Behold! A pinned post! Brave the text below if you so wish!
art in the header is mine.
@bumfucknowhere /
Behold! A pinned post! Brave the text below if you so wish!
art in the header is mine.
Men use “I’m just a man” to cheat on their wives. Odysseus uses “I’m just a man” to kill, slay and torture people to get back to HIS wife. They are not the same.
Could you please explain one thing I was always confused about in the Odysey ? I couldn't find any explanation online for this fragment, so I'm hoping you know something - after Ody sleeps with Circe, the book says his men had to beg him to leave the palace after months/years of staying there. Why wasn't Ody the first to want to leave if his relationship with Circe wasn't consensual?
i'm so so sorry it took me so long to reply! your message got buried and this rotted in my drafts for far to long. I hope you enjoy this belated answer nonetheless! all quotes are from the E.V. Rieu translation.
you're referring to "We stayed on day after day for a whole year [...] But as the months went by and the seasons passed and the long days returned, my loyal companions called me aside one day and said: "What possesses you to stay here?"" i assume? this is a very interesting bit to dive into, especially in regards to Circe and Odysseus's dynamic! I think that it’s a two sided, with the reasons they stayed so long, and the reason they stayed at all. However, the most important part of this whole situation is not when he leaves, but how he asks, in my opinion.
"[Odysseus] went to Circe's beautiful bed and there clasped the goddesses knees in supplication, and she listened to my winged words: "Circe," [Odysseus] said "keep that promise which you once made me, to send me home." to clasp someones legs is a rather extreme way to ask someone for something- and not something you'd do to someone you trust/ are on good terms with, especially if all you're doing is asking to leave. We see this a little earlier in the odyssey, when Telemachus leaves Sparta. Instead of kneeling before Menelaus and asking to leave, he simply says "Do not keep me here on a lengthy visit. It is true that your tales and talk so delight me that I could easily stop with you for a year and never feel homesick for Ithaca or my parents. But my friends must already be tired of waiting for me in sacred Pylos; and now you prolong my stay" and leaves. Obviously, he;s still being very polite and the power dynamic between a king and a prince, and a god and a mortal are different, but I think this shines light on how Odysseus felt while staying at Aeaea, if he felt that he needed to beg to leave. My interpretation was that he put off asking to leave in fear of what Circe might do. She was very helpful in the end, but Odysseus had no way of knowing she would be.
Additionally, it wouldn't make sense for them to leave immediately after de-pigging the men anyways. the ship that they would have been using (It's highly contested as to what was actually used, and I'm NO expert, but you can look into Penteconters, as they are a strong candidate) were not designed for the extended traveling of the odyssey, and the sailors themselves would be rather shaken as they had only just lost most of their fleet to the Laestrygonians- as seen after they arrived on Aeaea, where they are described as "[laying] on the beach for two days and nights, utterly exhausted and eating [their] hearts out with grief" While Circe is certainly a threat, and someone I doubt any of them felt comfortable or safe around, she's still better than having to face the open sea until they recover.
Overall, I got the impression that it was Odysseus fear of Circe that prevented him from leaving, as opposed to affection towards Circe herself. I'd really advise reading @dootznbootz's essay, Odysseus was afraid the entire year on Aeaea as it is really well written and goes much, much deeper into the situation than I could. She's read like, a million translations and knows the Odyssey like the back of her hand.
not all ships are For wanting them to be in a happy healthy relationship together. sometimes shipping two characters means you want them to be erotically obsessed with each other and become entwined in a mutually toxic love affair for a few months and then horrifically break each other's hearts and never speak again. sometimes you want them to be codependent best friends with enough repression to explode a submarine who only make out/have sex when they're at their worst. sometimes you want them to pine after each other for years, never say anything, and then die. sometimes you want them to kill each other. this, too, is shipping
you can tell this website is autistic as hell because someone posts a video with a mildly catchy phrase in it and no one shuts up about it for an extended period of time. or image even. image with a mildly catchy phrase in it even. we love phrases here on tumblr dot com love to repeat them. due to the autism
Palendrome of phrases
Hey students, here’s a pro tip: do not write an email to your prof while you’re seriously sick.
