
it's TV, it's comfort

@cappincooks / cappincooks.tumblr.com

lizzie's CHAOTIC space my carrd🎧

Celebrating Jesse Pinkman’s Birthday Would Include...

Request: OOOOH ALSO ANOTHER ONE. may i have some hcs for the reader celebrating jesse’s birthday? he deserves to be pampered and loved ugh😭💞💖💓 thank you so much, smooch smooch smooch

You’re so welcome my lovely, this is such a sweet idea! <3 Sorry this is so short, I’m getting back into the swing of writing after being sick for so long!

Warning: some strong language, mentions of drugs and mentions of a bad childhood!

(I do not own Breaking Bad or its characters, all rights go to creators. Gif credit goes to @cappincooks.)



i hate what bcs and brba did to me i’ll be sad and in my head i’ll be like “having a jesse pinkman moment” like bitch can u be fucking normal


Server at work was down for 2 hours so I rigged & animated this little medieval bat friend. I couldn't do any fun texture work this time around but


seeing a lot of "why would i reblog anything i don't have something to add" like

sir this is the user-circulated content site

a handful of notes from one post of about half a dozen to cross my dash recently:

and from the notes on this post

Literally if you don't reblog things you like?


likes = 0 engagement

Likes is "bookmarked"

Liked is 'left on read'

I feel like these comments imply that reblogging is more difficult than reblogging? So maybe they just don't know about quick reblog, in which case, (on mobile anyway) you just need to hold down the reblog button for a second

What saddens me is the comment about not wanting to clog their friends feeds with their niche bullshit. Like inflicting your weird interests on people isn't the whole point of tumblr.

Please inflict your friends. Like the last four shows/books I've gotten into was because someone I follow was blogging about it and I thought "Ooooh, what is that?" Yes, sometimes you have to deal with someone you follow having an obsessive episode over Paul McCartney's chest hair, but the random interests of the people you choose to follow are still more reliable than any algorithm.


jesse pinkman is so funny bc he’ll have the worst day of his life and then walt will be like jesse i got cancelled on twitter we need to fix this you and me and he stands there looking at walt like this as he explains what’s the plan


What I know is that I wasn’t the one who dumped out the last of our water. Excuse me for thinking on my feet! — Breaking Bad | 4 Days Out

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