
Hunter Rodrigez

@hunter-rodrigez / hunter-rodrigez.tumblr.com

Just my personal blog, Check out my main blog: manga-and-stuff-tumblr.com

how are you people alive.

theres an old cold war joke that goes like this: a KGB agent and a CIA agent meet up for drinks off the clock, and after a few drinks they start to talk shop. the CIA agent extols the strength of the Party's propaganda, "All your citizens believe the propaganda! it's incredible! So little dissent." and the KGB responds, "No my friend no, we are good at what we do, but you are the true masters of the art. No one at all questions your propaganda!" to which the CIA agent says, confused, "What do you mean? We don't have propaganda?"


this is going to be a generalized take, so please forgive me, but women are an underrated enforcer of femininity.

I’ve noticed this with hairdressers. multiple times I’ve gone to lady hairdressers and said “cut it all off,” and they’ve gone “hmm alright,” and basically just trimmed the split ends. meanwhile I can go to a dude and say “hey, can you make my hair slightly shorter?” and he’ll go “on it boss,” and shave me bald.

twice now, I’ve also had lady tattoo artists add pink to femme up a tattoo, despite that not being on the initial design.

god, also thinking about this brought back a memory. my mom once threw a fit because my shoes were “too masculine” (they were black women’s flats), saying that I’d upset my dad and ruin the formal event we were going to. I wore the shoes, my dad didn’t give a shit.

I dunno. it just feels like the misogyny is coming from inside the house sometimes.

my partner and I had a discussion the other day, about and I'm heavily paraphrasing here, what men expect from women appearance wise in public.

Do this with your makeup, you have to dress like this. I believe also, men have an expectation of how women should look even without makeup.

I responded by asking "who is men? Who is saying these things to you?" because these are horrible things to say/expectations to have. While I'm sure there are some men (probably ones lacking a relationship with their mother) out there who think like this, I'd certainly never said anything like this to my partner and wanted to know who had.

It didn't take too long for us to figure out, it was their older sister who had said things such as, "boys like when you do makeup like this," "guys like when you dress like this"


I'm howling, I know shit about the newest Snow White Disney regurgitation but I just clicked on it on iMDb and-

1.8 stars????? I didn't think that was possible. I clicked on it and-

IT'S EVEN FUCKING LOWER THAN THAT IF YOU DON'T COUNT THE OBVIOUSLY PAID-FOR 10S. Like even the other two recent disasters are higher than that!

This is where it occured to me to check something and-



I think I'm going to pirate this and watch it out of sheer morbid curiosity.

I couldn't help myself, I went on a quest to find a movie worse than this. A bit hard, because iMDb doesn't let you sort by the lowest rated 250, but I managed.

BEHOLD! The movies that managed to get a worse rating than Snow White!

Pledge this!

I actually saw this one when I was, uh, probably way too young for it. It's about Paris Hilton being a sadistic tyrant of some posh university and it includes charming scenes of her making aspiring college students eat leftover sushi from dog bowls and spraying whipped cream on her boyfriend's dick to make her dog give him a blowjob. Definitely worse than Snow White, right?


Enough people thought it was at least ironically funny to give it a 3.7 mean so it's, technically, NOT worse than Snow White. I guess Paris Hilton is at least hot.

Next, we have:

A very promising title! Apparently it's a sequel of a Turkish film 'The Man Who Saved the World', (which in itself is apparently 'Turkish Star Wars') and which one reviewer called 'mindbogglingly awful'. Hold on, let me show you the funniest part of one review:

This movie is so bad it interferes with one's inner peace! Surely not even Snow White is THAT bad.


To be fair, Turks in Space is a sequel of a problematic cult favorite, so it still manages to have some fans. My condolences to the person whose inner peace was disturbed, I hope you moved to a Tibetan monastery in 2019 and haven't had internet acess since. Hell, 2024 would be be better than seeing this.

Okay, by now iMDb algorhythm or whatever it is has figured out what I want and grudgingly started offering me its worst rated movies. Unfortunately...

It turns out it's REALLY FUCKING HARD to make a movie that is so universally unappealing. Even the worst movies so far have at least a dozen people who gave it a pity rating and a few maniacs who think it's unintentionally the best thing ever. Finding something below 1.8 is actually pretty hard!

But I prevailed and found this!

It's a very bad german vanity film about... I don't know, some guy who won a talent show once? The reviews speak for themselves:

'Cultural equivalent of stoning the viewer to death'. Wow. Have we finally found the most universally hated movie of all-

NOPE! Turns out even camcorder vanity projects have their fans. And mind you, this movie at least didn't cost 250 million to make! Considering how cheap it looks and that some people went to war with the German Amazon to track it down, I think it actually made more money than it cost anyway.

