Since 2022, I’ve run the Miraculous Ladybug Kink Meme with a group of likeminded fans. It’s a writing and art prompt collection on AO3. Anyone can leave prompts, and anyone can claim prompts to write or draw something for them.
While the majority of prompts and fills are NSFW, SFW prompts and fills are absolutely welcome. As long as it’s Miraculous Ladybug related, we want to see it, from multi-paragraph ideas to one-line prompts that begin, “It would be cool if…”
🐞 How can I participate? 🐞
To leave a prompt, go to the collection, click “sign up,” and fill out the prompt form. You can add more prompts later by going back to the collection and clicking “my prompts” -> “add prompt.” You can make up to fifty prompts! Note that you do need to be logged in to do this.
To claim a prompt, view the collection’s prompts page while logged in and click “claim” on any prompts that strike your fancy. There’s no time limit here! You can view your claimed prompts under “my claims” within the collection or under “claims” from your main AO3 profile. When you’ve written or drawn something for a prompt and are ready to post, go to your claimed prompts and click “fulfill” on the relevant one. That’ll open a posting form for a new AO3 work that you can fill out as normal.
The kink meme is a tremendous labor of love, and I’m so proud of how far it’s come and how creative the contributors are. Come check it out!