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Annalisa Barbieri

Annalisa Barbieri is a Guardian Weekend columnist and the Observer's chocolate correspondent

March 2024

  • unsympathetic woman illustration

    Ask Annalisa Barbieri
    My sister-in-law has treated her family terribly. I avoid her but still feel bad about it

    It’s not up to you to fix this, but it might be worth asking her what’s going on

February 2024

  • Danieli Thick Italian Hot Chocolate To Enjoy At Home - Product Shot

    Notes on chocolate
    Notes on chocolate: in search of the best hot chocolate in London

  • Friendship Breakdown

    Ask Annalisa Barbieri
    My best friend and I disagreed over talking about sex – now she’s no longer speaking to me

  • Holdsworth Chocolates

    Notes on chocolate
    Notes on chocolate: a box your auntie might enjoy

  • Illustration of a mother and daughter sitting in a living room not speaking, while the light from a phone lights up the room

    Life, unplugged: a no-tech special
    ‘Not letting me on Snapchat was the best thing my mum ever did for me’: how to talk to your kids about social media

  • Ask Annalisa Barbieri
    How can I overcome the fear that my depression makes me a bad parent?

  • Notes on chocolate
    Notes on chocolate: Valentine’s treats for your sweetheart

  • Ask Annalisa Barbieri
    I live with a younger man who denies our sexual history

  • Notes on chocolate
    Notes on chocolate: tasty bars inside tasteful wrappers

  • Ask Annalisa Barbieri
    I’m longing to return to the place we used to live. But could this just be nostalgia?

January 2024

  • Firetree-Milk Collection-Lifestyle

    Notes on chocolate
    Notes on chocolate: a volcanic bar that erupts with flavour

  • man with white hair

    Ask Annalisa Barbieri
    My dad is getting old. Should I make an effort to improve our relationship?

  • TABLE Tanzania 001 sq

    Notes on chocolate
    Notes on chocolate: comfort is at hand for these cruel months

  • angry man woman woman-01

    Ask Annalisa Barbieri
    ‘I’m proud of my daughter but not her sloppy lifestyle: should I intervene?’

  • Notes on chocolate
    Notes on chocolate: sweet surprises on an outing to Canterbury

  • Ask Annalisa Barbieri
    I’m in an abusive marriage – how do I find the courage to leave?

  • Notes on chocolate
    Notes on chocolate: are these the most expensive chocs in the country?

  • Ask Annalisa Barbieri
    How do I stop my anxiety spilling over into my children’s playdates?

December 2023

  • Barre praliné Noisettes

    Notes on chocolate
    Notes on chocolate: perfect pralines in Paris

  • Alone2-01

    Ask Annalisa Barbieri
    I’m a widower, and I’ve lost all confidence – how do I move forward?

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