
theyre doing this to me tomorrow

@digitsofpie / digitsofpie.tumblr.com

Pie, he/they/she, 20 | pfp by @gehega | Art account is @metropolisyuri | Main interests: UT/DR, NSR, Splatoon, Pikmin, TTCC, THE THING (1982) and Metropolis 1927 | NSFW, TERF, proship, NFT do not interact | Please don't send me chain asks, I don't answer them

Day 11 of waiting for Deltarune tomorrow (and celebrating via drawings) guys it’s so close I can feel it. Enjoy my little meow meows. They swapped shirts.


Doechii the Don, Doechii the dean Doechii supreme, the Swamp Ruler


hi everyone!! id like to bring your attention to this group of queer refugees located in a camp in Gorom, South Sudan.

i came in contact with Goret, one of the lesbians from the camp, and she told me about how terrible their situation at the moment is.

if short, they lack funds for meals, poor medication/shelter conditions/beddings.

they also face physical threats due to homophobia and some of the members already have been severely injured because of the attacks.

their campaign is getting barely any traction, so id love if you guys could share, donate, and talk about it. lets help Goret and her fellow camp members to raise funds for survival! even small donations of $5 will mean a lot!

they're currently at $5 out of $4000 goal!

Goret's blog where you can see more photos of their current situation - @goret97

$578 USD has been raised, and the last donation was made a week ago! Please donate and share! The fundraiser provides aid and essentials for queer refugees!


I feel like the big push for AI is starting to flag. Even my relatively tech obsessed dad is kinda over it. What do you even use it for? Because you sure as hell dont want to use it for fact checking.

There's an advertisement featuring a woman surreptitiously asking her phone to provide her with discussion topics for her book club. And like... what. Is this the use case for commercial AI? This the best you could come up with? Lying to your friends about Moby Dick?

One of the big pushes tech companies are making for AI is entirely in the tool of convenience. Take Gemini for example, one of Google's really big pitches for it is in features like Help Me Read and Help Me Write, which are like the lowest tier use case for deep learning models but are also the two AI features that the average consumer will actually care about. Sure they advertise the GenAI stuff Gemini Advanced is able to do, but they've woken up to the idea that the average consumer does not care about GenAI and non-AI Bros fundamentally loathe GenAI.

Every company with a language model got sucked into the venture capital pitfall of AI and now have to market the one set of features the general person actually cares about.

I work in advertising and the culture shift surrounding AI even from January until now (end of March) has been drastic. At the beginning of the year, the company I work for was using AI to design most of their assets. Clients started coming back and requesting that we no longer use AI generated images or videos for copyright liability reasons. Basically, there's no way to tell whose art or photography was scalped to make an image, so as companies who are trying to make a profit using potentially stolen images, it puts them in a gray area, legally.

Also, companies do look at their comment sections. Anti-AI commenters on social media ("this is not a real image" "I don't trust companies who use AI" etc) are seen by higher ups of a company. Basically, keep bullying brands who use AI, it's working. Now my company uses almost no AI for deliverables, which is a huge win.



i was having a lil frustration meltdown today when i was interrupted by my bestie sending me a video of a bug crawling fast with Mario Kart music playing and i reacted so similarly to this gif its eerie


one consequence of transmisogyny (but not unique to it) is that it makes you into a paranoiac. take the example of the "degendering they" or like the "backhanded compliment," relatively minor interpersonal interactions that trans women increasingly feel hypervigilant about. it's probably counterproductive to assume everyone who gives you a compliment or refers to you as "they" or "this person" (<- phrase that actually revolts me a little now in this context) is doing so condescendingly, in a malicious or even just incidentally diminishing way. but also, everything about your life as a trans woman encourages you to be on alert for these kinds of cues, because if you're not paying attention to them then when the hammer drops it will hit that much harder.

just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not after you.

I’m waiting at a straight bar for this really cute trans guy I have a crush on to show up for a drink. He noted, teasingly, that I was a “fancy bitch,” and so picked a craft cocktail bar that billed itself as a “whiskey and bitters emporium.” Unfortunately, the only mixed drink I tolerate is pineapple juice and spicy tequila. The bartender, a dimpled woman with envious curls, eyed me with curiosity when I ordered it, and then said “on the house” when I began to rummage through my purse for a loose ten. I knew why the drink was free, but just in case I didn’t, the bartender said that she’d seen me around and I was a really interesting person. I thought my crush would understand my irritation at this: like, please, I already know I’m trans, just let me forget it for a second while I try to be a girl on a date with a boy. But when he arrived, he didn’t get it. A free drink was a free drink, and she didn’t give him one. 

Now he wants to know why all the trans girls in Seattle are so angry, act so traumatized. “It’s not like you’re a bunch of child soldiers. Your parents weren’t killed in front of you.” He asserts that even when something nice happens, like a free drink, trans girls get triggered. Like everything is a wound, everything is trauma. He starts talking about this trans girl he met a few months ago; how all she did was bitch about AFABS and encourage cis scum to die. He wanted to be her friend, but she called trans guys Aidens, and did things like pick up all her meals drive-through, because she was convinced people inside would stare at her or misgender her. He describes the house this girl lives in—a coven of trans women polyamorously fucking each other to biblical levels of drama over the soundtrack of Skyrim on PS3, all the while telling each other how shitty the world was away from each other, until they so confused micro-aggressions for deep violence that they walked around with knives in their boots and canisters of mace dangling from their purses—and I exhale with frustration when I realize exactly which girl he’s talking about. 

Two feelings rise. I don’t want to be categorized with Lexi. I want to be appealing to my crush. So I tell him I’m not like that. I’m not angry all the time, much less armed. But internally, I’m thinking, of course trans girls all love and fuck each other. Who else will? When I first learned the term brick for those square never-will-be-passable trans women, it was auxiliary to an explanation for another term, masonry: as in brick-on-brick love— only bricks get stuck to other bricks. 

