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Teamwork in the WorkplaceTeamwork in the Workplace
 Group vs. Team ComparisonGroup vs. Team Comparison
 Stages of Team GrowthStages of Team Growth
 Characteristics of Effective TeamsCharacteristics of Effective Teams
 Teamwork in InterviewingTeamwork in Interviewing
Team DefinitionTeam Definition
 A team comprises a group of people linkedA team comprises a group of people linked
in a common a common purpose.
 Teams are especially appropriate:Teams are especially appropriate:
–– For highly complicated tasksFor highly complicated tasks
–– For tasks that build off of one anotherFor tasks that build off of one another
 ““None of us is as smart as all of us.None of us is as smart as all of us.””
Group vs. TeamGroup vs. Team
 A group in itself does not constitute a team!A group in itself does not constitute a team!
 Teams normally have members withTeams normally have members with
complementary skills.complementary skills.
 They meet their goals through:They meet their goals through:
–– Focusing on their strengths and weaknessesFocusing on their strengths and weaknesses
–– Improvement by using othersImprovement by using others’’ skillskill--setssets
Interdependent TeamsInterdependent Teams
 InterdependentInterdependent –– everyone needs to workeveryone needs to work
together to accomplish anything significanttogether to accomplish anything significant
 Team members specialize in different tasksTeam members specialize in different tasks
 Success of individual = success of teamSuccess of individual = success of team
 Examples: NBA, Corporation with severalExamples: NBA, Corporation with several
stores, musical groupsstores, musical groups
Independent TeamsIndependent Teams
 IndependentIndependent -- every person performsevery person performs
basically the same actionsbasically the same actions
 Whether one person wins or loses has noWhether one person wins or loses has no
direct effect on the performance of the nextdirect effect on the performance of the next
 Example: Golf, TennisExample: Golf, Tennis
 Tiger Woods, Michael Phelps, ClassTiger Woods, Michael Phelps, Class
project where everyone turns in separatelyproject where everyone turns in separately
Everyday Teamwork ExamplesEveryday Teamwork Examples
 Service/Hospitality IndustriesService/Hospitality Industries
 Firefighters/Police Officers/FBIFirefighters/Police Officers/FBI
 Medical FieldMedical Field
 ManufacturingManufacturing
 TeachersTeachers
 Marriage/RelationshipsMarriage/Relationships
Group vs. TeamGroup vs. Team
Members base their success on trustMembers base their success on trust
and encourage all members to expressand encourage all members to express
their opinions, varying views, andtheir opinions, varying views, and
Members are very cautious about whatMembers are very cautious about what
they say and are afraid to askthey say and are afraid to ask
Members collaborate together and useMembers collaborate together and use
their talent and experience to meettheir talent and experience to meet
Members are given tasks or told whatMembers are given tasks or told what
their duty is and suggestions are rarelytheir duty is and suggestions are rarely
Members feel a sense of ownershipMembers feel a sense of ownership
towards their role in the group becausetowards their role in the group because
they helped to create their goals.they helped to create their goals.
Members focus mostly on themselvesMembers focus mostly on themselves
because they are not involved in thebecause they are not involved in the
planning of their groupplanning of their group’’s objectivess objectives
and goals.and goals.
Members work interdependently andMembers work interdependently and
work towards both personal and teamwork towards both personal and team
Members work independently andMembers work independently and
often are not working towards sameoften are not working towards same
Members participate equally inMembers participate equally in
decisiondecision--making, but sometimesmaking, but sometimes
the leader must make a finalthe leader must make a final
Members may or may notMembers may or may not
participate in group decisionparticipate in group decision--
Conformity is valued more thanConformity is valued more than
positive results.positive results.
Everybody wants to resolveEverybody wants to resolve
problems constructively. They seeproblems constructively. They see
it as human nature to have differingit as human nature to have differing
Members are bothered by differingMembers are bothered by differing
opinions or disagreements becauseopinions or disagreements because
they consider it a threat.they consider it a threat.
Members are encouraged to offerMembers are encouraged to offer
their skills and knowledge totheir skills and knowledge to
contribute to success.contribute to success.
Members may have a lot toMembers may have a lot to
contribute but are held backcontribute but are held back
because of a closed relationshipbecause of a closed relationship
with each member.with each member.
Members make a conscious effortMembers make a conscious effort
to be honest, respectful, and listento be honest, respectful, and listen
to every personto every person’’s point of view.s point of view.
Members do not trust each otherMembers do not trust each other’’ss
motives because they do not fullymotives because they do not fully
understand the role each memberunderstand the role each member
plays in their group.plays in their group.
