

@comradesaucegay / comradesaucegay.tumblr.com

communism with naruto characteristics

I get that people tend to instinctively side with the USSR because it's the socialist state they learn more about etc, but, like, the sinosoviet split is unambiguously on the USSR's lap - the CPC was fine to politely advocate marxism-leninism and oppose revisionism in hope the CPSU would reverse course, until the (consistently paternal) USSR got scared by the prospect of a nuclear-armed China it couldn't control and punitively withdrew all technical aid. Even earlier, the USSR had supported the KMT over the CPC in the civil war, in an effort to keep Russian Imperial territorial claims recognised; and had backed the DPRK in war against the ROK with the hope it would draw China into the cold war and grant it Russia's old naval bases in China. The idea that national interests only emerged between socialist powers due to the split, or worse, due to China, is exactly the mistaken attitude that underlied Soviet paternalism. Even the most egregious episodes of the split, such as support for the Khmer Rouge, can be understood through the lens of national policy (rather than as instances of sudden insanity in the communist party) - the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, having sided with the USSR against China and forming another border the PRC had to defend, made very clear its territorial ambitions to annex Cambodia as part of a 'socialist indochina'. The support for nationalist (not communist!) groups in Cambodia was spurred on precisely by the USSR's ally, and by the USSR's 'internationalist' view that revolution could be forced on another nation by military occupation. The USSR was revisionist, yes, but moreso it was of the position that its interests were the interests of all proletarians, when that was simply not the case. Soviet national interests, and the Soviet denial of the existence of its national interests, were the immediate cause for the split, which, to a certain degree was the inevitable flailing of a state which found itself existentially doomed after the invention of the cold war.


it's honestly crazy to me that britain manufactured opium addiction epidemic in china which killed thousands and thousands to economically exploit china, took hong kong from china, etc. yet the brits never stood the trial for that. no reparations, they didn't even agree to return hong kong fully! why tf colonizer sets the rules for when the land they criminally stole goes back to it's rightfull owners? just think about it. outrageous!


Cmon man

Me talking to my air fryer: Help me. I am a 8 year old boy living in the illegitimate Yankee Capitalist regime. President Xi, our shelves are empty and we are hungry. I am asking you to liberate my state of Connecticut with your Chengdu J-20 Stealth air superiority fighters and your Dongfeng 41 Missiles.


That picture of Biden looking at a quantum computer and being unable to grasp the true form of what he's seeing

To be fair that's how I would I react too

I do sincerely love that Quantum Computers look exactly like what a 1950's sci-fi movie prop artist would build if they were told to build something called a "quantum computer"

What a fascinating choice of posts for the morning after Election Day! Making fun of Joe Biden and not mentioning either of the actual candidates or the repercussions of the election at all. HMM, I wonder what that could possibly mean.

Yes you got me, I'm a Russian bot who is destabilizing your democracy by posting a funny picture of Biden.

I plan to influence the election by posting memes after the election.


I wanted to reblog @maowives post with a bit of a personal anecdote but tumblr hates me so I’ll just have to do that here

My family is from Hamhung which was completely and utterly devastated in the war. My grandma was six when the war started. My mother asked her once when she was growing up how many people my grandma knew that died in the war. The number they came up with was 1 in 4. Of my grandmother’s friends, all who were literal children because she was six fucking years old, 1 in 4 died.

My grandma was involved in an explosion that severely injured her left hand. She lost several fingers, had level 3 burns all up her arm and her bones were sticking out of her hand. There were American soldiers in the area. They did not help her. Despite this my entire childhood she always insisted upon being one of the “lucky ones.”

North Koreans don’t need dprk gov brainwashing to hate America. We, or our parents or grandparents survived the war. Cases of people being severely injured by war era explosives were not uncommon even when I was growing up. It is hard to experience this and not come out the other side with a deep hatred for the United States of America and it’s allies.

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