Muhamad Zaki Zafri Bin Zainal - Patrick Paul Raj A/L Philip

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Siew-Yue Killingley was born in 1940 in Kuala Lumpur, in a Cantonesespeaking family, and moved to England in 1968.

Her work as a teacher began in 1961, when she taught in schools while still a student at the University of Malaya.
After graduating she taught English language, literature, phonetics, and linguistics at the University of Malaya.

Siew Yue Killingley in Everythings Arranged, tell about a Ceylonese girl named Rukumani that having secret affair with a Ceylonese boy named Devanayagam while studying at University. Both of them love each other deeply. As they went for longs term vacation, their secret affair discovered by their parents. The story tell about how these young couple, especially Rukumani have struggle and suffer because of their family members, relatives and their community as they try to get together in life. Her marriages were arranged against her own wish.

DEFINITION Focusing on it particularly as it concerns questioning the ways Western cultural tradition expressed in literature defines itself partly by stifling the voices of oppressed groups or even by demonizing those groups. Focus on how literary tradition has constructed models of identity for oppressed groups, how these groups have constructed oppositional literary identities, and how different communities of readers might interpret the same text differently due to varied value systems.

DEFINITION Study and advocate the rights of women. concerned with "...the ways in which literature (and other cultural productions) reinforce or undermine the economic, political, social, and psychological oppression of women" (Tyson). This school of theory looks at how aspects of our culture are inherently patriarchal (male dominated) and "...this critique strives to expose the explicit and implicit misogyny in male writing about women" (Richter 1346).

1st CRITERIA - Feminists possess a collective identity: they are women (and some man) who are struggling to discover who they are, how they arrived at their present situation, and where they are going. (Charles E. Bressler. 1994)

1st EVIDENCE: Marriage was such a spiritual thing, really, that if sex were brought into it, it would give her the wrong ideas, such as those of the Modern Girl (Siew Yue Killingley, 1965)

- If sex is mention infront of a girl, it can give the wrong idea about marriage to them.

2nd CRITERIA - Feminist believe is a male dominated world. - Feminist declare that it is man who defines what it means to be human, not woman. (Charles E. Bressler. 1994)

2nd EVIDENCE It was really the women who doing most of the talking, the men adding a grunt or two when their opinions were asked. (Siew Yue Killingley, 1965)

- Women is controlling the situation while men only hear and add something when the women asked them.

3rd CRITERIA - Feminist critics want to show humankind the errors of such a way of thinking. - Women, they declare, are people in their own right; they are not incomplete or inferior men. (Charles E. Bressler. 1994)

3rd EVIDENCE Young people nowadays have no shame. My mother would have sent me out of the house if I had entertained a boy friend as freely as that. (Siew Yue Killingley, 1965)
- Girls are not allowed to treat a boy freely.

4th CRITERIA - Women cannot be independence - Women cannot without support of a man 4th evidence= a Chinese women who had a veritable brood with her, and she was having an argument with the ticket inspector, who said that her children could not share one ticket.

An approach to literature that examines social groups, relationships, and values as they are manifested in literature. Emphasize the nature and effect of the social forces that shape power relationships between groups or classes of people.

Based on the social and economic theories of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Their belief includes : Value is based on labor. The working class will eventually overthrow the capitalist middle class. The middle class exploits the working class. Marxist critics apply these economic and social theories to literature by analyzing - Class conflict

1ST criteria: SOCIAL STATUS the status of a Ceylonese family in society.

Evidence = We have been Ceylonese Tamils for a long time. Do you think you can spoil our blood now?

2nd criteria : EDUCATION STATUS the status of a women with education and without it. Evidence = grooms family would demand more dowry if she did not become a B.A.

3rd criteria : STATUS OF BRANDED OUTFIT importance given to branded things which indirectly affects the working class Evidence = Junior Kashmir could be recognized as something inferior from as far away as twenty yards whereas Senior Kashmir got class

4TH criteria : STATUS OF A HOUSEWIFE under a control of mother in law and husband as a working class people.

Evidence = 1. Rukumanis mother in order to shift some blame from herself, sometimes tried to get her mother in law on her side
2. Mr.Sambanthan accused his wife of not teaching her daughter morals.


HAPPY LITERATURE HOURS... (-_-)(-_- )(-_-)(-_-)

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