Afera Biology G-12 Unit -1
Afera Biology G-12 Unit -1
Afera Biology G-12 Unit -1
*Biotechnology: is the use of technology to use (modify)
the part of living organisms or their products to make
useful products that benefit human.
Example: drug, food supplements, enzyme etc)
*Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) is an organism
that have received genetic material through recombinant
DNA technology.
*GMO is any living things whose DNA has been changed
in a way that would not occur in nature.
*If an organism has received genetic material from
another species, it is said to be Transgenic organism.
*A gene which transferred from one species into another
is called a transgene.
*Crop plants can be genetically modified to
increase their yield, nutritional value and diseases
*Biotechnology can be used in the prevention and
mitigation of industrial, agricultural and municipal
*It can be also used in the diagnosis and treatments
of diseases.
Spiritis a class of alcoholic drinks w/h are unsweetened and
produced by distillation of fermented base.
The fermented base may be molasses (by-product of sugar
industry), fruit juices, cereal extract or sometime a
combination of many fermentable substrates.
Alcoholic Base material Alcoholic
beverage materials
Whisky Cereal (barley, rye, corn malt) 40-55%
Rum Molasses 40-55%
Brandy Fruit juice (grapes) 35-60%
Vodka Cereals, potatoes 38-40%
Cider Apple juice , other fruits 2-7%
Gin Wheat and rye 37-50%
Bread making
Bread is still another product of microbial action.
Microbes accomplish three main functions in bread making
1. Leavening the dough
2. Imparting flavor and odor
3. Conditioning the dough to make it workable
Leavening is the production of gases in the baked product
to increase volume and to produce shape & texture
baker’s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae)is the common
strain of yeast used as a leavening agent in baking bread
Yeast respires aerobically to converts the fermentable
sugars (maltose or glucose) present in the dough into CO 2
and H2O rather than alcohol
Carbon dioxide causes the dough to rise and creates the soft
texture of bread.
Bread texture also come from kneading and from microbial
enzymes which break down flour proteins (gluten)
Gluten is a protein forms when wheat flour is mixed with
water which gives dough its elasticity and texture or shape
Any small amount of ethanol that may be produced is
evaporated during the baking process.
Other microbes like coliform (gas forming), some
clostridium species, heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria
and wild yeast can be used to make bread.
Yeast and mixture can impart unique flavors depending on
the culture mixture and baking techniques used.
• E.g. the pungent flavor of rye bread comes from
starter cultures of lactic acid bacteria such as:
Lactobacillus plantarum
Leuconostoc mesenteroides.
Streptococcus thermophilus
• Sourdough bread gets its unique tang flavor from
Lactobacillus sanfrancisc.
• Generally, many other popular foodstuffs are the result
of microbial fermentation processes.
• These include injera, vinegar, soy sauce etc…
It is a process of modifying (altering) a genome of an
organism by transferring a foreign DNA from one
organism into another organism.
Genetic Engineering is the process of altering a DNA
Animal breeding
Is a process of choosing best organisms or organisms with
superior traits in breeding.
Animal’s with superior traits means organisms that:
Can lay more egg
Produce sufficient milk
Provide enough meat
Have high growth rate
Can resist diseases
Produce more wool etc
Example: Breeding is important to develop new and
improved strain of livestock.
The practical application of transgenic technology in
livestock production includes:
Enhancing the prolificacy
Increasing feed utilization
varieties of a species. OR
Inbreeding allows the continuity of (sustain) desirable
• But, prolonged inbreeding increases homozygosity and
this in turn leads to:
Reduced fertility
Reduced disease resistance and reduce productivity
• Cross-breeding is a type of breeding between unrelated
lines or varieties of the same species.
• The offspring are called hybrids vigour which usually
show phenotypically better than their parent.
• Hybride vigour is reduced when animals produced by
cross-breeding are mated together.
• Generally cross-breeding:
increase heterozygosity
Increase productivity and
Tissue culture
Is a technique in which a single cell, fragment of tissue, or
whole/ part of organ from either plants or animals is
transferred to an artificial environment (nutrient media) in
which they can continue to survive and function.
Plant tissue culture is widely used to produce clones of a
plant by micropropagation method.
E.g. palm tree, carrot, banana, orchids etc…
Advantage of tissue culture technology
In a small area, Sufficient food with desired quality can be
To rapid produce disease free plants and rapid many uniform
plants (monoculture)
To regenerate the whole plants from genetically modified
plant cell
Tissue culture
Health and wellbeing's
Genetically modified bacteria produces a range of
products, such as:
Enzyme for the food industry
Thermostable enzymes for washing powders
Human growth hormone for dwarfism
Bovine or porcine somatotrophin to increase milk
yield and muscle development in cattle
Insulin for diabetic
Tissue plasminogen activator for heart attack victim
Antibiotic Production
Are organic compounds derived from a microorganisms
produced synthetically, that destroys or limits the growth
of a living organisms.
