Csc121 - Topic 1 Introduction to Computer Systems
Csc121 - Topic 1 Introduction to Computer Systems
Csc121 - Topic 1 Introduction to Computer Systems
Introduction to Computer
Computer Definition
Input/Output devices
Computer Definition
Computer Definition
Computers are categorized into several types:
• A personal computer can perform all its input, processing, output, and
storage activities by itself.
• Characteristics:
1. Smallest size
2. Designed for personal use
3. Easy to use
4. Limited number of software can be used
• Ex:- laptop, desktop computer
• A mainframe is a large, expensive, powerful computer that can
handle hundreds or thousands of connected users simultaneously
• Characteristics:
1. Expensive
2. High storage capacity and great performance
3. Can process huge amount of data very quickly
4. Run smoothly for a long time and has a long life
• Ex:- computer use for big organization like banking and telecom sector
0th Generation
Period Technology Inventor/invention
1642 - Mechanical Era Blaise Pascal (1623-1662)
1940 was the son of a tax collector and a mathematical genius. He designed the
first mechanical calculator (Pascaline) based on gears. It performed “+”
and “-”.
Gottfried von Leibnitz (1646-1716)
was a German mathematician and built the first calculator to do “*” and “/”
(Stepped Reckoner). It was not reliable due to accuracy of contemporary
Charles Babbage (1792-1872)
“Analytical Engine”
Had 4 components – the store (memory), the mill (computation unit), the
input section (punched card reader), the output section (punched & printed
John V.Atanasoff and Clifford Berry
ABC (Atanasoff-Berry Computer)
First totally electronic digital computer
Blaise Pascal Gottfried von Leibnitz
1st Generation
Period Technology Inventor/invention Main Features Types of
1940 - Vacuum tube • ENIAC (Electronic • Vacuum tube • ENIAC
1955 • Use vacuum tubes for Numerical Integrator technology • EDVAC
circuitry & magnetic and • Unreliable • IAS
drums for memory Computer) • Supported machine • UNIVAC
• Vacuum tubes • John W.Mauchly and J. language only • IBM-701
• Size is bulky/very large Presper Eckert • Very costly • IBM-650
• Made from glass • First programmable, • Generated lot of heat
• Fragile all-electronic digital and • Slow input and output
• Short-lived (heat- general purpose devices
burned out) computer • Huge size
• Use a great deal of • EDVAC, IAS and • Need of A.C.
electricity–very UNIVAC I (first (Alternating current)
expensive commercially • Non-portable
• Computers relied on machine available computer) • Consumed lot of
language & could only solve electricity
one problem at a time
• Input: punched cards & paper
• Output: displayed on
2nd Generation
Period Technology Inventor/invention Main Features Types of computer
1955- Transistor • Made of specially treated • Use of transistors • IBM 1620
1965 silicon which • Reliable in comparison to first • IBM 7094
controlled the flow of generation computers • CDC 6600
electric current • Smaller size as compared to first • CDC 3600
• Generated less heat & generation computers • UNIVAC 1108
wouldn’t burn out • Generated less heat as
• Allow computers to become compared to first generation
smaller, faster, computers
cheaper, & more energy- • Consumed less electricity as
efficient than before compared to first generation
∴ more reliable than computers
vacuum tubes • Faster than first generation
• Use assembly languages - computers
allow • Still very costly
programmers to specify • A.C. needed
instructions • Supported machine and
in words assembly languages
IBM 7094 CDC 6600
3rd Generation
Period Technology Inventor/invention Main Features Types of computer
1965 - Integrated • The computers of third generation • More reliable in • IBM-360 series
1980 Circuit based used comparison to • Honeywell-6000
integrated circuits (IC's) in place previous two series
of transistors. A single IC has many generations • PDP(Personal
transistors, • Smaller size Data Processor)
resistors and capacitors along with • Generated less • IBM-370/168
the associated circuitry. The IC was heat • TDC-316
invented by • Faster
Jack Kilby. This development made • Lesser
computers smaller in size, reliable maintenance
and efficient. In • Still costly
this generation remote processing, • A.C needed
time-sharing, multi-programming • Consumed lesser
operating electricity
system were used. High-level • Supported high-
languages (FORTRAN-II TO IV, level language
BASIC, ALGOL-68 etc.) were used
during this generation.
