theory to solve the identified problems of the patient . to evaluate the extent to which the process was fruitful.
Areas Name Age Sex Education Occupation Marital status Religion Diagnosis Theory applied
Patient details Mrs. X 56 years Female No formal education House hold Married Hindu Rheumatoid arthritis Orems theory of self care deficit.
The self care deficit theory proposed by Orem is a combination of three theories, i.e. theory of self care, theory of self care deficit and the theory of nursing systems. In the theory of self care, she explains self care as the activities carried out by the individual to maintain their own health. The self care agency is the acquired ability to perform the self care and this will be affected by the basic conditioning factors such as age, gender, health care system, family system etc. Therapeutic self-care demand is the totality of the self care measures required. The self care is carried out to fulfill the self-care requisites. There are mainly 3 types of self care requisites such as universal, developmental and health deviation self care requisites. Whenever there is an inadequacy of any of these self care requisite, the person will be in need of self care or will have a deficit in self care. The deficit is identified by the nurse through the thorough assessment of the patient. Once the need is identified, the nurse has to select required nursing systems to provide care: wholly compensatory, partly compensatory or supportive and educative system. The care will be provided according to the degree of deficit the patient is presenting with. Once the care is provided, the nursing activities and the use of the nursing systems are to be evaluated to get an idea about whether the mutually planned goals are met or not. Thus the theory could be successfully applied into the nursing practice. For Mrs. X. She came to the hospital with complaints of pain over all the joints, stiffness which is more in the morning and reduces by the activities. She has these complaints since 5 years and has taken treatment from local hospital. The symptoms were not reducing and came to --VGMH, Hospital for further management. Patient was able to do the ADL by herself but the way she performed and the posture she used was making her prone to develop the complications of the disease. She also was malnourished and was not having awareness about the deficiencies and effects
Age Gender Health state Development state Sociocultural orientation Health care system Family system Patterns of living Environment Resources
56 year Female Disability due to health condition, therapeutic self care demand Ego integrity vs despair No formal education, Indian, Hindu Institutional health care Married, husband working At home with partner Rural area, items for ADL not in easy reach, no special precautions to prevent injuries Husband, daughter, sisters son
Social interaction
Prevention of hazards
Promotion of normalcy
Feels that the problems are due to her own behaviours and discusses the problems with husband and daughter.
Reports the problems to the physician when in the hospital. Cooperates with the medication, Not much aware about the use and side effects of medicines Not aware about the actual disease process. Not compliant with the diet and prevention of hazards. Not aware about the side effects of the medications Has adapted to limitation in mobility. The adoption of new ways for activities leads to deformities and progression of the disease. Adjusted with the deformities. Pain tolerance not achieved
Adjustment of lifestyle to accommodate changes in the health status and medical regimen.
Air Water Food Elimination Activity/ Rest Solitude/ Interaction Prevention of hazards Promotion of normalcy Maintain a developmental environment Prevent or manage the developmental threats Maintenance of health status Awareness and management of the disease process Adherence to the medical regimen Awareness of potential problem Modify self image Adjust life style to accommodate health status changes and MR
Outcome and plan (Prescriptive operations) Outcome Nursing goal and objectives Design of nursing system Appropriate method of helping
Nurse- patient actions to 1. Effectiveness of the nurse - Promote patient as patient action to self care agent -Promote patient as self care - Meet self care needs agent - Decrease the self care - Meet self care needs deficit. - Decrease the self care deficit. 2. Effectiveness of the selected nursing system to meet the needs.
DEFICIENT AREA: FOOD ADEQUACY OF SELF CARE AGENCY: INADEQUATE NURSING DIAGNOSIS y Inability to maintain the ideal nutrition related to inadequate intake and knowledge deficit OUTCOMES AND PLAN y a. Outcome: - Improved nutrition
- Maintenance of a balanced diet with adequate iron supplementation. b. Nursing Goals and objectives
Goal: to achieve optimal levels of nutrition. Objectives: Mrs. X will: y state the importance of maintaining a balanced diet. y List the food items rich in iron , that are available in the locality.
c. Design of the nursing system - Supportive educative d. Method of helping - Guidance - Support - Teaching - Providing developmental environment o IMPLEMENTATION Mutually planned and identified the objectives and the patient were made to understand about the required changes in the behaviour to have the requisites met. o EVALUATION Mrs. X understood the importance of maintaining an optimum nutrition. She told that she will select the iron rich diet for her food. She listed the foods that are rich in iron and that are locally available. The self care deficit in terms of food will be decreased with the initiation of the nutritional intake. The supportive educative system was useful for Mrs. X
ADEQUACY OF SELF CARE AGENCY: INADEQUATE NURSING DIAGNOSIS y Self-care deficit: dressing, toileting related to restricted joint movement, secondary to the inflammatory process in the joints. OUTCOMES AND PLAN y a. Outcome: - Improved self-care - Maintain the ability to perform the toileting and dressing with modification as required. y b. Nursing Goals and objectives Goal: to achieve optimal levels of ability for self care. Objectives: Mrs. X will: y perform the dressing activities within limitations y utilize the alternative measures available for improving the toileting y perform the other activities of daily living with minimal assistance.
y y
1. Guidance: y Assess the various hindering factors for self care and how to tackle them. 2. Support: y Provide all the articles needed for self care, near to the patient and ask the family members also to give the articles near to her. y Provide passive exercises and make to perform active exercises so as to promote the mobility of the joint. y Make the patient use commodes or stools to perform toileting and insist on avoidance of squatting position y Provide assistance whenever needed for the self care activities y Provide encouragement and positive reinforcement for minor improvement in the activity level. y Initiate the pain relieving measures always before the patient go for any of the activities of daily living y Make the patient to use loose fitting clothes which will be easy to wear and remove.
