
The Broke Medievalist.

@victusinveritas / victusinveritas.tumblr.com

A blog full of history, art, antifascism, poetry, rambles, rants, and oddities from the wonderful worlds of anthropology, anarchism, and Medieval Studies. Note: Some of my older rants are probably deep into nuthouse territory. At the time, so was I. Rather than edit anything (I'm lazy and it takes time), I leave this warning. You have been warned and I am sorry (really, really sorry). That said, happy to chat.

oh so the Yankees made their bats thicker and hit 20 runs bc of it and the league is just like yeah they're allowed to do that?? this whole time apparently it's been perfectly legal to just change the bats to make it easier and no one tried it until right now?? 150 years this sport has been around and suddenly someone had a bright idea??

look at this shit man


Me sending nudes: like what you see? ;)

Artist who's only fucking me for reference material: yeahhh 🥵🥵 would be even hotter if you moved closer to the light source and moved your head to a 3/4 view in the pic


this is one of my favourite videos ever i turned it into an mp3 and put it on my phone so i could listen to iy whenever i wanted


If you voted for the Rump, didn’t vote or just wanted to ‘stick it to Kamala!’

"Crowd-sourced patriotism" actually looks like this:

When one uses words, it's extremely important to understand what those words mean, not what one thinks they mean.

Y’all gave us up during the pandemic and now your crying about is giving up actual illegals.

There’s a damn difference between what you did and what people are doing now.

Also a difference between 1930s Germany and today.

They aren’t the same, at all.

Yeah, there's a difference.

Of like a hundred years.

Fascism is still fascism regardless of what creation you use to color it.

Everyone whining "it's not fascism" needs to read the actual definition of fascism, which Merriam-Webster explains admirably: https://www.merriam-webster.com/wordplay/fascism-meaning-and-history

And then process the articles of the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide: In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

(a) Killing members of the group;

(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;

(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;

(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

And reconize that the US government has fallen to Fascists, who are openly practicing genocide. By the definitions set and agreed to by international law.


If you voted for the Rump, didn’t vote or just wanted to ‘stick it to Kamala!’

"Crowd-sourced patriotism" actually looks like this:

When one uses words, it's extremely important to understand what those words mean, not what one thinks they mean.

Y’all gave us up during the pandemic and now your crying about is giving up actual illegals.

There’s a damn difference between what you did and what people are doing now.

Also a difference between 1930s Germany and today.

They aren’t the same, at all.

Yeah, there's a difference.

Of like a hundred years.

Fascism is still fascism regardless of what creation you use to color it.


One of the most compelling things about detective fiction is how it forces the author to grapple with their conception of justice. The detective may be better than the cops, but they are still turning over the murderer to the same system. A detective might exhalt justice that transcends the system they participate in, but this gives them a role akin to judge, jury, and executioner. More fantastical depictions see the detective as literal ubermensch. It's all so narratively fecund.

There is an especially good episode of Columbo, in which he is almost fired for refusing to take his police firearms certification course. The implication being that he is a Good Cop because he is actually a bad cop.

There is something fae about Poirot. In the Welsh sense of the term. He's an omen of disaster. God pushes him through life in the direction of murderous English socialites like an angel sent to punish the wicked, but we rarely see that punishment.


uooooogh the christian God is actually deer skull and raccoon salmon in pickup truck ooooooooooooooo and She (god) (usually refererd to as Male but im Queering it) talked to me in parking lot and said uh h Life Is Decay Anr Rotting and Sunlight is actually the souls of deer skull and i was like woah but im just little old me from somewhere in the contiguous USA and She (god) (Queering it) said being Yourself is th e most important thing and that i should Vote


"we were asked to make a statement about an oscar winner being beaten and abducted in the exact conditions illuminated by his oscar winning documentary but we have to keep in mind that we can't actually Take A Side because our 11000 global members have many diverse viewpoints! for example many of them would actually want him lynched <3" ok. die.

I wish these people died for real.

For anyone else who doesn't have the context:

HEBRON, West Bank (AP) — Only a few weeks ago, Hamdan Ballal stood on a stage in Los Angeles accepting an Oscar for the film “No Other Land,” a documentary depicting his West Bank village’s struggle against Israel’s occupation.

On Tuesday, Ballal – his face bruised and clothes still spotted with blood – recounted to The Associated Press how he was heavily beaten by an Israeli settler and soldiers the night before. The settler, he said, kicked his head “like a football” during a settler attack on his village.

The soldiers then detained him and two other Palestinians. Ballal said he was kept blindfolded for more than 20 hours, sitting on the floor under a blasting air conditioner. The soldiers kicked, punched or hit him with a stick whenever they came on their guard shifts, he said. Ballal doesn’t speak Hebrew, but he said he heard them saying his name and the word “Oscar.”

“I realized they were attacking me specifically,” he said in an interview at a West Bank hospital after his release Tuesday. “When they say ‘Oscar’, you understand. When they say your name, you understand.”

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