Antibiotics is produced by both bacteria and fungi that
live in the soil but it is not their fermentation by product.
Actinomycetes is the filamentous bacteria that resemble
microscopic mold fungi which produce antibiotics.
Streptomycin is an antibiotic produced from
actinomycete streptomyces which is used to treat TB,
pneumonia, E.coli and other infections caused by certain
Penicillin is the best known antibiotics which is produced
by the mutant species of Penicillium (mold fungi).
The penicillin types are chemically altered or modified to
make them more effective and to tailor them for use with
different diseases.
Antibiotic mechanism of action
Inhibit bacterial cell wall (block murein) synthesis
Alter the function and permeability of the cell membrane
Inhibit protein synthesis
Inhibit nucleic acid synthesis
Bacteriostatic:- prevent bacteria from reproducing
Bacteriocidal:- kill bacteria
E.g Ampicillin, Methicillin, Oxacillin are examples of
Antibiotics do not damage human cells because:
Animal do not have cell wall
The cell structures involved in protein production are
Some vaccines are produced by microbial fermentation.
Example vaccine for Bordetella pertussis,Salmonella typhi,
Vibrio cholerae, Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Corynebacterium diphtheriae for the synthesis of their
toxins, for which toxoids for the DT vaccines are prepared
Primary metabolite is a kind of metabolite that is directly
involved in the normal growth, development & reproduction
Secondary metabolites is a derivative primary metabolites
E.g. Phenolic, steroids, antibiotics, pigments
A sensor is a converter that measures a physical quantity
& converts into a signal w/h can be read by an instrument
Bioelectronic, living microorganism (e.g their enzymes
and organelles) are linked with electrodes, and
biological reactions are converted into electrical signal
by biosensor.
A biosensor is an analytical device that detects an
analyte (e.g. proteins, toxin, vitamin, sugar, antibody,
enzymes, DNA, tissue…), that converts a biological
responses into an electrical currents or thermal signals.
Biosensors are developed to measure specific
components present in beer, to monitor pollutants and
to detect flavor compounds in food.
For me
Biosensors are devices or probes that employ a biological
element for measuring the concentration of desired
Biosensors is an analytical device which uses enzymes,
antibody, tissues that converts biological responses into
electrical, thermal or optical signals
Biosensor consists two components
1. Sensing element :may be enzymes, antibodies, DNA, tissue
or the whole cells
2. Transducer device: is a device that converts a signal in one
form energy to another form of energy
Biological elements viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa,
plant and animal
Methods of disposal
1. Landfills:
are usually large holes in the ground which used to dispose
non-hazardous solid wastes to prevent the damage of human
and environment health.
The modern landfills that contains many solid wastes that
can generate methane (used as a fuel source ) by anaerobic
microbes after a long time.
2. Composting:
Biodegradable organic wastes like vegetable peels, egg
shells, waste food, leaves, animal wastes etc can be
converted into manure by burying them in compost pit
In other word, fungi and actinomycetes bacteria are used to
break down the organic waste matter to produce CO2, water
and humus
Composite is not really fertilizer because it contains less
nitrogen content but composite adds nutrient to improve soil
It also reduces the volume of disposed wastes by other
3. Incineration:
Burning of solid organic wastes to convert into gaseous product.
Waste water (sewage) treatment
Wastewater can be defined as the flow of used water or
liquid wastes discharged from institutions, commercial
industries and homes and which is directed to treatment
Sewage is the term used to describe liquid wastes that
contain human or animal faecal matter.
The main aim of wastewater treatment is to remove any
hazardous (pollutant) substances and pathogens present
in the waste water
Then it can be discharged into water bodies or purified
further for drinking purpose.
Waste water treatment greatly reduces the water born
diseases like cholera
Advantage of biogas
Biogas is a fuel used to cook food and light limps
Slurry left from biogas production forms a manure
Biogas is much cheaper than Liquefied Petroleum
Gas for home use
Is an aerobic microbial driven process that converts solid
organic wastes into a stable and humus that used to improve
The basic biological reaction of the compositing process is
the oxidation of the mixed organic substrates with oxygen
to produce CO2, H2O and other organic by-products
The final product of composite can become the substrate
for the worldwide commercial production of the mushroom
Agaricus bisporus.
Recently, it becomes a good waste management technology
The primary aim of compositing operation is to obtain
desired quality product of compost in a limited time.
Application in industry
1. Enzymes can be made from readily available feed stocks
(e.g. corn-steep or molasses) by commercial fermentation.
The two most common microorganisms used to produce
enzymes are:
1. Fungi (e.g. Aspergillus)
2. Bacteria (e.g. Bacillus)
These microorganisms are selected because, they are non-
pathogenic and do not produce antibiotics.