4th Generation
Period Technology Inventor/invention Main Features Types of computer
1980 - Very Large Scale • Microprocessors *(VLSI) • VLSI technology • DEC 10
Present Integration (VLSI) • Thousands of ICs built onto a used • STAR 1000
microprocessor single chip • Very cheap • PDP 11
based • Could be mass produced • Portable and reliable • CRAY-1(Super
- thousands of (PCs) • Use of PC's Computer)
transistors were • Computers become even smaller & • Very small size • CRAY-X-MP(Super
integrated into one more powerful • Pipeline processing Computer)
single chip • GUIs, mouse, handheld devices • No A.C. needed
• Open architecture • Concept of internet
• The hardware design was was introduced
made available to anyone • Great developments
• Anyone could write software in the fields of
or build hardware networks
• Computers became
easily available
5th Generation
Period Technology Inventor/invention Main Features Types of computer
Present - Ultra Large 1) Artificial Intelligence • (ULSI) technology • Desktop
Beyond Scale • Goal: to develop devices that • Development of true • Laptop
Integration respond to natural language artificial intelligence • NoteBook
(ULSI) input & are capable of learning & • Development of Natural • UltraBook
Technology self-organize language processing • ChromeBook
- integrating or • Robotics • Advancement in Parallel
embedding • Nano-technology Processing
millions of • Anything smaller than • Advancement in
transistors on Microtechnology Superconductor
a single silicon technology
semiconductor 2) Age of Connectivity • More user friendly
microchip • Release of WWW standards in interfaces with
1991 ∴possible to connect multimedia features
computers all over the world • Availability of very
• Shift towards technology powerful and compact
that focuses on mobility computers at cheaper
(wireless revolution) rates
Basic Components of the Von
Neumann Architecture
Von Neumann Architecture
A genius who spoke many languages, was an expert in the physical sciences &
mathematics, & had a total recall of everything he ever heard, saw, or read
Data & instructions are both stored in the main memory while being
Basic components of Von Neumann
A central processing unit (CPU); it contains the control unit
(CU), arithmetic/logic unit (ALU) and Interface unit
Basic components of Von Neumann
Memory: Short-term storage for CPU calculations, holds both
instructions and data of a computer program
Input devices: keyboard, mouse, scanner, punch cards
Output devices: monitor, printer, fax machine
Storage: hard drive, optical media, diskettes, magnetic tape
Bus: a bundle of wires that carry signals and power between different
Basic components of Von Neumann
• In the von Neumann architecture, a small set of circuits can be
driven to perform very different tasks, depending on the
software program, which is executed.
Electronic Data and Instructions
• Data can be analog or digital.
ADC Converts Analogue
Data To Signal
Electronic Data and Instructions
• Digital data have discrete states and take discrete values.
• Example, data are stored in computer memory in the form of 0s and 1s. They can be
converted to a digital signal or modulated into an analog signal for transmission across
a medium.
DAC Converts digital data to
Electronic Data and Instructions
• Digital electronic signals
• in one of two states: on(1) or off(0)
• Recognized by computers
• Analog signals
• Continuous signals vary in strength and quality
• Created by voices
Numeric Representation
• Two-state binary system consists
of only two digits called bits
• On = 1; negative charge
• Off = 0; no charge
Numeric Representation
• Binary code forms the basis for all
digital information processing and
data transfers.
• Byte = 8 bits grouped together as a
unit. A byte represents a single
character in the computer
• Hexadecimal system
• Uses 16 digits to represent binary
(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F)
Character Encoding
• Character encoding standards – a unique sequence of the binary representation of a particular letter,
number, or special character.