Stages of Team GrowthStages of Team Growth
1.1. FormingForming
2.2. StormingStorming
3.3. NormingNorming
4.4. PerformingPerforming
Stage 1: FormingStage 1: Forming
•• Members cautiously explore theMembers cautiously explore the
boundaries of acceptable group behavior.boundaries of acceptable group behavior.
•• They search for their position within theThey search for their position within the
group and test the leadergroup and test the leader’’s guidance.s guidance.
•• It is normal for little team progress to occurIt is normal for little team progress to occur
during this stage.during this stage.
Stage 2: StormingStage 2: Storming
•• Storming is probably the most difficultStorming is probably the most difficult
stage for the group.stage for the group.
•• Members often become impatient aboutMembers often become impatient about
the lack of progress, but are stillthe lack of progress, but are still
inexperienced with working as a team.inexperienced with working as a team.
•• Members may argue about actions to take.Members may argue about actions to take.
•• Much of their energy is focused on eachMuch of their energy is focused on each
Stage 3: NormingStage 3: Norming
•• During this stage, team members accept theDuring this stage, team members accept the
team and begin to reconcile and begin to reconcile differences.
•• Emotional conflict is reducedEmotional conflict is reduced -- relationshipsrelationships
become more cooperative.become more cooperative.
•• The team is able to concentrate more on theirThe team is able to concentrate more on their
•• They start to make significant progress.They start to make significant progress.
Stage 4: PerformingStage 4: Performing
•• Team members have discovered and acceptedTeam members have discovered and accepted
each othereach other’’s strengths and weaknesses, and haves strengths and weaknesses, and have
learned what their roles are.learned what their roles are.
•• Members are open and trusting.Members are open and trusting.
•• Many good ideas are produced because they areMany good ideas are produced because they are
not afraid to offer ideas and suggestions.not afraid to offer ideas and suggestions.
•• Much is accomplished and team satisfaction andMuch is accomplished and team satisfaction and
loyalty is high.loyalty is high.
Performing StagePerforming Stage
 Grade, Production, EfficiencyGrade, Production, Efficiency
 Trust, OpennessTrust, Openness
 New Ideas and ResultsNew Ideas and Results
 Many teams do not ever get to this point.Many teams do not ever get to this point.
Characteristics ofCharacteristics of
Effective TeamsEffective Teams
 Team must have a clear goal.Team must have a clear goal.
–– Avoid fuzzy statements.Avoid fuzzy statements.
 Team must have a resultsTeam must have a results--driven structure.driven structure.
–– Must be productive and able to set own goalsMust be productive and able to set own goals
 Team must have competent members.Team must have competent members.
–– Level of knowledgeLevel of knowledge
 Team must have unified commitment.Team must have unified commitment.
–– Must be directing efforts toward a common goalMust be directing efforts toward a common goal
Characteristics ofCharacteristics of
Effective Teams (cont.)Effective Teams (cont.)
 Team must have collaborative climate.Team must have collaborative climate.
–– Honest, open, consistent and respectful behavior.Honest, open, consistent and respectful behavior.
 Team must have high standardsTeam must have high standards
understood by all.understood by all.
–– Members must know what is expected of them individually andMembers must know what is expected of them individually and
 Team must receive external support andTeam must receive external support and
–– Praise works just as well motivating teams as it does individualPraise works just as well motivating teams as it does individuals.s.
 Team must have principled leadership.Team must have principled leadership.
–– Someone needs to lead the effort.Someone needs to lead the effort.
Interview Questions on TeamworkInterview Questions on Teamwork
 Give an example of a project you were a part of.Give an example of a project you were a part of.
What was your role?What was your role?
 Have you been a member of a team that struggledHave you been a member of a team that struggled
to reach its goal?to reach its goal?
 Tell me about a time you were frustrated with aTell me about a time you were frustrated with a
coco--worker or supervisor who wasnworker or supervisor who wasn’’t holding theirt holding their
 Tell me about a time you had to ask for help.Tell me about a time you had to ask for help.
Are YOU a team player?Are YOU a team player?
 Would you rather work alone or with aWould you rather work alone or with a
 Do people like working with you?Do people like working with you?
 Are you flexible in adjusting to newAre you flexible in adjusting to new
situations or new work demands?situations or new work demands?
 Are you willing to help out another teamAre you willing to help out another team
member if they are struggling?member if they are struggling?
Important ItemsImportant Items
 When you meet your goal:When you meet your goal:
 What is the next step?What is the next step?
