
Writing, So As Not To Be Dead

@magiccarpetman / magiccarpetman.tumblr.com

Elliot | he/him
I’m not a real doctor, but I am a real worm
This is a writeblr, but only nominally.
Header by @catboyzaid on Twitter. Not a minor, not telling you my age.

In 2024, scientists discovered seven new species of frogs in Madagascar. Because the whistling sounds these species made resembled the sounds of communicators from the Star Trek universe, it was decided to name the species after the seven legendary captains: Boophis kirki, Boophis picardi, Boophis siskoi, Boophis janewayae, Boophis archeri, Boophis pikei, and Boophis burnhamae. [Source]

So, meet the Boophis kirki I needle-felted for this year's Winter Fandom Kombat! ✨

How has no one tagged the frog guy? @markscherz

AHHHHHH THIS IS THE BEST THING!!!! Thank you @eldar-of-zemlya!



Thank you SOOO much, @eldar-of-zemlya!!

happy tdov never kill yourself

do whatever else you have to do . drop everything and change your life never become mega successful by capitalist standards drop out of school quit your job etc. or do nothing at all and just survive whatever that looks like day to day. but whatever you do dont kill yourself

Post Text - $150.00

Reblog/Like/Share Icons - $300.00

Notes - $12.00

User Icons - $3,600.00

Please help me budget this my userbase is dying

Thinking about the Holmes story where a blind girl goes to him and is like "My fiancé is missing and he kept telling me the week leading up to his disappearance that he would always love me and come back for me,were anything to happen so I think he knew he was in trouble and I love him so much and I'm going to wait for him but I'd like to find him faster,ya know?" And Holmes figures out that it was this girl's parents to scam her out of money she was owed from an estate which she gave to them because she was still living at home,which she wouldn't be if she ever married,so her step father PRETENDED TO DATE HER for MONTHS to keep her from ever getting engaged to a real person and when Holmes finds out he confronts this man and this man is like "Well,you caught me! But it wasn't illegal:) so:)" and Holmes is like "No,but it was sickening and cruel and if she had a brother or good male friend he should post you up and whip you but she doesn't." And the man is like "No,she doesn't." And does the Victorian version of sticking his tongue out and Holmes is like "Well,I guess I'll do then!" And HE PULLS OUT HIS HUNTING WHIP.

You can replace [ACTIVITY YOU ENJOY] with [SCROLLING] but watch out. This sucks bad 👍

Some things about this post since getting quite a few notes:

1. If you see this post, highly recommend taking it as an opportunity to set a timer for 15 minutes and switch over to ACTIVITY YOU ENJOY. if after those 15 minutes, you want to go back to scrolling, that's okay!

2. Huge shout out to this popping up in my notifs often, bc I do go back to activity.

3. I think there are times where scrolling is fine. Right now, for example, I'm being connected to a machine for two hours to donate plasma and platelets. Yes this is a brag but it is also a time where scrolling is one of the few things I can do. (Though I will probably also read or watch something on phone lol)

Just had a thought and guys I really need us (Leverage fans) to come together in 2028 and make the most of the fact that The Ides of March will fall on a No Stabbing Wednesday.

I wanna see a BUNCH of this

Y'all can even grab it now as a freebie. Stick it in the queue. If I see this even once I'll be tickled pink.

I know it's normally rude/frowned upon but please please steal and repost it so I can be genuinely surprised and delighted when it comes across my dash without my notifications alerting me to a reblog. I give you permission.

I’ve had a different “no stabbing Wednesday” post queued for this purpose for years!

🐾 What’s this? 🐾

Since 2022, I’ve run the Miraculous Ladybug Kink Meme with a group of likeminded fans. It’s a writing and art prompt collection on AO3. Anyone can leave prompts, and anyone can claim prompts to write or draw something for them.

While the majority of prompts and fills are NSFW, SFW prompts and fills are absolutely welcome. As long as it’s Miraculous Ladybug related, we want to see it, from multi-paragraph ideas to one-line prompts that begin, “It would be cool if…”

🐞 How can I participate? 🐞

To leave a prompt, go to the collection, click “sign up,” and fill out the prompt form. You can add more prompts later by going back to the collection and clicking “my prompts” -> “add prompt.” You can make up to fifty prompts! Note that you do need to be logged in to do this.

To claim a prompt, view the collection’s prompts page while logged in and click “claim” on any prompts that strike your fancy. There’s no time limit here! You can view your claimed prompts under “my claims” within the collection or under “claims” from your main AO3 profile. When you’ve written or drawn something for a prompt and are ready to post, go to your claimed prompts and click “fulfill” on the relevant one. That’ll open a posting form for a new AO3 work that you can fill out as normal.

The kink meme is a tremendous labor of love, and I’m so proud of how far it’s come and how creative the contributors are. Come check it out!

shoutout to the guy who created a parody account of cinemasins where instead of pointing out every single flaw in a film, he just pointed out things he liked about the movie. you're so right cinemawins its so much more fun to like things

CinemaWins once said "Every movie, with very little exception, is someone's favorite, I like to find out why." and that sentence alone is worth more than every single thing the CinemaSins guys have ever created.

Even when he legit dislikes the movie he's reviewing, he manages to find things that are praiseworthy. The world needs more positivity like that.

Doing some graphic design bc that’s the obvious thing to do when one’s having insomnia, and “American flag with the AO3 logo in the corner” is the new least-explicable thing I’ve found in an asset library. It’s all red and white, and they’ve kept the different hues of American flag red, AO3 red, American flag white, and AO3 white. Yet it’s in this library as, like, a “polished” design element?

Got everything to a workable state and realized I’d misread the size specs. This is why we sleep inside of doing fiddly design nonsense. At least no one’s paying me for this.

Correct size check! Now I’m in Font Hell.

Doing some graphic design bc that’s the obvious thing to do when one’s having insomnia, and “American flag with the AO3 logo in the corner” is the new least-explicable thing I’ve found in an asset library. It’s all red and white, and they’ve kept the different hues of American flag red, AO3 red, American flag white, and AO3 white. Yet it’s in this library as, like, a “polished” design element?

Got everything to a workable state and realized I’d misread the size specs. This is why we sleep inside of doing fiddly design nonsense. At least no one’s paying me for this.

Doing some graphic design bc that’s the obvious thing to do when one’s having insomnia, and “American flag with the AO3 logo in the corner” is the new least-explicable thing I’ve found in an asset library. It’s all red and white, and they’ve kept the different hues of American flag red, AO3 red, American flag white, and AO3 white. Yet it’s in this library as, like, a “polished” design element?

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