This document discusses building an image classification model using Amazon SageMaker and deploying it via an API Gateway and Lambda function. Key steps include:
1. Developing a Python Lambda function to preprocess images from API requests and call a SageMaker endpoint for predictions.
2. Creating an IAM role for the Lambda function to access SageMaker.
3. Building and deploying the SageMaker model.
4. Configuring API Gateway to invoke the Lambda function via a REST API, with the Lambda function returning classification results.
This allows building and deploying a machine learning model on SageMaker and serving predictions through a serverless API for image classification.
20190521 AWS Black Belt Online Seminar Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES)Amazon Web Services Japan
This document summarizes an AWS webinar on Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES). It discusses how Amazon SES can be used to send emails using SMTP or APIs. It also covers topics like delivery optimization, reputation management, and monitoring email sending activity. Configuration options like dedicated IPs and suppression lists are presented as ways to improve deliverability.
This document provides an overview and agenda for an AWS webinar on AWS Glue. It introduces AWS Glue as a fully managed and serverless ETL service that can manage metadata for various data sources. The webinar will cover the background of AWS Glue, its key features including being serverless and enabling secure development in notebooks, use cases, pricing, and a conclusion. It also provides details on the components and functions of AWS Glue like the data catalog, orchestration, and serverless engines.
Amazon SageMaker is a fully managed service that enables developers and data scientists to build, train, and deploy machine learning (ML) models quickly. It provides algorithms, notebooks, APIs and scalable infrastructure for building ML models. Some key features of SageMaker include algorithms for common ML tasks, notebooks for developing models, APIs for training and deployment, and scalable infrastructure for training and hosting models. It also integrates with other AWS services like S3, EC2 and VPC.
AWS Black Belt Online Seminarの最新コンテンツ:
This document provides an overview of Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) on AWS. It discusses the different types of ELBs (Application Load Balancer, Network Load Balancer, Classic Load Balancer), their key features and how they can be used to build scalable and highly available systems by distributing traffic across multiple Availability Zones and targets like EC2 instances or ECS containers. It also covers topics like listener configurations, routing, health checks, access logs and integration with other AWS services.
This document discusses DNS and Amazon Route 53. It begins with an overview of DNS records like NS, A, AAAA, CNAME, PTR and MX records. It then covers DNS concepts such as the domain name system, domain name registration and resolution. The document also discusses how Route 53 can be used to configure DNS settings across public and private hosted zones for routing traffic to AWS resources.
This document provides an overview and agenda for an AWS webinar on AWS Glue. It introduces AWS Glue as a fully managed and serverless ETL service that can manage metadata for various data sources. The webinar will cover the background of AWS Glue, its key features including being serverless and enabling secure development in notebooks, use cases, pricing, and a conclusion. It also provides details on the components and functions of AWS Glue like the data catalog, orchestration, and serverless engines.
Amazon SageMaker is a fully managed service that enables developers and data scientists to build, train, and deploy machine learning (ML) models quickly. It provides algorithms, notebooks, APIs and scalable infrastructure for building ML models. Some key features of SageMaker include algorithms for common ML tasks, notebooks for developing models, APIs for training and deployment, and scalable infrastructure for training and hosting models. It also integrates with other AWS services like S3, EC2 and VPC.
AWS Black Belt Online Seminarの最新コンテンツ:
This document provides an overview of Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) on AWS. It discusses the different types of ELBs (Application Load Balancer, Network Load Balancer, Classic Load Balancer), their key features and how they can be used to build scalable and highly available systems by distributing traffic across multiple Availability Zones and targets like EC2 instances or ECS containers. It also covers topics like listener configurations, routing, health checks, access logs and integration with other AWS services.
This document discusses DNS and Amazon Route 53. It begins with an overview of DNS records like NS, A, AAAA, CNAME, PTR and MX records. It then covers DNS concepts such as the domain name system, domain name registration and resolution. The document also discusses how Route 53 can be used to configure DNS settings across public and private hosted zones for routing traffic to AWS resources.
AWS Loft Tokyo で毎月実施しているIoT@Loft#13です。第13回目のテーマは、「IoTスタートアップ vol.2」です。スタートアップ企業がどのようにIoTの製品やソリューションを構築しているか、技術的な課題や開発の取り組み方などについて、実際に開発を担当されている方や、それを支援する方にご紹介いただきます。AWSからは、IoTのビジネスを小さく始めて素早く大きく育てていくためのAWSの活用方法やプロトタイピングの実施方法についてご紹介いたします。
Microsoft Azure の Data & AI 関連サービスの2020年6月度のアップデート情報へのリンクを一覧にしました。
Azure の Apps & Infra 関連サービスについては、以下のURLに公開されています。
Azure の最新情報が必要な方のお役に立てば幸いです。
AWS Black Belt Online Seminarの最新コンテンツ:
AWS Black Belt Online Seminarの最新コンテンツ:
AWS Black Belt Online Seminarの最新コンテンツ:
AWS Japan YouTube 公式チャンネルでライブ配信された 2022年4月26日の AWS Developer Live Show 「Infrastructure as Code 談議 2022」 の資料となります。 当日の配信はこちら からご確認いただけます。
AWS Black Belt Online Seminarの最新コンテンツ:
202204 AWS Black Belt Online Seminar Amazon Connect Salesforce連携(第1回 CTI Adap...Amazon Web Services Japan
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AWS Black Belt Online Seminarの最新コンテンツ:
* AWS Black Belt Online Seminarの最新コンテンツ:
* 過去に開催されたオンラインセミナーのコンテンツ一覧:
企業間の連携においてもSaaS活用シフトが進む一方で、インターネット経由というイメージからセキュリティーに不安を感じて踏みとどまるユーザーは多くいます。こうした懸念を払しょくするAWS PrivateLinkを活用した企業間のプライベート接続や閉域網との構成例、SaaS事業者様からなるPrivateLinkパートナーコミュニティ形成の取り組みをご紹介します。
2021年12月9日に開催された「SaaS on AWS Day 2022」での講演内容です。
パッケージソフトウェアをお持ちのお客様が新たにSaaS版のアプリケーションを検討したいというニーズが増えています。一方で"SaaS版を作っても成功するかわからない"、"WEBアプリケーションを作る技術力や知見がない"といった不安からSaaS化における課題があることも事実です。本セッションでは、小さく早くSaaSビジネスを始めたいお客様に向けて、Amazon AppStream2.0を用いた既存アプリケーションのSaaS化手法をご紹介します。
2021年12月9日に開催された「SaaS on AWS Day 2021」での講演内容です。
AWS Black Belt Online Seminarの最新コンテンツ:
AWS Black Belt Online Seminarの最新コンテンツ:
AWS Black Belt Online Seminarの最新コンテンツ:
202201 AWS Black Belt Online Seminar Apache Spark Performnace Tuning for AWS ...Amazon Web Services Japan
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