Signed, a person who somehow came up with “dear hello, I am sick and not sure if I’ll be alive to come tomorrow and I’m sorry, best slutantions, [name]”.
I mean, if someone wrote that to me, I’d probably believe they were sick.
“Slutantions” has me crying laughing
i once emailed my professor with a migraine. a mistake.
“I amsick will not to choir because i have a heache. i Hope its very and i am so sorry
the subject line was “OW”
As someone who has taught college, please send those emails because 1) We WILL believe that; no one would write that on purpose and 2) we need a laugh sometimes.
On the other side of this, once after getting taken to the ER by ambulance, I got an email from the professor whose class I’d passed out in, and the message had no text, just the subject line “you good?”
Reblogging for the last addition
Claritin makes me weird, but I have allergies so there’s about a month and a half block of time where I’m taking Claritin and am just weird most of the time.
Anyway, my last year of college, I got the flu or something in late March and was also taking Mucinex. I told my professor I couldn’t come to class one day by email except I couldnt think of what to say, so my medicated ass decided to make a Fry meme. I think it said something like “Not sure if I can go to class with a head the size of Texas, bottom text.” I didn’t think until the next day that it probably wasn’t socially-acceptable to tell your philosophy professor you weren’t coming to class via Tumblr style memes. When i got back to class, i found that she’d printed it out and taped it to the classroom bulletin board.
Oh shit you guys i turned on my WinXP laptop that I used to use back then.
It’s even worse than i remember it
I laugh myself hoarse every time this post comes around, so here it is again.
Once emailed a professor from my hospital bed high on painkillers after a really bad car crash which my heart actually stopped the email “Dead cant class sory”
i was very sick over new years and one day i woke up to find i had emailed my manager in the middle of the night:
she said it was the most beautiful sick email she’s ever gotten
As well as countless of others from the AI generator community. Just talking about how "inaccessible art" is, I decided why not show how wrong these guys are while also helping anyone who actually wants to learn.
Here is the first one ART TEACHERS! There are plenty online and in places like youtube.
📺Here is my list:
Second part BOOKS, I have collected some books that have helped me and might help others.
📚Here is my list:
📝As for Supplies, I recommend starting out cheap, buying Pencils and art paper at dollar tree or 5 below. If you want to go fancy Michaels is always a good place for traditional supplies. They also get in some good sales and discounts. For digital art, I recommend not starting with a screen art drawing tablet as they are usually more expensive.
For the Best art Tablet I recommend either Xp-pen, Bamboo or Huion. Some can range from about 40$ to the thousands.
💻As for art programs here is a list of Free to pay.
So do with this information as you will but as you can tell there are ways to learn how to become an artist, without breaking the bank. The only thing that might be stopping YOU from using any of these things, is YOU.
I have made time to learn to draw and many artist have too. Either in-between working two jobs or taking care of your family and a job or regular school and chores. YOU just have to take the time or use some time management, it really doesn't take long to practice for like an hour or less. YOU also don't have to do it every day, just once or three times a week is fine.
Hope this was helpful and have a great day.
"also apologies for any spelling or grammar errors, I have Dyslexia and it makes my brain go XP when it comes to speech or writing"
Boosting this in case any of the programs and books suggested are useful.
All the photos on this tumblr ad the animal photo reference site I run is another resource available for artists to use!
As long as you’re not using AI to create your art, you can reference / trace / draw / recombine / make any sort of art you want, with any of the photos, for free.
wait don't unfollow me, I'm complex and morally ambiguous
"objectively physically attractive but in possession of negative rizz" is one of my favorite character concepts. i think it's so great when there's an absurdly hot person who's just a complete fucking loser. the mood is unsalvageable the moment they open their mouth kind of deal. you get no bitches because you're so sucks.
coronabeth doodle 😽😽
Better You
Imma need this eventually cause they don’t teach you jack squat in school
Ima schedule to reblog this when I’m 16.
Ima need this eventually
same fam.
reblogging so i have it for when i leave school in a year yessir