Except what do you do with the meanness of the word masonry itself—it was other trans women, the only ones that bricks could supposedly trust, who came up with that hilariously cruel slang. Brick-on-brick betrayal. But we have to understand each other well to be so cruel. 

Most of the cruelty I’ve experienced has been inadvertant, the kind that comes from getting trampled so often that inevitablely someone steps somewhere sensitive. My first boyfriend after Sidney was a married man who fell in love with me accidentally. He could not see past his own bafflement at his attraction to see me well enough for anything like intentional cruelty. We met in hotels or he came to my studio apartment after work, and his cruelty, like his love, came accidentally. Once, he took me for a weekend in a fancy hotel in Portland—the Nines—where the Los Angeles Lakers were staying. When I came out of the shower, buoyed on a carpet of steam spilling into a hotel room designed in a modern style—no door, only a frosted glass divider between tiled bathroom and lush bedroom—I stood naked with my back to him, combing my hair and heard him murmur, “You’re so beautiful, I feel sick.” I looked at myself, then his reflection in the mirror and saw it was true. I was beautiful and it hurt him. I doubt he ever complimented his wife that way. His wife did not possess the kind of beauty that triggered a desire that made him disgusted with himself. My kind of beauty does not trace a path to stable relationships, a dining room set from Crate and Barrel, a Thanksgiving turkey with his folks. He had no conception of what to do with my beauty other than choke on it. 

My friends who date women have it just as bad. Once in a queer bar, I heard a cute woman in a leather motorcycle jacket joke about her gold star status—she’d never once touched a penis. My friend Zoe had been drinking G & Ts for an hour before that, working up the nerve to ask this woman out. I found Zoe fifteen minutes later, outside the bar, soaked from hiding in someone’s dew-covered hedge on 15th, where she had cried softly in frustration. 

“Yeah, that’s transphobia,” my crush agrees, “but not trauma.” He glances at my now finished drink, and I take it as a rebuke. Go pay for the next one of those. The more I try to explain, to list the tiny grievances that added up to an intolerable day in my life, the more I sound unhinged. A man hissed at me on the bus. A bunch of teenagers loudly discussed whether I was really a guy. A girl I only knew on the Internet left a suicide note. The cashier at Whole Foods smirkingly called me “bro.” The TV at the nail salon, playing soundlessly, featured some nonsensical ghoul that I realized, with a shock, was someone’s idea of a trans woman, someone’s idea of me. The guy at the local corner store revealed that he knew where I lived and shrugged when I asked how: everyone around here knows about you. And now, I get irritated at one thing: a free drink, and I sound crazy complaining about that, right? Some total loony acting traumatized ‘cause a bartender tried to be kind. 

My crush sighs and pulls out an ace. He knows people that have actually been raped, have actually been beaten—hell, half of the trans dudes he knows have been, and they aren’t paralyzed with anger, convinced they’re constantly persecuted. We’re talking real Trauma, not someone whispering about them on the bus, much less the burden of free drinks. To which I know I can probably come up with some of my own friends’ real Trauma, but I’m too affronted, so I just shriek: THE WHOLE WORLD MONITORS AND MOCKS MY EVERY WAKING MOMENT! 

Needless to say, he and I do not hook up. He leaves me to my free drinks and my tinfoil rage hat. 

When he’s gone, I miss Lexi for the first time.

— Torrey Peters, Infect Your Friends And Loved Ones, pg 40–45


ac help??!! 🌀🌀

hi! my friend kole's ac broke this winter and as it's getting warmer and warmer it's making her a little more unhinged by the day, as she's especially sensitive to heat. her mom is thinking about buying a new one with some administrative help from her job but the installation itself will cost around a 100€ which they really don't have and if they did food would be a bigger priority. i would really like her to spend her birthday this summer not worrying about boiling her brains off like a little lobster <3 if we go over the goal it would go towards curbing her food insecurity which also sounds nice i think.

kole said she would prefer my paypal be used as she doesn't want her legal name out there, proof undercut. if you do decide to donate, please mark it with "for kole". thanks to everyone who shares!

paypal: naggingatlas@gmail.com


54/100€ !! halfway there!


Guys i don’t want to optimize you if you still care about genocide in gaza .

But the news saying the ceasefire agreement is done and they will maybe tomorrow Announce it .

Best thing is the isareli army will withdraw from all Gaza Strip that’s mean the Rafah border crossing will back to work again so i need your support your help so I could take my brother Mohammed out to be with his Son Zayed and his wife.

And didn’t told you before my brother Omar engaged and His fiancee still in north gaza. He asked me alot to tel you about her so he can also be with the love of his life.

Don’t think your contribution is small even the one dollar helps . Sharing also helping.

You’re helping me and my family in gaza to survive ..

I know most of you life not easy for you but any help makes a difference 🫶🏼

Waking up to the news the isareli army order the people in my neighborhood to leave called my brother he told me that’s he is not leaving.. and there’s heavy bombing

I’m so worried about my brother 😭


i just learned people actually call the combined undertale-deltarune fandom a simple shortened utdr acronym which you know that does make a lot more sense in hindsight but i’ve been calling it the tobyverse this whole time and actually i think im gonna stick to that


we hate having to make a post like this, but we recently got kicked off government benefits and haven't been able to find work. we need help to pay rent this month, anything helps

I want to ask my followers to help Twilight out if you can. I love her a lot and it's a stressful time right now for both of us. Lots of changes happening this year but hopefully by the end of it we'll be able to move in together! Anything helps and it's all greatly appreciated! Thank you!

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