@anyataylorjoys / anyataylorjoys.tumblr.com

beck, 30s, genderfluid #userbeckett - about - gifs

anyways when hilary swank came out in that fucking backwards hat i laughed. i fucking laughed. imagine having a character design so immediately recognizable because shes the only character in an entire tv show that is constantly wearing a hat. as soon as she walked in i barked HAT in the chat like some kind of fucked up dog. character design of all time. perry the platypus level of character design.

I see a lot of people saying they think Melissa was always afraid of Shauna and sought out a relationship with her simply to be on her good side which I disagree with. I think there was a specific moment in which Melissa came to fear her after she realized Shauna doesn't give a fuck about her and I hope we get to see it.

imma say something controversial but found footage horror when done by people with a gigantic budget suck. found footage horror has and will always belong to amateur horror directors with their cheap camera, friends as their actors, and some random location

someone just said i’m gatekeeping poverty 💀 from billion dollar studios ? absolutely

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