 What is your next goal?What is your next goal?
 What could be improved?What could be improved?
 Look toward the future to continueLook toward the future to continue
There is noThere is no ““Perfect GroupPerfect Group””
 Even your leader will make mistakes andEven your leader will make mistakes and
you have to accept have to accept that.
 No one will agree with everyone.No one will agree with everyone.
 Failure happens.Failure happens.
 It only takes one successful idea to turnIt only takes one successful idea to turn
things around.things around.
New Ways of Using TeamsNew Ways of Using Teams
 Distance is less of a barrier because ofDistance is less of a barrier because of
 Different time zones can progress all dayDifferent time zones can progress all day
 Virtual teamsVirtual teams
 Teleconferences, web conferences,Teleconferences, web conferences,
flying to meetingsflying to meetings
YouYou’’ll be Surprised!ll be Surprised!
 You probably have a lot more in common withYou probably have a lot more in common with
everyone in this room than you think.everyone in this room than you think.
 You could share:You could share:
–– The same age (or age group)The same age (or age group)
–– Views on raising a familyViews on raising a family
–– Same communitySame community
–– Some of the same friends/classmatesSome of the same friends/classmates
–– Similar experiencesSimilar experiences
–– Similar GoalsSimilar Goals
–– Mothers/FathersMothers/Fathers
What Can YOU Bring?What Can YOU Bring?
 Get into groups. (3Get into groups. (3--5 people)5 people)
 Talk with each other about each of yourTalk with each other about each of your
 Choose a job/career/industry where yourChoose a job/career/industry where your
group would be successfulgroup would be successful
 We will go over your decisionsWe will go over your decisions
in 5 5 minutes.
Teamwork QuotesTeamwork Quotes
 ““Coming together is a beginning.Coming together is a beginning.
““Keeping together is progress.Keeping together is progress.
““Working together is success.Working together is success.””
 ““Wearing the same shirts doesnWearing the same shirts doesn’’t make you at make you a””
“Talent wins games but teamwork and intelligence
wins championships.” M. Jordan
Complete Team BuildingComplete Team Building

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Teamwork presentation

  • 1. Teamwork in the WorkplaceTeamwork in the Workplace
  • 2. ObjectivesObjectives  Group vs. Team ComparisonGroup vs. Team Comparison  Stages of Team GrowthStages of Team Growth  Characteristics of Effective TeamsCharacteristics of Effective Teams  Teamwork in InterviewingTeamwork in Interviewing
  • 3. Team DefinitionTeam Definition  A team comprises a group of people linkedA team comprises a group of people linked in a common a common purpose.  Teams are especially appropriate:Teams are especially appropriate: –– For highly complicated tasksFor highly complicated tasks –– For tasks that build off of one anotherFor tasks that build off of one another  ““None of us is as smart as all of us.None of us is as smart as all of us.””
  • 4. Group vs. TeamGroup vs. Team  A group in itself does not constitute a team!A group in itself does not constitute a team!  Teams normally have members withTeams normally have members with complementary skills.complementary skills.  They meet their goals through:They meet their goals through: –– Focusing on their strengths and weaknessesFocusing on their strengths and weaknesses –– Improvement by using othersImprovement by using others’’ skillskill--setssets
  • 5. Interdependent TeamsInterdependent Teams  InterdependentInterdependent –– everyone needs to workeveryone needs to work together to accomplish anything significanttogether to accomplish anything significant  Team members specialize in different tasksTeam members specialize in different tasks  Success of individual = success of teamSuccess of individual = success of team  Examples: NBA, Corporation with severalExamples: NBA, Corporation with several stores, musical groupsstores, musical groups
  • 6. Independent TeamsIndependent Teams  IndependentIndependent -- every person performsevery person performs basically the same actionsbasically the same actions  Whether one person wins or loses has noWhether one person wins or loses has no direct effect on the performance of the nextdirect effect on the performance of the next personperson  Example: Golf, TennisExample: Golf, Tennis  Tiger Woods, Michael Phelps, ClassTiger Woods, Michael Phelps, Class project where everyone turns in separatelyproject where everyone turns in separately
  • 7. Everyday Teamwork ExamplesEveryday Teamwork Examples  Service/Hospitality IndustriesService/Hospitality Industries  Firefighters/Police Officers/FBIFirefighters/Police Officers/FBI  Medical FieldMedical Field  ManufacturingManufacturing  TeachersTeachers  Marriage/RelationshipsMarriage/Relationships