If the enzymes are extracellular then the liquid feedstock is
filtered from the organisms to extract the enzyme.
If the enzymes are intracellular, the microorganism have to
They are crushed to extract the enzymes with water or other
Some commercial uses of enzymes are:
1. Proteases
Used in washing powder to remove protein and
carbohydrate containing food particles like egg, milk and
Used to remove hair from animal hides
Make yoghurt to be creamy and smooth
Used to make meat more tender
2. Lipases
Used in washing powder to remove stains that contain fatty
Used to enhance flavors and faster cheese making
3. Pectinases
Used to improve the process of fruit juice extraction
Used for clarification of juices to maximize the production of
4. Amylase
Used to hydrolyze starch to sugars prior fermentation or used to
produce glucose from starch
Amylases are used to enhance the softness and flexibility of
hide (in textile)
Are effective on removing starchy food deposits (in detergent)
1. Bacteria
Both Bacillus thuringiensis and Bacillus popilliae are the
two major bacteria used as biopesticides because they are
harmless to human
A. Bacillus thuringiensis is used on vegetables, field crop,
fruits, shade tree and ornamentals
B. Bacillus popilliae is used primarily against Japanese beetle
C. Pseudomonas fluorescens that contains the toxin producing
gene from Bacillus thuringiensis is used on maize to
suppress black cutworms.
2. Virus
The following three major virus groups that do not replicate
in warm-blooded animals are used.
Nuclear polyhedrosis virus (NPV)
Granulosis virus (GV)
Cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virus (CPV)
3. Fungi
Over 500 different fungi are associated with
The following four genera are used to kill insects
A. Beauveria bassiana is used for control of the
Colorado potato beetle
B. Metarhizium anisopliae is used for control of
froghopper in sugarcane plantation.
C. Both Verticillium lecanii and Entomophthora spp
used to control aphids in green house and field
The use of tumour-inducing (Ti) plasmid as a vector
Agrobacterium tumenfaciens uses tumour-inducing plasmid
to introduce glyphosate resistance gene into soyabean
Steps to transfer glyphosate resistance gene
First glyphosate resistance gene is inserted into the Ti plasmid
together with antibiotic resistance
Then the Ti plasmid is re-inserted into an Agrobacterium
Plant cells are exposed to this transgenic bacteria and cultured
on a plate containing antibiotics
The plant cells that grow are those that have taken up the
plasmid where as the plant that lack the new genes are killed
by antibiotics
Insect-resistant crops
Genetically modified plants are protected from damage by
insect pest.
1. Genetically modified Maize became resistance to the corn
borer (attack leaves and stalks as the whole).
2. Genetically engineered cotton became resistance to the boll
The most detrimental effects of growing insect-resistance
crops on the environments are:
The evolution of resistance by the insects
Damaging erect on the other species of insects
The transfer of the added gene to other plants species
However, less pesticide is used that reduce the risk of spray
carrying to and erecting non-target species of insects in other
Pest resistant crops
Pests are mainly insects that damage or destroy crop plants
Pest resistance crops are genetically modified and they are
toxic to certain insects.
Cotton, tobacco, corn and other crops have been engineered
to express genes encoding for insecticidal (endotoxin)
proteins from Bacillus thurigiensis (BT).
A plant that contains a gene from BT produces toxin and
show high resistance to caterpillars and insect attack
Transgenic Animals
Animals that have been modified to express recombinant
DNA technology are called transgenic animals.
Several proteins are produced using genetically engineered
bacteria but some recombinant proteins require eukaryotic
When the dividing egg cell reached at blastocyst stage, the
embryo was implanted into a surrogate mother ewe i.e in
vivo cloning
Dolly was born after seven months.
Finn-Dorset ewe was nuclear donor whereas Scottish
Blackface was cytoplasmic donor and surrogate sheep
uterus donor.
Q1. Which sheep is the genetic mother of Dolly?
Gene therapy is treating genetic disease by inserting normal
genes to replace defective ones.
Gene therapy is designed to introduce genetic material into
cells to compensate for abnormal genes
Q2. what is in vivo and ex-vivo gene therapy mean?
Biological warfare (BW)
Biological warfare and germ warfare is the use of biological
toxins (poison) or infectious agents that can be used to kill or
incapacitate humans, animals or plants as an act of war by a
Biological agents (or bio-weapons) are living organisms such as
bacteria, virus and fungi that reproduce or replicate within their
host to cause harm and injure.
Bioterrorism is the intentional use of microbes or toxins as a
weapon to cause disease or death for thousands of people.
It can even cause a long term threat to the population and they
could spread rapidly around the world too.
Biological weapons disseminate diseases-causing organisms or
toxins to harm or kill humans, animals or plants
They can be deadly and contagious.
the international community banned the use of BW.