Overview of Top up and Discount Codes
Overview of Top up and Discount Codes
Overview of Top up and Discount Codes
Discount Codes
Need for Top Up and Discount Code
Need for Top Up and Discount Codes:
Customization of Rate Plans
Avoiding New Rate Plan Creation Lifecycle
Limiting number of plans for CAF Entry team
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For any deviation from the Standard Rates of Basic Plan if
required, BDM needs to apply the below codes:
Top up codes
Discount Codes
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Details of Codes
Top Up Code
Top up Code is applied when a customer requires leg- wise discount (Local ,SLD ,NLD and
ILD) on the Call Rates for better commercials and to arrive at proposed rate
For example-If a Customer XYZ ltd. has been offered a PRI with call rate of Re1 per min for
Local ,SLD and NLD Legs ,but the customer wants to have better rates for Local
Landline ,then business can apply Local Landline Top up Code to apply the better rates on
the Local leg itself without any deviation in other legs rates
Discount Code
Discount code is applied when a customer requires better commercials and which will
enable an overall impact on rates of basic current plan and to arrive at the proposed rates
offered to the customer.
For example –If Customer XYZ ltd .has been offered a PRI with certain call rate for
Local ,SLD ,NLD and ILD but the customer wants to have better commercials
overall ,business uses a flat discount code on Product PRI applied on Gross usage which
will help them to meet the customer expected rates without much deviation in current plan
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Top up Codes
Types of Top up Codes:
Local Top Up Code
Local Top Up code is to be applied when the customer request for better
commercials on Local calls.
SLD Top Up Code
SLD Top Up code is to be applied when the customer request for better
commercials on SLD calls.
NLD Top up Code
NLD Top Up code is to be applied when the customer request for better
commercials on NLD calls.
ILD Top up Code
The NLD Top Up code is to be applied when the customer request for better
commercials on NLD calls.
*Note- Above Top up Code needs to be applied only on particular leg if we need to provide any
deviation from Standard rates of the given plan.
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Discount Codes
BAN Level
BAN Level discount is applied to a particular BAN. Discount will be effective
to all the products and services in the respective BAN. Eg. Billing discount on
overall account of Wipro
Product Level
Product level discount is applied on the particular Product. Eg. Discount on
Centrex product offered to Wipro
Service Level
Service Level discount is applied then the discount will be effective on the
particular service (Subscriber ID) of the BAN. Eg. Discount on 1 Subs ID of
Centrex offered to Wipro
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Discount Codes
Types of Discount Codes:
Flat discount code is applied when a fixed discount is given on the total usage of
the customer . Eg. If we provide 10% flat discount the customer will only get 10%
discount irrespective of variations in the Total usage .
Tiered discount is applied when slab-wise discount is given based on the total
level of usage of the customer. Eg. 10% discount on Gross Usage of Customer if
usage is <=90,000 Mins pm or 15% discount on Gross Usage of Customer if the
usage is >90,000 Mins pm .So if the customer has usage of 1 lac min the 90,000
min will be get the discount of 10% and 10,000 min will be entitled to a discount of
Tapered discount is applied when the actual usage falling under a pre-determined
Slab shall be discounted with the discount rate. Eg.-5% discount on usage of
<=20,000 Mins pm ,10% discount on usage >=20,000 min to <=30,000 Min pm
20% discount on usage >=30,000 min .So if the customer has gross usage of
50000 Min , customer will get 20% discount on Total usage.
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Discount Code
Net Usage
The Net usage is the gross usage excluding the free minutes
Rental is the Plan rent which the customer pay
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Flat Discount Functionality
Y- Available
N- Not Available
Service Level Discount Product Level Discount -Multiple Services
Sr No. within the same Product BAN Level Discount-Cross Product Discount
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Tiered Discount Functionality
Y- Available
N- Not Available
Category Service Level Discount Product Level Discount -Multiple Services
Sr No. within the same Product BAN Level Discount-Cross Product Discount
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Top Up code:
Customer XYZ Ltd. has asked for following rates:
Local-0.50p / min
SLD -0.60p / min
NLD -0.90p /min
But the current plan which BDM has the below configuration:
Local-0.50p / min
SLD -0.60p / min
NLD - Re 1 / min
In this case the following steps need to be taken:
• The BDM needs to check and apply the NLD Top up code which has the
configuration of 0.90p / min
• The application of Top up code will over-ride the current rates of Re1 in current
plan and the customer will get the proposed rates required without any change in
the basic plan
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Discount Code:
Customer XYZ Ltd. has asked for following rates on E1 DID:
Local-0.45p / min
SLD -0.54p / min
NLD -0.81p /min
ILD -Overall 10% Discount on commercials proposed on all international calls.
But the current plan which BDM has the below configuration:
Local-0.50p / min
SLD -0.60p / min
NLD -0.90p /min
ILD codes –Standard rates
In this case the following steps need to be taken
• The BDM needs to check and apply the Discount code which has the
configuration to arrive at the proposed commercials
• In this case a 10% Flat Discount on Product level on Gross usage is to be applied
• The application of the discount code will help to meet the proposed commercials
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Thank You