  • 8. Group vs. TeamGroup vs. Team Members base their success on trustMembers base their success on trust and encourage all members to expressand encourage all members to express their opinions, varying views, andtheir opinions, varying views, and questions.questions. Members are very cautious about whatMembers are very cautious about what they say and are afraid to askthey say and are afraid to ask questions.questions. Members collaborate together and useMembers collaborate together and use their talent and experience to meettheir talent and experience to meet goals.goals. Members are given tasks or told whatMembers are given tasks or told what their duty is and suggestions are rarelytheir duty is and suggestions are rarely welcomed.welcomed. Members feel a sense of ownershipMembers feel a sense of ownership towards their role in the group becausetowards their role in the group because they helped to create their goals.they helped to create their goals. Members focus mostly on themselvesMembers focus mostly on themselves because they are not involved in thebecause they are not involved in the planning of their groupplanning of their group’’s objectivess objectives and goals.and goals. Members work interdependently andMembers work interdependently and work towards both personal and teamwork towards both personal and team goals.goals. Members work independently andMembers work independently and often are not working towards sameoften are not working towards same goal.goal. TeamsTeamsGroupsGroups
  • 9. Members participate equally inMembers participate equally in decisiondecision--making, but sometimesmaking, but sometimes the leader must make a finalthe leader must make a final decision.decision. Members may or may notMembers may or may not participate in group decisionparticipate in group decision-- making.making. Conformity is valued more thanConformity is valued more than positive results.positive results. Everybody wants to resolveEverybody wants to resolve problems constructively. They seeproblems constructively. They see it as human nature to have differingit as human nature to have differing views.views. Members are bothered by differingMembers are bothered by differing opinions or disagreements becauseopinions or disagreements because they consider it a threat.they consider it a threat. Members are encouraged to offerMembers are encouraged to offer their skills and knowledge totheir skills and knowledge to contribute to success.contribute to success. Members may have a lot toMembers may have a lot to contribute but are held backcontribute but are held back because of a closed relationshipbecause of a closed relationship with each member.with each member. Members make a conscious effortMembers make a conscious effort to be honest, respectful, and listento be honest, respectful, and listen to every personto every person’’s point of view.s point of view. Members do not trust each otherMembers do not trust each other’’ss motives because they do not fullymotives because they do not fully understand the role each memberunderstand the role each member plays in their group.plays in their group. TeamsTeamsGroupsGroups
  • 10. Stages of Team GrowthStages of Team Growth 1.1. FormingForming 2.2. StormingStorming 3.3. NormingNorming 4.4. PerformingPerforming
  • 11. Stage 1: FormingStage 1: Forming •• Members cautiously explore theMembers cautiously explore the boundaries of acceptable group behavior.boundaries of acceptable group behavior. •• They search for their position within theThey search for their position within the group and test the leadergroup and test the leader’’s guidance.s guidance. •• It is normal for little team progress to occurIt is normal for little team progress to occur during this stage.during this stage.
  • 12. Stage 2: StormingStage 2: Storming •• Storming is probably the most difficultStorming is probably the most difficult stage for the group.stage for the group. •• Members often become impatient aboutMembers often become impatient about the lack of progress, but are stillthe lack of progress, but are still inexperienced with working as a team.inexperienced with working as a team. •• Members may argue about actions to take.Members may argue about actions to take. •• Much of their energy is focused on eachMuch of their energy is focused on each other.other.
  • 13. Stage 3: NormingStage 3: Norming •• During this stage, team members accept theDuring this stage, team members accept the team and begin to reconcile and begin to reconcile differences. •• Emotional conflict is reducedEmotional conflict is reduced -- relationshipsrelationships become more cooperative.become more cooperative. •• The team is able to concentrate more on theirThe team is able to concentrate more on their •• They start to make significant progress.They start to make significant progress.
  • 14. Stage 4: PerformingStage 4: Performing •• Team members have discovered and acceptedTeam members have discovered and accepted each othereach other’’s strengths and weaknesses, and haves strengths and weaknesses, and have learned what their roles are.learned what their roles are. •• Members are open and trusting.Members are open and trusting. •• Many good ideas are produced because they areMany good ideas are produced because they are not afraid to offer ideas and suggestions.not afraid to offer ideas and suggestions. •• Much is accomplished and team satisfaction andMuch is accomplished and team satisfaction and loyalty is high.loyalty is high.
  • 15. Performing StagePerforming Stage AccomplishmentsAccomplishments  Grade, Production, EfficiencyGrade, Production, Efficiency  Trust, OpennessTrust, Openness  New Ideas and ResultsNew Ideas and Results  Many teams do not ever get to this point.Many teams do not ever get to this point.
