Welcome to my ninja turtles blog! You’ll see my personal iteration “Land of Ooze” floating around here often, where Utroms come in the form of cosmic horrors & mutants are wilder than most. NO proship, tcest, or ship discourse of any kind.
When hope is literally all we have 🤣
Takato Yamamoto
Doomed siblings enjoyers when the one that dedicated their whole life to trying to live up to their parents is still worse at it than their sibling who spent their whole life rejecting them
dude it’s not a boypussy it’s a Manhole comeunto the sewer i got the teenage mutant ninja turtles in there we need yourr helppp. Yeah, the fucking rat too
Here’s brain designs
Btw don’t draw these without permission, they’re personal as they’re my siblings n such
Brain siblings
I think I’m going insane tbh
guy who posts abt his ocs like they are a very popular character that everyone has common knowledge about
Berlinde De Bruyckere
rip bishop you would've loved mcu starlord- oh wait
i hate loo-bishop but i cant stop thinking or posting about him..
he emerges from the wreckage, from death, covered in ash but in one piece. his family wails when they see him alive. they scream in terror.
hundreds were in that building he worked in. hundreds died.
he was under the rubble for days, time he doesn't remember; time he didn't survive either. he was a missing body before showing up again on their doorstep on the other side of manhattan.
he should be completely gone. but here he is, shaken and confused and angry. he's put under medical observation. they treat him like something to be probed. his body rejects blood transfusions. his veins turn purple. he can no longer stay dead.
he is an immortal god in the shape of human man. the original ooze flows through him, as do the memories and thoughts and feelings of a new god he is only now becoming acquainted with; he hears their omniscience & gains some of his own.
he hears what his family thinks of him. he hears what humans think of him.
lord john the bishop is not a mutant.
"came back wrong" what about Came Back Afraid. You used to be brave. Too brave maybe, defying the odds at every turn, a fighter, cocky, playing with fire, first to throw yourself at the enemy. Until one day it all caught up to you. You came back, somehow, but now you know all too intimately how it feels to lose, to die, to be destroyed. Now you flinch and freeze and cower at the slightest provocation. Who even are you now if you can't be brave? The grave may have let you go, but the mortal fear still grips you tighter than ever.
leatherhead & dreadmon are like. butch siblings teammates. big butch & little butch. raph as the baby butch (in age).
i cant find the northernlion Receive Benediction post anywhere on tumblr so here
me and the boys have a couple of chains wrapped around the sword in the stone hooked up to mikes toyota tundra gonna pull that fucker out like a tooth.