#SETHMILCHICK: it means eat shit, mr. drummond.
maxanor reblogged
SEVERANCE 2.10 | Cold Harbor
maxanor reblogged
magic mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?
maxanor reblogged
#he can be a menace lmao
maxanor reblogged
maxanor reblogged
Severanceโ "Whatโs for Dinner?" (1.08) & "Cold Harbor" (2.10)
maxanor reblogged
post suck? unfollow. but not me- someone else, to blow off steam. stay with me
if my posts suck you should just roll your eyes and smile fondly and think "oh you~" nd keep going
maxanor reblogged
Black Sails Week day 7 - free choice "The men in that cage are deceitful men. They will say things that will sound appealing to you, especially to you. But you must not let them sway you. Your father and I built this place to separate ourselves from their world." "But we rely on the things that father sends back from their world. We're not that separate from them." "We are separate enough that we have no need to see them. To steal from them. To fight with them. To know their chains again. I have worked so hard to ensure that you've never had to see those things. But I have seen those things. And I will hold them at bay for as long as I'm able to. For every day that we avoid colliding into their world is a day children are born here, is a day families exist here. I'm in no hurry to see that end."
maxanor reblogged
8.11 | Holy Mother of God
maxanor reblogged
Using my first name. I really love the tactic.
maxanor reblogged
โ Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Robert Louis Stevenson
day five: quotes/poetry
maxanor reblogged
maxanor reblogged
#competition? you're not even playing the same sport
maxanor reblogged
Like a ghost, I vanish into you