The term is derived from the Greek word ethos which mean
custom, habit, character or disposition.
A modern theist might say that, since God is good, God could not possibly approve
of torturing children nor disapprove of helping neighbors. In saying this, however, the
theist would have tacitly admitted that there is a standard of goodness that is
independent of God. Without an independent standard, it would be pointless to say that
God is good; this could mean only that God is approved of by God.
It seems therefore that, even for those who believe in the existence of God, it is
impossible to give a satisfactory account of the origin of morality in terms of divine
creation. A different account is needed.
There are other possible connections between religion and morality. It has been
said that, even if standards of good and evil exist independently of God or the gods,
divine revelation is the only reliable means of finding out what these standards are. An
obvious problem with this view is that, those who receive divine revelations, or who
consider themselves qualified to interpret them, do not always agree on what is good
and what is evil.
Without an accepted criterion for the authenticity of a revelation or an
interpretation, people are no better off, so far as reaching moral agreement is
concerned, if they were to decide on good and evil themselves, with no assistance from
Religion as the Source
- a person who doesn’t believe or lacks belief in the existence of
God or gods.
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