Is the youths negative perception of Israel due to antisemitism or is it because israeli soldiers posted themselves on tiktok wearing palestinian women's lingerie 🤔

Is it antisemitism or is it the mangled bodies of palestinian children? Is it antisemitism or videos of soldiers making light of blowing up a school or mosque? Is it watching their government approve weapons transfers to Israel to attack a strip of land full of people with no capability to defend themselves? Is it antisemitism or the articles coming out that israeli soldiers admit running their tanks over people, using palestinian captives as human shields in buildings, or admitting they killed children? It's a tough call honestly

Is it antisemitism or is it simply recognizing that Palestinian lives (Arab lives and people of color lives in general) are human lives and being able to have empathy for them?

Is it antisemitism or is it recognizing settler colonialism and its violence against indigenous people, seeing ourselves and so many other people in the Palestinian struggle for liberation?

last week two ambulances, a fire truck, a UN vehicle and around 16 rescue workers were dispatched to save people crushed under the rubble after a bombing in rafah (do you remember rafah? one of biden's red lines.) they disappeared, and due to israeli tanks nobody could enter the area and nobody knew what had happened to them.

a few days ago after the tanks left the vehicles were discovered crushed and buried under the sand, and one rescue worker's body was recovered. israel admitted to targeting them. and then yesterday the rest of the workers' bodies were recovered in a mass grave. one of the corpses had wire around one foot, indicating torture and interrogation, several handcuffed, all of them buried in their clearly marked uniforms and gloves.

cnn reported this story alongside like five other incidents of israel targeting humanitarian workers this past week to little outrage because the workers killed were palestinian and not international, and because israel has been regularly killing humanitarian workers.

but for the PRCS (the palestinian red crescent society), the same organization that hind rajab called desperately from her car around this time last year, one of the few that struggled to save lives throughout the war even when it got their workers killed by israeli forces, these are fathers, sons and loved ones who spent a genocide digging people out of rubble with no equipment and trying to save lives:

all of them were buried in a careless mass grave of rescue workers, found after a week of pleading from their loved ones and radio silence from their murderers and those who enable them.


Yeah no, I'm sure the country using tiktok thirst traps to legitimize it's military has nothing nefarious to hide.


A casual reminder that while Israel is pumping out propaganda through tweets and tiktoks, they have simultaneously been killing journalists at an unprecedented rate. The IDF has killed over 25 (most likely an underestimate) Journalists since Oct 7th 2023 (Source).

By killing Journalists and churning out propaganda, Israel is hoping it can get away with genocide.

Hey I wonder what happened to OP

@libertineangel staff nuked them for either posting about Palestine or zi.nists mass reported them, it's unclear.

They also run @unexplained-events and they were talking on there how they woke up one day and main blog was gone. They also have their alt on there.

They're still around posting about Palestine!

Yeah I got nuked by staff along with a bunch of other pro Palestine blogs. This is my alt and I'm def not gonna stop posting about the occupation and genocide of Palestine.

And as of 11/20/23 the IDF has killed more than 48 journalists (just in the last 40 days).

These numbers are likely an underestimate as gathering this data has been very challenging. As of last week the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) is investigating an additional 130 cases of potential killings but have been facing challenges in documenting all this under the harsh conditions.

The above linked article is worth the read

Again they emphasize CPJ is investigating more than 130 additional cases of potential killings, arrests and injuries, but many are difficult to document amid these harsh conditions.

"There is an impulse in moments like this to appeal to self-interest. To say: These horrors you are allowing to happen, they will come to your doorstep one day; to repeat the famous phrase about who they came for first and who they'll come for next. But this appeal cannot, in matter of fact, work. If the people well served by a system that condones such butchery ever truly believed the same butchery could one day be inflicted on them, they'd tear the system down tomorrow. And anyway, by the time such a thing happens, the rest of us will already be dead.

