Module 1 Paragraph by Persuasion
Module 1 Paragraph by Persuasion
Module 1 Paragraph by Persuasion
What is a Persuasion
• This pattern organizes
ideas to show how a set of
evidence leads to a logical
conclusion or argument.
• Presents the issue, the
position, and the
supporting evidence that
supports the position
Signal Words to Use
Signal Words for Emphasizing a Point
Again In that To Truly
case emphasize
For indeed To repeat With this in
this mind
In fact
Signal Words to Use
Signal Words for Concluding and Summarizing
accordingly consequ In brief inevitably In a
ently nutshell
All in all Due to In On the therefore
conclusio whole
As a result finally In short since thus
As I have In any In In To sum up
said event summary essence
Signal Words to Use
Signal Words for Conceding a Point
Admittedly It is true obviously True
Assuredly Needless to Of course undoubtedly
Certainly No doubt To be sure unquestionably
Read the sample paragraph.
Euthanasia or mercy killing has
been a widely debated issue. It is an
act to end a person’s life to alleviate
the suffering brought about by a
terminal or grave illness. While it may
be supported by some, mercy killing
is not only an unethical medical
practice, but also a crime. After all, on
the most basic level, euthanasia still
takes a life. In fact, majority of the
Read the sample paragraph.
have legalized it, consider it as
homicide. Aside from being a crime,
euthanasia is unethical in the medical
context because it violates the
principle of “primum non nocore”
which means “first, do no harm.” In
their code of ethics, doctors have the
responsibility of saving lives, not
destroying them, which is why
euthanasia can never be acceptable.
1.What is the issue presented
in the paragraph?
2. What is the position of the
writer about the issue
3. What are the supporting
evidence used by the writer to
support his/her stand about
Writing Activity:
1. Choose an issue
(classroom-based, school-
based, community-based or
even family-based issues).
Explain what the issue is
about in the present
Writing Activity:
3. Gather supporting
(1 or 2) to support your
stand about the issue.
4. Write a 8-sentence
persuasive paragraph on this
1. Study for the
summative test next
Topic: 9 Patterns of
Hello! I’m...
Here is where you introduce yourself.
04 05 06
After that we will talk We will also talk about And we will talk about
about this. this. this last.
Did you know?
Did you know that elephants can sense storms?
You can add a little bit more information. But try to not
overload your slides with text.
Koalas are
even more
lazy than
Koalas don’t have much energy and, when not feasting on leaves, they
spend their time dozing in the branches. Believe it or not, they can sleep
for up to 18 hours a day!
Clearly, animals know
more than we think,
and think a great deal
more than we know.
― Irene M. Pepperberg
Did you know?
Did you know that dogs can Did you know that a cat uses its
smell your feelings? whiskers as feelers to determine
if a space is too small to squeeze
Dogs can pick up on subtle through?
changes in your scent, which can
help him figure out how you are Also, cats love to sleep. A fifteen-
feeling, such as by smelling your year-old cat has probably spent
perspiration when you become ten years of its life sleeping.
nervous or fearful.
Cats love to
A fifteen-year-old cat has probably
spent ten years of its life sleeping.
2015 2022
1999 2005 2019
Lorem ipsum
Lorem ipsum
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, Lorem ipsum
dolor sit amet, consectetuer
dolor sit amet, dolor sit amet, adipiscing elit.
consectetuer adipiscing elit.
consectetuer consectetuer
adipiscing elit.
adipiscing elit. adipiscing elit.
Presenting a
website or an
If you are presenting a website, an
internet product or an app, you can place
a screenshot of it here.
Presenting a
website or an
If you are presenting a website, an
internet product or an app, you can place
a screenshot of it here.
Thank you!
Do you have any questions?
Certificate of
Anna Smith.
You have successfully
This course.
Date Signature
Today is Monday March 13th.
Quote of the Day Check List
Do the best you can until you know Something here.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit
better. Then when you know better,
amet, consectetuer do better. Something else here
adipiscing elit.
― Maya Angelou
And a third thing
Aenean commodo ligula
eget dolor. here.
Duplicate the check
Lorem ipsum dolor sit
amet, consectetuer
Would you rather… mark.
And the check
adipiscing elit.
Aenean commodo ligula boxes.
eget dolor. Aenean
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