And so my search for a movie hated more than Snow White continues!

We're taking a turn for the absurd, and while these are TECHNICALLY a series, I have found TWO things that have made me nearly burst my spleen.

We have...

Literally just a collection of Charli D'Amelio's videos. I have to admit I had to google who the fuck that was.

But she still isn't what we're looking for. She does get an honorable mention because it's on her page that I found THIS.

People wiser than me have already realised what this is, but alas. I am an idiot. The 'ape' part should have tipped me off, but in my defense, seeing only half of that monkey's head was probably on purpose because you realize it instantly once you see it.

I had to open my computer, open youtube in a private window and then carefully copy it over here without opening it because I don't want Youtube algorhythm to catch so much as a whiff of it. But yes. It's exactly what it says on the tin.


It is, by the virtue of at least the people who went blind at the Bored Ape concert, NOT the most universally hated movie! Snow White continues to edge out some VERY stiff competition!

Studio executive in the latest shareholder meeting while sweating profusely: "Yeah... uh, this quarter billion dollar movie just needs to find its niche. It might just end up being a cult hit, you know, like Big Lebowski."

Shareholder: "How many billions did this big laboski make?"


Not “Only my reading of canon is correct” or “Interpretations are subjective and all valid” but a secret third thing, “More than one interpretation can be valid but there’s a reason your English teacher had you cite quotes and examples in your papers, you have to have a strong argument that your interpretation is actually supported by the text or it is just wrong and I’m fine with telling you it’s wrong, actually.”

If the text says the curtains are blue you can argue about what that means; but if you’re going to claim they’re actually yellow you’d better have a really good argument.

Narrator is colorblind...


my little brother tried to show me a "cool trick" where he entered my name and hometown into chatgpt and tried to get it to pull up my personal info like it did on all of his friends, then was absolutely shocked when it couldn't find anything on me

so. keep practicing basic internet safety, guys. it still works. don't put your personal info on social media, keep all your accounts on private, turn off ai scraping on every site that you can, enable all privacy features on social media apps. our info still can be protected, we have to keep fighting for control

I just googled myself and all I could find was an article about my high school graduation where I am mentioned as one of the graduates, that article is behind a paywall.

Other than that... nothing. I idiotically used my real name on facebook, but that got banned into oblivion after somebody hacked it, which is apparently the most effective and thorough way to completely delete all your facebook data from the internet.

Hell, even if you search for my username, which I use everywhere, you pretty much only find a bunch of tumblr posts and my makerworld profile.



Faced with one final test before his admission to the criminal organization, gang initiate Hector Gunnerson was reportedly forced to peacefully deescalate a conflict Thursday to prove that he was not a cop. “I know Big Mike vouched for you, but before you can run with the Riverside Boys, we need to make sure you’re not an undercover,” said gang leader Butch ‘Mad Dog’ Tucker, who nodded for one of his men to start a verbal altercation with another gang member so that Gunnerson could either help amicably resolve the dispute or violently escalate it, depending on his instincts. 


Holding up snarky signs doesn't seem to be working.

For me, it isn't about whether this action is appropriate or not. It's about how this kind of action is inevitable.

I'm going to let Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. explain in a quote no one seems to post during his annual holiday.

"It is not enough for me to stand before you tonight and condemn riots. It would be morally irresponsible for me to do that without, at the same time, condemning the contingent, intolerable conditions that exist in our society. These conditions are the things that cause individuals to feel that they have no other alternative than to engage in violent rebellions to get attention. And I must say tonight that a riot is the language of the unheard. And what is it America has failed to hear?"

If you only speak up about a supercharger catching fire and ignore the unheard, you are prioritizing a thing over people.

"An act of protest that is an inconvenience to people? How dare you? That's not how protests are supposed to work, I am supposed to be able to easily ignore them. You know, like Democrat politicians wearing pink."