"No, there is no terrible thing coming for you in some distant future, but know that a terrible thing is happening to you now. You are being asked to kill off a part of you that would otherwise scream in opposition to injustice. You are being asked to dismantle the machinery of a functioning conscience. Who cares if diplomatic expediency prefers you shrug away the sight of dismembered children? Who cares if great distance from the bloodstained middle allows obliviousness. Forget pity, forget even the dead if you must, but at least fight against the theft of your soul."

So. I don't mean to offend anybody but Rachel Zegler is courageous and brave in a way that I'm not sure I would be at 23 years old with my career on the line. She tweeted 'Free Palestine' on her personal account and now she is being blamed/made the scapegoat for why the Snow White movie is not doing as well as Disney predicted.

For context: Gal Gadot (of "let's sing 'Imagine' to healthworkers-fame and 'I'm proud to have served in the 1DF' fame) plays the evil Queen.

Also for context: the producer, Marc Platt, flew across the country to reprimand a 23 year old for making said tweet. He asked her to delete it. She did not. Now Marc's son has taken to social media to "expose" Rachel's selfishness. They strongly believe her tweet is hurting the box office and jobs. The movie is done. There are no more jobs or employment. Producers get a cut from box office earnings. So all they really had to say was, "Rachel's tweet is costing my father and my family money! Take it down!"

Anyways. She didn't. And hasn't.

Good for her. The absolute balls of steel tbh.

the fact that shafik brought in the jackbooted pigs to brutalize her students and it wasn't enough and then katrina armstrong did All That and it STILL wasn't enough………… truly the most obvious outcome in the world but still fucking bleak man. been saying this for months but it really has never been more fucking over The Academy simply does not survive this there is no coming back from it

man. fucking bleak.

We should not mourn what Columbia has become, for as great as it may have been, none of this is entirely new. Before the current expulsions and suspension, Columbia once in its history expelled a student for non-violent protest: in 1936 for protesting against offering a platform to Nazis. In 1953 its president signed a letter pronouncing communists unfit to teach. Columbia trustees fired two faculty members for opposing the first world war on pacifist grounds, while student conscientious objectors were arrested and jailed.
Columbia has long been run more like the vast, wealthy business and real estate empire that it is, than as an educational institution. It is a place where trustees, donors and powerful professional schools dictate its policy, not the rest of its faculty. In the spring of 2024, two-thirds of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences voted no confidence in a president who bowed to outside pressure, threw her faculty under the bus, and called in the NYPD for the first time since 1968. Her successor has outdone her, further garlanding Columbia’s already rich repressive traditions with groveling obeisance to government dictates that were promoted and eagerly seconded by shameless collaborators within the university.
After Friday’s capitulation, Columbia barely merits the name of a university, since its teaching and scholarship on the Middle East, and soon much else, will soon be vetted by a “senior vice provost for inclusive pedagogy”, in reality a senior vice provost for Israeli propaganda. Partisans of Israel, infuriated that scholarship on Palestine had found a place at Columbia, once named it “Bir Zeit on the Hudson”. But if it any longer merits the name of a university, it should be called Vichy on the Hudson.

Like one thing that makes my blood boil is finding racist israelis who are in positions where palestinians have to interact with them. Like how shitty is life that the assistance you can get as palestinian who was arrested by the iof is from a racist israeli. like how do you say "brainwashed minors" and feel that its okay to talk about clients like that especially knowing the abuse palestinian minors face in detention like interrogations and physical abuse. This person reminds me of racist white people in dei offices like it's such a joke

And also she claims this is her job and then say "my arabic speaking coworkers mostly do it" then don't claim it lol???

What kills me is that if they were to talk about their clients like this in the US they would get reprimanded and or fired this is so base level racism it's ridiculous

Rosalinda Guillén, a farmworker and political activist in Skagit County, said Juarez is a 25-year-old farmworker and union organizer, and he was detained while driving his partner to her job in the flower fields.

“He tried to defend himself by not speaking to them and refusing to get out of the car, and they broke his car window,” Guillén told KUOW.

“He doesn’t have a criminal record, and we think that they stopped him because of his leadership, because of his activism,” Guillén added. “We’re trying to get him out.”

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