3. Teaching: y Teach the family members the limitation in the activity level the patient has and the cooperation required 4. Promoting a developmental environment: y Teach the family and help them to practice how to help the patient according to her needs
IMPLEMENTATION y Mutually planned and identified the objectives and the patient was made to understand about the required changes in the behaviour to have the requisites met. EVALUATION y Patient was performing some of the activities and she practiced toileting using a commode in the hospital. y She verbalized an improved comfort and self care ability. y She performed the dressing activities with minimal assistance y Patient verbalized that she will perform the activities as instructed to get her ADL done. y The partly compensatory system was useful for Mrs. X
ADEQUACY OF SELF CARE AGENCY: INADEQUATE NURSING DIAGNOSIS y Ineffective pain control related to lack of utilization of pain relief measures OUTCOMES AND PLAN y a. Outcome: - Improved pain self control
- Achieve and maintain a reduction in the pain. b. Nursing Goals and objectives
Goal: to achieve reduction in the pain. Objectives: Mrs. X will: y describe the total plan of pharmacological and non pharmacological pain relief y demonstrate a reduction in the pain behaviours y verbalize a reduction in the pain scale score from 7 4
y y
Guidance: y Explore the past experience of pain and methods used to manage them. y Ask the client to report the intensity, location, severity, associated and aggravating factors. Support: y Provide rest to the joints and avoid excessive manipulations y provide hot and cold application to have better mobility. y Encourage exercises to the joints by immersing in the warm water. y Administer T. Ultracet and Tab Diclofecac as prescribed. y Provide diversion and psychological support to the patient Teaching: y Teach the non pharmacological method to the patient once the pain is a little reduced.
Providing the developmental environment: y Discuss with the patient the necessity to maintain a pain diary with all information regarding episodes of pain and refer to that periodically y Enquire from the health team, the need for opioid analgesics or other analgesics and get a prescription for the patient. IMPLEMENTATION EVALUATION y Patient still has pain over the joints and she agreed that she will use the measures for pain relief that is told to her. y The pain scale score was 6 after the measures were provided to the patient. y She demonstrated slight reduction in the pain behaviours. y The supportive educative system was useful for Mrs. X
ADEQUACY OF SELF CARE AGENCY: INADEQUATE NURSING DIAGNOSIS y Potential for fall and fractures related to rheumatoid arthritis. OUTCOMES AND PLAN y a. Outcome: - Absence of falls and injury to the patient y b. Nursing Goals and objectives Goal: prevent the falls and injury and to maintain a good body mechanics. Objectives: Mrs. X will: y remain free from injury as evidenced by: y absence of signs and symptoms of fall or injury y Explaining the methods to prevent the injury.
y y
Support y Never leave the client alone in the unit y Assess the patients gait, activities and the mental status for any confusion or disorientation y Encourage the patient to use supportive devices as required. y Provide a safe environment in the hospital by avoiding sharp objects or wooden objects on the way and slippery floor. y Involve the family members in providing and maintaining a safe environment in the home y Involve the family members to provide support to the patient whenever necessary y Plan a balanced diet for the patient with a mutual interaction IMPLEMENTATION EVALUATION y Patient remained free from injury as evidenced by absence of signs and symptoms. y Patient explained the various measures that they will take to prevent the injury. y The supportive educative system was useful for Mrs. X
ADEQUACY OF SELF CARE AGENCY: INADEQUATE NURSING DIAGNOSIS: y Potential for impaired skin integrity related to edema secondary to renal cysts. OUTCOMES AND PLAN: y a. Outcome: - Maintenance of normal skin integrity. y b. nursing Goals and objectives Goal: Maintain the skin integrity and take measures to prevent skin impairment. Objectives: Mrs. X will: y maintain a normal skin integrity y list the measures to prevent the loss of skin integrity y identify the measures to relieve edema.
y y
Support: y Assess the skin regularly for any excoriation or loss of integrity or colour changes. Keep the skin clean always y Avoid stress or pressure over the area of edema by providing extra cushions or padding y Monitor the lab values as well as the patient for any signs and symptoms of renal failure. y Encourage the patient to use slippers while walking and that should not be tight fitting. y Assess the edema for its degree, pitting or non pitting and continue the assessment daily. y Provide a leg end elevated position or elevation of the leg on a pillow if no cardiac abnormalities are identified. y Explain the patient the need for taking care of the edematous parts y Explain the patient to report the symptoms like decreased urine output, palpitations, increased edema etc. to the health team
IMPLEMENTATION EVALUATION y Patient remained free from impaired skin integrity y She listed the measures to prevent the loss of skin integrity y She identified the measures to relieve edema. y The supportive educative system was useful for Mrs. x
ADEQUACY OF SELF CARE AGENCY: INADEQUATE NURSING DIAGNOSIS y Potential for complications related to rheumatoid arthritis secondary to knowledge deficit. OUTCOMES AND PLAN y a. Outcome: - Absence of complications and improved awareness about the disease process. y b. nursing Goals and objectives Goal: Improve the knowledge of the patient about the disease process and the complications. Objectives: Mrs. X will: y verbalize the various complication and their preventions y verbalize the changes occurring with the disease process and the treatment available y describe the actions and side effects of the medications which she is using
c. Design of the nursing system: - supportive educative d. Methods of helping: - Guidance - Teaching - Promoting a developmental environment
IMPLEMENTATION EVALUATION y Patient got adequate information regarding the disease y She verbalized what she understood about the disease and its management. y Patient has cleared her doubts regarding the medication actions and the side effect y The supportive educative system was useful for Mrs. X