HHhhhhhhhhhh do you think Sherlock & Co. Final Problem will be at the beginning of May?
lowkey i feel like we don't appreciate the subtle beauty of the concept of media like night and the museum and ghosts. like literally just imagine: a place where history, and its people that are a part of it, comes alive. not exactly literally, but it's there in a way that people can not just see, but have the chance to interact with. and yet no one really sees it until a special person comes along who doesn't seem all that special until something happens that brings them a connection to that history (having watched natm and ghosts it seems like the more traumatizing the introduction the better ehl oh ehl) and it takes a while for them to get used to it but then they do. and they think "oh, well, great, i gotta live with the fact that i'll have concerned citizens from 6th century A.D. asking me who daniel day lewis is" but then it becomes more than that. that person finds a family in the past, and they come to love it as much as it loves them. despite differences between people who lived decades and centuries and thousands of years apart from each other, they find hope and love and redemption, which sounds really naive but it's not impossible. our past unites us, and we are all one and the same when it comes down to it.
history is not all that great. but it's some thing to be no. 1: cherished, because we wouldn't be here without it, no. 2: learned from, so we can get wisdom from the many fricked-up things we have done, and no. 3: remembered, which is the most important, because yes, our leaders sucked and were not who we are taught they were, our nations are not the picture of patriotism they are so often depicted as, citizens are not always happy or treated fairly, but at the same time we have shown the world that leaders, as much as they have brought nations down, have often times brought it to staggering heights, and different nationalities show just how different we all are and at the same time just like each other. if we're aggrieved citizens, we can unite, and in our unity many find hope and family and love and redemption. we'll never be perfect; we're wrecks, history is painfully obvious in that, but that doesn't mean there's no goodness here, because there is.
supposed to be doing actual a/v tech and english assignments rn but i was messing around in premiere pro nd i realized putting some audio of toad singing chandelier by sia over the sped-up fight scene between brackenstall and crocker from the abbey grange episode really does something to your mind
headphone/volume warning (im not even kidding i was genuinely concerned whether the audio would make it lag or affect the speaker so be careful)
last night i dreamt tumblr added like a billion buttons to the mobile app so instead of this
we got this
and everyone just rolled with it but sometimes the wide naruto got too wide and blocked off all the other buttons and people would just post "got naruto'd again :/" and the only way to reset him was to log out and log back in
Different originated adaptions of Hamliza over the years
Original Broadway: Lin-Manuel Miranda & Philipa Soo (2015) Chicago: Miguel Cervantes & Arianna Afsar (2016) London: Jamael Westman & Rachelle Ann Go (2017) Philip US National Tour: Joseph Morales & Shoba Narayan (2018) Peggy US National Tour: Julius Thomas III & Julia K Harriman (2019) Sydney: Jason Arrow & Chloé Zuel (2021)
the Empty House - part 1
It is the spring of the year 1894, and Sherlock Holmes has been dead for three years. Watson's Sketchbook returns with THE EMPTY HOUSE - part 1! Bonus points to whoever recognizes what classic of Victorian literature Holmes is quoting on the first page.
notes under the cut:
Imagine you get arrested for a crime you didn't commit. It's super dramatic and the cop arresting you acts like you personally killed his dog the whole time and you're so confused. Eventually you go to trial and you find out the horrible crime not-you committed was violating parole. You're just about to be convicted of this crime you didn't commit and the fucking mayor sprints in and shouts "It was me! I did it!" Then proceeds to get arrested instantly. You'd be so fucking confused right
something i genuinely lovelovelove is the fact that where the roles of holmes and watson are there comes a good irl friendship
its like the power of the narrative is way too strong and the actors end up forming a bond of some kind that's almost always wholesome and lovely i love them
also i need you all to know and acknowledge the existence of these three consecutive pics below the cut
Leonid Pasternak (Ukrainian, 1862–1945) - The Torments of Creative Work
oh leonid, we're really in it now
Leonid, you really understand it.
Save me Leonid, from my empty Word document
Leonid what should I do about the emails
Babe are you okay? you reblogged Leonid Pasternak's Torments of Creative Work again
Leonid Pasternak is the best! My favorite of his is The Night Before The Exam (1895).
My man Leonid continues to be relatable
Little dump of unspecific gothic literature headcanons, feel free to add your own:
- Adam's favourite animals are birds, especially sparrows and robins
- Victor has had asthma since childhood and has conducted multiple attempts for a more effective homemade treatment
- Jekyll and Hyde both like classical music. Former is a big fan of Mendelssohn and Bach whereas the latter prefers Liszt and Paganini
- Holmes' comfort piece on the violin is Caprice No. 24
- Jekyll is NOT a morning person. But his profession and status requires him to be one
- Sharikov has the flirting skills of a wet sock
- Also the fancy taxidiermied owl doorbell in Preobrazhensky's hall? He promptly destroyed it a second time once he was already human