Please help this lovely family by sharing this post and donating on if you are able to.
Tears of joy mixed with feelings of gratitude to everyone who stood by me, those who spent their time and effort in order to reach my first goal.
Thanks and gratitude are due to:
1. The friends who pinned my story to the top of their page, those are great people.
2. The supporters, each with his name and title, are people of goodness and giving.
3. For those who proposed new ideas, the idea of artistic paintings, a march, and selling bread, they are the unknown soldiers.
4. These amazing activists who share daily updates are like dynamos who never stop serving those in need.
5. Friends who sent the campaign link to their friends and family outside this application, those who have humanity in their hearts.
I inform you that, thanks to you, I will move to a safer place than the old one.
I will spend part of the expenses of the first goal on transportation to the new place and save the remainder for the second goal, which is purchasing building materials, as this is considered the primary goal of the campaign. I inform you that I refrained from going to Deir al-Balah because of the astronomical costs of rent and the outrageous high prices.
I do not want the donation money to go to no avail, and for this money to remain in the circle of the primary goal, which is building a house.
Notice: The second goal will be to reach $20,000 CAD to purchase basic building materials for the house.
🙏 23-07-2024⬅️⬅️
Moving towards the second goal 20.000$
I am so happy!
Please share this post and donate if you are able to!
Police brutality at it's finest!
great job Germany!
My sister suffers from advanced fibropulmonary disease, which makes breathing difficult without an oxygen device in light of the lack of electricity and equipment, which makes her suffer from the scourges...
Since her displacement, she left the oxygen machine in her home in the north, and since that day her eyes have not been able to sleep because of the pain she suffers from this dreaded disease.
The least this disease causes
It makes shortness of breath and suffocation ...
I have attached a copy of the report for you. Medical treatment that explains my sister’s condition and suffering
The suffering of living in a tent in the absence of all necessities of life has an impact and other aspects ....
I am attaching a picture of Mesa's children for you
They collect firewood
Firewood is used instead of gas
To cook food through it
He died holding his chocolate bar. I can't...this needed to stop years ago!
Ceasefire now!
Save the children!
Free palestine!
Free Gaza!
Coffee ☕ at 10:00🌙🌌But First Fuck
🚨 A forensic investigation has revealed that an Israeli tank killed young Hind Rajab, and that the Israeli forces has a clear visual of the occupants of the vehicle in which Hind and her family were trapped in.
The vehicle had been hit with 355 bullets, and the investigation refutes the claim by Israel denying responsibility for the killing and that Israeli forces were not present in the area at the time of Rajab's death.
They are not only numbers. Know their names!