• It is used to facilitate communication among computers by using a common language code.
• Types of Character Encoding:
• American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII)
• the most widely used coding scheme to represent data
• Used by personal computers
• Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code (EBCDIC)
• Used by mainframe computers
• New encoding due to explosion of the Internet
• Uses 16 bits
• Recognized by virtually all computer systems 37
Character Encoding
• American Standard Code for Information
Interchange (ASCII)
• the most widely used coding scheme to
represent data
• Used by personal computers
• ASCII is a 7-bit character set containing 128
• It contains the numbers from 0-9, the upper
and lower case English letters from A to Z, and
some special characters.
• The character sets used in modern computers,
in HTML, and on the Internet, are all based on
Character Encoding
• Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange
Code (EBCDIC) (pronounced “ebb see dick”)
• is an 8-bit characters, allows 256 (2 to the
power of 8) possible bit combinations.
• mainly used on IBM
mainframe and IBM midrange
computer operating systems.
• It descended from the code used
with punched cards and the corresponding 6-
bit binary-coded decimal code used with most
of IBM's computer peripherals of the late
1950s and early 1960s.
• It is supported by various non-IBM platforms
Character Encoding
• Unicode
• New encoding due to explosion
of the Internet
• is an information
technology standard for the
consistent encoding,
representation, and handling
of text expressed in most of the
world's writing systems.
• Uses 16 bits
• Recognized by virtually all
computer systems
System Unit: System board,
Microprocessor, RAM & ROM
System Unit
System Chassis
• Container that houses most of the electronic
components that make up a computer system
System Unit
• Part of computer that houses the primary
devices that perform operation and result for
complex calculations.
• Contains system’s electronic components and
selected secondary storage devices
System Unit Types
• Desktops
• System unit is in a separate case
• Parts: computer case, monitor, keyboard, mouse and power
• Computer case is the metal and plastic box that contains
main components – cpu, motherboard and power supply
• Desktop case – lies flat on desk, monitor sits on top of it
• Tower Units – tall, sits next to monitor
• All-in-Ones - All components including internal components built
into the monitor
• Laptops
• Portable and much smaller
• Ultrabooks – laptop and tablet in one
• Gaming – high-end graphics
System Unit Types
• Tablets
• Mini tablet
• Smartphone
• Most popular device – handheld computer
• Extend the capabilities of cell phones
• Wearables
• Contain embedded computers
Although all devices come in many
shapes and sizes they have
similarities such as :
• System boards
• Microprocessors
• Memory
System Board
• System board or main board or
motherboard controls communication for
the entire computer system
• All components and devices connect to the
system board
• Data path and traffic monitor
• Allows various components to
communicate efficiently with one another
Sockets and Chips
Slots and Bus Lines
Additional system board components:
• Slots
• Provide a connection point for specialized cards or circuit boards
• Provide expansion capabilities for the computer
• Bus lines
• Connecting lines that provide pathways to support communication among electronic
• Central Processing Unit (CPU) or Processor
• Contained on a single chip called a Microprocessor
• Brains of the computer
Relationship between
Memory, Processor, Storage, Input, and
Output Devices
When a user starts a program, its instruction
is transferred from a storage device to
Data needed by programs enters memory
from either an input device or a storage
The control unit interprets and executes
instructions in memory, and the ALU
performs calculations on the data in
Resulting information is stored in memory,
from which it can be sent to an output
device or a storage device for future access,
as needed.
Processor Machine Cycle
For every instruction, a processor repeats a set of four basic operations,
which comprise a machine cycle.
Microprocessor Chips
• Chip capacities are expressed in word size
• Word is the number of bits that can be processed at one time: 16, 32 or
• Clock Speed
• Processing speed or the number of times the CPU fetches and processes
data or instructions in a second
• Also called clock rate.
• It is measured in gigahertz(GHz),
or billions of beats per second.