I'm red girl


String identified: ' g t ta c t ta a t t aac. CA'T T T

Closest match: Canis lupus familiaris breed Labrador retriever chromosome 20a Common name: Dog (Labrador Retriever)

String identified: ' g c t a a cat ta

Closest match: Kitty Common name: Kitty Cat

red classic tabby

blue classic tabby


That's downright terrifying tbh

I’m thinking this is a sign you shouldn’t have the Amazon Echo in the office to begin with but that’s just me

My son's pediatrician asked for consent to have ai record for note taking purposes. Make sure your doctors know you, under no uncertain terms, do not consent to ai listening to your conversations.

my friend was telling me that at his psychiatrist his doctor asked if they could use ai for note taking purposes and i looked at him like 😨 and he said that yeah he went for it 😰 and i told him i wouldnve done that and he was like "idc about my privacy its been approved for medical use" 😰😰😰

As an IT guy let me just say the following:


any computer people wanna explain how the hell this works

it wont let me do shit bc i apparently have 81 gigs of apps clogging my c drive, but my largest app is 0.4gb?????? its not system applications either because system is its own segment of storage. wadda hell are you talking about

guys i installed a program to show me exactly where the data is hidden and i think i found it and youre never gonna believe it

todd howard im fucking coming for you

Here's your friendly neighborhood trans girl programer to tell you WinDirStat is a free open source alternative and you don't have to sign in to the annoying microsoft app store!

You can also just download treesize from their website... it even comes with a portable version, meaning you don't have to install it at all.

Don't use the microsoft store... ever. Every single program you can get from there you can usually also just download directly and the non store versions are pretty much always better.


I'm howling, I know shit about the newest Snow White Disney regurgitation but I just clicked on it on iMDb and-

1.8 stars????? I didn't think that was possible. I clicked on it and-

IT'S EVEN FUCKING LOWER THAN THAT IF YOU DON'T COUNT THE OBVIOUSLY PAID-FOR 10S. Like even the other two recent disasters are higher than that!

This is where it occured to me to check something and-



I think I'm going to pirate this and watch it out of sheer morbid curiosity.

I couldn't help myself, I went on a quest to find a movie worse than this. A bit hard, because iMDb doesn't let you sort by the lowest rated 250, but I managed.

BEHOLD! The movies that managed to get a worse rating than Snow White!

Pledge this!

I actually saw this one when I was, uh, probably way too young for it. It's about Paris Hilton being a sadistic tyrant of some posh university and it includes charming scenes of her making aspiring college students eat leftover sushi from dog bowls and spraying whipped cream on her boyfriend's dick to make her dog give him a blowjob. Definitely worse than Snow White, right?


Enough people thought it was at least ironically funny to give it a 3.7 mean so it's, technically, NOT worse than Snow White. I guess Paris Hilton is at least hot.

Next, we have:

A very promising title! Apparently it's a sequel of a Turkish film 'The Man Who Saved the World', (which in itself is apparently 'Turkish Star Wars') and which one reviewer called 'mindbogglingly awful'. Hold on, let me show you the funniest part of one review:

This movie is so bad it interferes with one's inner peace! Surely not even Snow White is THAT bad.


To be fair, Turks in Space is a sequel of a problematic cult favorite, so it still manages to have some fans. My condolences to the person whose inner peace was disturbed, I hope you moved to a Tibetan monastery in 2019 and haven't had internet acess since. Hell, 2024 would be be better than seeing this.

Okay, by now iMDb algorhythm or whatever it is has figured out what I want and grudgingly started offering me its worst rated movies. Unfortunately...

It turns out it's REALLY FUCKING HARD to make a movie that is so universally unappealing. Even the worst movies so far have at least a dozen people who gave it a pity rating and a few maniacs who think it's unintentionally the best thing ever. Finding something below 1.8 is actually pretty hard!

But I prevailed and found this!

It's a very bad german vanity film about... I don't know, some guy who won a talent show once? The reviews speak for themselves:

'Cultural equivalent of stoning the viewer to death'. Wow. Have we finally found the most universally hated movie of all-

NOPE! Turns out even camcorder vanity projects have their fans. And mind you, this movie at least didn't cost 250 million to make! Considering how cheap it looks and that some people went to war with the German Amazon to track it down, I think it actually made more money than it cost anyway.

And so my search for a movie hated more than Snow White continues!

We're taking a turn for the absurd, and while these are TECHNICALLY a series, I have found TWO things that have made me nearly burst my spleen.

We have...

Literally just a collection of Charli D'Amelio's videos. I have to admit I had to google who the fuck that was.

But she still isn't what we're looking for. She does get an honorable mention because it's on her page that I found THIS.

People wiser than me have already realised what this is, but alas. I am an idiot. The 'ape' part should have tipped me off, but in my defense, seeing only half of that monkey's head was probably on purpose because you realize it instantly once you see it.

I had to open my computer, open youtube in a private window and then carefully copy it over here without opening it because I don't want Youtube algorhythm to catch so much as a whiff of it. But yes. It's exactly what it says on the tin.


It is, by the virtue of at least the people who went blind at the Bored Ape concert, NOT the most universally hated movie! Snow White continues to edge out some VERY stiff competition!

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