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6833bdc1a47f20f48a21e9328e4f9f3b_20231222_124650 3
6833bdc1a47f20f48a21e9328e4f9f3b_20231222_124650 3
You have used a quote as evidence of You need to select a quote as evidence
your ideas. of your ideas.
You have explained your interpretation You need to explain your interpretation
using the word “because.” of the quote using the word “because.”
You have focused your explanation on You need to focus your explanation on
key words. key words.
You have explained what impact the You need to explain what impact the
quote might have on the reader. quote might have on the reader.
You have explained how the poem links You need to explain how the poem links
to the context or poet’s ideas. to the context or poet’s ideas.