• The faster the clock speed,
the faster the computer can
process information and execute
instructions 52
Multicore Chips
• Multicore Processors
• Two or more separate and independent CPUs within a system unit
• Quad-core supports 4 core processes
• Parallel Processing
• Computer’s ability to divide tasks into parts that can be distributed
across each core
• Windows 8 and Mac OS X support parallel processing
• Holding area for data, instructions, and information
• Contained on chips connected to the system board
• Stores three basic categories of items:
Random Access Memory (RAM)
• Random Access Memory (RAM) chips hold programs and data that
the CPU is presently processing
• Volatile or temporary – contents are lost when the computer is
powered off
Random Access Memory (RAM)
Random Access Memory (RAM)
• Virtual Memory
• a memory management capability that uses hardware and software to allow a
computer to compensate for physical memory shortages by temporarily transferring
data from Random Access Memory (RAM) to disk storage.
Random Access Memory (RAM)
• Each location in memory has an address
• Memory is expressed in bytes - memory size is measured in kilobytes (KB
or K), megabytes (MB), gigabytes (GB), or terabytes (TB)
Read-only Memory(ROM)
Flash Memory
• Flash memory combines of the
features of:
• RAM, it can be updated
• ROM, it is non-volatile
• Contains startup information(BIOS -
basic input/output system)
• Amount of RAM
• Type of keyboard, mouse, and secondary
storage devices connected.
• Can be electrically erased and
Input / Output devices
Input Output Devices
Data that gets into the computer is called
Input and information comes out in the form
of output
Pointing Devices
Provide an intuitive interface by accepting pointing
gestures and converting them into machine-
readable input. Examples of devices are:
• Mouse
• Touch Screen – smartphone & computers screen
• Stylus / Tablet - Uses handwriting recognition
Gaming Controllers
Scanning Devices
Scanners convert scanned data into a form the system unit can
• Optical scanners
• Flatbed scanners
• Document scanners
• Portable scanners
• 3D scanners
Readers Device
Character and Mark Recognition Readers
Image Capturing Devices
Audio-Input Devices
• Voice recognition systems
• Use a microphone, sound card, and special software
• Users can operate computers and create documents using voice commands
• Included in many smart phones
• Siri in iPhones
• Cortana in Windows phones
• Google Now in Google phones
Biometrics Authenticates
• A biometric device authenticates a person’s identity by translating a
personal characteristic into a digital code that is compared with a digital
code in a computer or mobile device verifying a physical or behavioral
• Biometrics scanner can scan a person's fingerprint, voice, face, hand, iris, and
Output Devices
• Hardware component that conveys information to one or more
• Display processed data or information
• Examples:
• Monitors
• Interactive whiteboard
• Data projector
• Printers
Known as screens or display screens and present visual images of text
and graphics
• Output referred to as soft copy
• Features
• Clarity
• Resolution/pixels
• Dot pitch
• Contrast ratios
• Size
• Aspect ratio
• Example : Flat–panel monitors and curve monitor
Smart Television
• Is an internet-enabled HDTV form which enable
you to connect to the Internet and/or watch
television shows.
Interactive Whiteboard & Data
Interactive whiteboard
• An interactive whiteboard is a touch-
sensitive device, resembling a dry-erase
board, that displays the image on a
connected computer screen
Data Projector
• A data projector is a device that
projects the text and images displayed
on a computer or mobile device screen
on a larger screen so that an audience
can see the image clearly 77
• Translates information that has been processed by the
system unit
• A printer produces text and graphics on a physical
• Output referred to as hard copy
• Features
• Resolution
• Color
• Speed
• Memory
• Duplex printing
This topic explains
• The definition of computers
• The overview and history of computer generations from 0th Generation
to 5th Generation(present).
• The basic components of the Von Neumann Architecture.
• Electronic data and instructions in computers.
• The system unit in computers; the system board, microprocessor, RAM,
and ROM.
• The input and output devices of computer hardware.