  • 16. Characteristics ofCharacteristics of Effective TeamsEffective Teams  Team must have a clear goal.Team must have a clear goal. –– Avoid fuzzy statements.Avoid fuzzy statements.  Team must have a resultsTeam must have a results--driven structure.driven structure. –– Must be productive and able to set own goalsMust be productive and able to set own goals  Team must have competent members.Team must have competent members. –– Level of knowledgeLevel of knowledge  Team must have unified commitment.Team must have unified commitment. –– Must be directing efforts toward a common goalMust be directing efforts toward a common goal
  • 17. Characteristics ofCharacteristics of Effective Teams (cont.)Effective Teams (cont.)  Team must have collaborative climate.Team must have collaborative climate. –– Honest, open, consistent and respectful behavior.Honest, open, consistent and respectful behavior.  Team must have high standardsTeam must have high standards understood by all.understood by all. –– Members must know what is expected of them individually andMembers must know what is expected of them individually and collectively.collectively.  Team must receive external support andTeam must receive external support and encouragement.encouragement. –– Praise works just as well motivating teams as it does individualPraise works just as well motivating teams as it does individuals.s.  Team must have principled leadership.Team must have principled leadership. –– Someone needs to lead the effort.Someone needs to lead the effort.
  • 18. Interview Questions on TeamworkInterview Questions on Teamwork  Give an example of a project you were a part of.Give an example of a project you were a part of. What was your role?What was your role?  Have you been a member of a team that struggledHave you been a member of a team that struggled to reach its goal?to reach its goal?  Tell me about a time you were frustrated with aTell me about a time you were frustrated with a coco--worker or supervisor who wasnworker or supervisor who wasn’’t holding theirt holding their weight.weight.  Tell me about a time you had to ask for help.Tell me about a time you had to ask for help.
  • 19. Are YOU a team player?Are YOU a team player?  Would you rather work alone or with aWould you rather work alone or with a group?group?  Do people like working with you?Do people like working with you?  Are you flexible in adjusting to newAre you flexible in adjusting to new situations or new work demands?situations or new work demands?  Are you willing to help out another teamAre you willing to help out another team member if they are struggling?member if they are struggling?
  • 20. Important ItemsImportant Items  When you meet your goal:When you meet your goal:  What is the next step?What is the next step?  What is your next goal?What is your next goal?  What could be improved?What could be improved?  Look toward the future to continueLook toward the future to continue improvement.improvement.
  • 21. There is noThere is no ““Perfect GroupPerfect Group””  Even your leader will make mistakes andEven your leader will make mistakes and you have to accept have to accept that.  No one will agree with everyone.No one will agree with everyone.  Failure happens.Failure happens.  It only takes one successful idea to turnIt only takes one successful idea to turn things around.things around.
  • 22. New Ways of Using TeamsNew Ways of Using Teams  Distance is less of a barrier because ofDistance is less of a barrier because of  Different time zones can progress all dayDifferent time zones can progress all day long!long!  Virtual teamsVirtual teams  Teleconferences, web conferences,Teleconferences, web conferences, flying to meetingsflying to meetings
  • 23. YouYou’’ll be Surprised!ll be Surprised!  You probably have a lot more in common withYou probably have a lot more in common with everyone in this room than you think.everyone in this room than you think.  You could share:You could share: –– The same age (or age group)The same age (or age group) –– Views on raising a familyViews on raising a family –– Same communitySame community –– Some of the same friends/classmatesSome of the same friends/classmates –– Similar experiencesSimilar experiences –– Similar GoalsSimilar Goals –– Mothers/FathersMothers/Fathers
  • 24. What Can YOU Bring?What Can YOU Bring?  Get into groups. (3Get into groups. (3--5 people)5 people)  Talk with each other about each of yourTalk with each other about each of your strengths/weaknessesstrengths/weaknesses  Choose a job/career/industry where yourChoose a job/career/industry where your group would be successfulgroup would be successful  We will go over your decisionsWe will go over your decisions in 5 5 minutes.
  • 25. Teamwork QuotesTeamwork Quotes  ““Coming together is a beginning.Coming together is a beginning. ““Keeping together is progress.Keeping together is progress. ““Working together is success.Working together is success.””  ““Wearing the same shirts doesnWearing the same shirts doesn’’t make you at make you a”” “Talent wins games but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.” M. Jordan
  • 26. Complete Team BuildingComplete Team Building ExercisesExercises