
Life's The Illusion, Love Is The Dream

@libertineangel / libertineangel.tumblr.com

Jimmy (or Jay if you prefer, unless it's because you can't comprehend a transfem with a masc name), any pronouns, born '97, more in pinned

Long-overdue blog tidying, new pinned post to follow on from my bio:


sorry i have a crush on you. i didnt mean to. it wasn't my goal. i wasn't trying to. i was trying not to. but hey sorry, i have a crush on you. i apologize. i'm sorry.


Not that it's anything new, but the "voluntary" in "voluntary migration" really drives home the utter shamelessness of the occupation.

They destroy Gazan homes, hospitals, schools, roads, universities, infrastructure, cut off their water and electricity, then when they have no choice but to escape the hell that was created for them, claim they "voluntarily" chose to leave their land behind and have no right to return.

When Nakba deniers claim that Palestinians "chose" to leave their land, remember this.

Amal's baby daughter, Mariam, has known no childhood outside of surviving this genocide. She will soon be of age to attend school. Last we spoke, she had a very close call during the most recent bombardment. If she wants to give her daughter a chance at normalcy, security, education, and a decent childhood, but those options have been taken away from Gaza, is this voluntary migration?

Mahmoud wants to continue his education. He has been able to scrape by through remote learning online, but every day it becomes harder to even find reliable internet access. Last we spoke, he was trying to pay his fees in time, so that he would be allowed to enroll in this semester. If he wants to pursue his degree, but the conditions in Gaza have made that impossible, is this voluntary migration?

Dr. Anas is a cancer patient. His physical and mental health have been obliterated by this genocide. Last we spoke, he told me that after making some recovery during the ceasefire, he's now back to square one. If he wants to live, to continue his job as a doctor, and to recover from depression, which is impossible to do during bombardment, is this voluntary migration?

Samir is severely injured, and in immediate danger of losing his leg. Last we spoke, his sister told me that the bombardment in their area are more intense than they've ever been. If Samir wants to undergo surgery to save his leg, but there are no such options in Gaza, is this voluntary migration?

Please don't abandon them like our administrations have. They shouldn't have to rely on our generosity, but they must.

Donate: Amal, Mahmoud, Anas, Samir

Anonymous asked:

hey, could I ask for more info/source for miyazaki being an imperial apologist? admittedly I don't know much about him tbh but based on what I read, it seems he's known to show anti-imperialist sentiments consistently (I read some articles dating at least a decade back and some recent ones) i just wanted to know if there's something I missed

Miyazaki’s ‘anti-war’ stance isn’t anti-imperialist. It’s just anti-losing. He expresses zero remorse for Japan’s empire or the fact that his family built those war planes. He was only upset that the war hurt Japanese people. That’s not being anti-imperialist, that's just nationalism with a sad face.

If Miyazaki regretted Japanese imperialism, he won't make The Wind Rises. Imagine a German filmmaker making a tender biopic of the Messerschmitt’s engineer then claiming it’s anti-war.


Laughing my ass off at these reactions to this poster, mostly because I feel the exact same way ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I need you to understand:

  • There are 25 works tagged "Cordelia (2020)" on AO3
  • All of them are based on the movie poster, not the actual movie
  • One of them is a Goncharov crossover

the reification of ghibli aesthetics to be zealously defended with copyright is funny

okay so cutesyfied ghibli was already the domain of the trad adjacent cottage core blogger. now hindutva fascists are using it. the white house is memorialising the violence of deportations with it. cute and cozy is the new fash aesthetic.

honestly: cute & cosy was the old fash aesthetic, too! cute & cosy is one of those political stylings that never goes out of fashion. people will typically point to the documented popularity of disney media amongst both the german citizenry & reich officership (despite their vocal disavowal/disapproval of it in the latter case) to illustrate this as a connection with historical precedence, but it goes far further back than that, to settling the frontiers at least. so much language in legal declarations permitting dispossession and eradicative force in the settler colony emphasises 'tranquility', a return (or accomplishment) of idyllic life. the sell of settlement was beautiful sights & endless opportunities for the intrepid and their families. peaceful life--comfort--is achieved through absenting, very deliberately, certain existences. and so the mere presence of these becomes frictions; threats. and what disturbs can be met with justifiable violence. every 'silence' is explicitly a 'silencing', and the contemporary understanding of this could honestly be seen very well for years prior to this in how cosy lit + game fans react to any discussion of the appeal & appropriation of the prevalent aesthetics by reactionaries. people often quote baudrillard (iirc?) on the bored suburbanite waiting for something, some phenomenal and exciting violence, to wake them from their malaise, while misunderstanding that the suburbanite does not seek this excitement to live it but to then be one to extinguish it. "cosycore" often can and does--whether deliberately or not--feed into this fantasy of subjugative impetus & divine mandate.


Shit man, this mech war is fucked. I just saw a doll shoulder its rifle and say "reality warp: black hole star" or some similar shit, and every mech around it cratered, radiated a ring of pure energy, and disappeared. The camera didn't even go onto it, that's how common shit like this is. My ass is firing anti-personnel rounds and buckshot. I think I just heard "nanomachines: skewer" two groups over. I gotta get the fuck outta here.


Does anyone have proof that Tuck & Yang of "Decolonization is not a metaphor" fame are lib zionists? Not that I don't believe the claims cos lettuce be cereal, any American academics who don't speak up for Gaza at this rate are lib Zionists at this point!!

But I am just wondering if they said something about it

This is enough for me to hate them tbh

Wow she sucks a lot

This is a lot like the Zak Cope thing I brought up before, in that on the one hand it makes sense that not many people brought this up as it was happening—I doubt most people who cite that article like keep up with them in particular, or saw it as much beyond a simple injunction against academic utilization of de colonial language—but just like him it was ‘the Left’s response’ to Oct 7th that triggered this about face (which is kind of generous, calling it that)

What is the Zak Cope thing? I've been out of the loop on him since the RAIM days (around the time the 2nd edition of DWDC came out)

Zak Cope did a complete 180 on his politics after October 7th, disavowed all his previous research and declared that capitalist globalisation is a good thing that reduces poverty


Like, as someone who has really tried to make some effort to understand the situation in Russia, I need to ask many of you: Do you really think that the association of liberals and liberalism in Russia with Yeltsin, a US-backed dictator who solidified his power by bombing the state Duma, perhaps the single biggest embarrassment in Russian history who humiliated the Russian public as its global representative, let both US businessmen and former politiburo elites run rampant across the country, and oversaw the institution of disastrous economic reforms that killed millions has Absolutely Nothing to do with the negative attitude the Russian public has toward gay rights? That it's all just a spell that United Russia has cast over them, from which they'll awake as soon as Putin's machine is overthrown? Is that seriously what you believe?

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