
Filthy and Wholesome

@internerdionality / internerdionality.tumblr.com

I'm a storyteller who loves to be right. My passions are intersectionality and nerdery. I also occasionally (*cough* all the freaking time *cough*) talk about relationships, polyamory, and sexuality. You can find my fic at: https://archiveofourown.org/users/Internerdionality

tumblr. tumblr what did you change

The buttons at the bottom of each post are bigger and look a little different. And also my fast queue lab doesn’t appear to be working, which is making me sad.

Cancelling you on the allegations (that I'm starting now) that you have the sickest kickflip around


I routinely fall up the stairs so I don't think this is gonna stick


yeah there are a lot of ways to trip as you're going up stairs making you fall forward thus falling up the stairs

for me it's usually if i'm rushing and don't raise my foot high enough to clear the step above, although i have also had close calls with stepping on baggy pants that i'm wearing as well

My Nanny (maternal grandmother) once fell up the basement stairs and gave herself a concussion with a can of cream corn.

Funnily enough, the worse injury I ever got going up stairs, I didn’t even fall.

The stairs in my house growing up had these metal strips on the outer edges — they’d probably originally been meant to hold down carpet or linoleum or something, but whatever they’d held was long gone, so we just had these battered, rusting metal strips on the stairs. One of them had a corner that was sticking up, and I managed to hit it just right with the top of my foot… Tore off a strip of skin a centimeter wide, probably half a centimeter deep, and two inches long. This scar is over twenty-five years old… looks as fresh as the one-month old cat scratch next to it.

Literally sobbing. A judge, a US judge defended us. A judge brought up intersex people, uaing the term intersex, to *defend* us by not allowing our erasure. I'm having a lot of feelings right now

Somebody get Judge Reyes a bodyguard and some armor plates for under robes during court.

I'm serious, we need to protect every friend we have right now.

Ao3 does not need an algorithm, you're just lazy

Ao3 does not need a 1-5 star rating system, you just want to bring down authors writing for FREE

Ao3 does not need automatic censorship, it is an archive, therefore anything can be posted

Writing or reading about something illegal does not mean the author nor the reader condones it, if that were true, you could never read a story involving anything negative

Purity culture is ruining fan culture and you all are fucking annoying

Source: beth_thefirstyear on Instagram

I have four muffin tips for making bakery style muffins at home.

Tip number one:

Rest your batter for 15 minutes in your mixing bowl after you make it. This is gonna allow the starch molecules to swell and absorb, creating the thicker batter and the thicker batter is known for doming!

Tip number two:

Fill your muffin holes with at least six to eight tablespoons of batter. That’s like a heaping half cup okay. You want them super full so they’re gonna create that dome.

Tip number three:

Kinda goes along with tip number two. You’re only gonna fill every other hole in your muffin pan. And why we do that - that’s so the muffins that are baking can spread and dome without running into their neighbors. Because when they run into their neighbors they get like square edges but we want perfect dome circles.

Tip number four:

You’re to bake your muffins at a high temperature initially. That’s gonna be 425*F for the first seven minutes. And then keep them in the oven and lower the temperature to 350*F for the remaining bake time. Starting the muffins off at a high temperature initially allows the muffins to rise rapidly and it sets the outer surface of the muffin, producing a dome shape.

There you have it. My four muffin tips for creating bakery style muffins.

"If I were orpheus I wouldn't look back"

But we look back everyday- rechecking emails, making sure a friend is still behind you, checking to see if you remebered to pick up your keys. It's second nature, a habit of care.

It was second nature for him too. He looked back, not out of weakness, but love. For what is love, if not to look back?

An Orpheus who didn't turn around is an Orpheus who never walked down in the first place

My print archive sale ends on Monday at 10am. Only a handful of pieces left. Anything remaining on Monday goes back into the archives. These are the last few prints left of my archives.

updating the actual post bc none of you want to read the replies but public transit was not an option bc there was no room for it after putting in the options that people used at my high school. there were more i wanted to add but didn't have space for them since you only get twelve options which is why i put "some other situation". deal with it

sometimes I almost forget slut is a derogatory term. it's so friend shaped to me. I love when things are slutty. I love sluts and slutting it up. it's a cute word. make every day sluttier than your last. sluttttt

the kink bloggers found this post and are putting horny stuff in my notifications but I'm not even mad. the sluts are in the notes of the slut positivity post. all is as it should be.

internet friends are so funny bro. here are some fuckers who know more about me than my mother. their names? well this one's no eyed joe, that one's takeout container, that one's moo, this one's named after several hit video game characters, that one is soup and so is that other one, here are a couple named after several thousand year old stories. that one's scammer. that one's volcano residue and here's fungus and rodent and there's podcast character and we can't forget the birds. this one says he's not named after a supernatural character but there's no evidence to support that. here's vegetables and arson. i love them all very dearly. oh yeah and they're all queer

I was talking about this with a friend tonight, but I think if Amazon Prime Video wants to try and retain (and grow!) the audience for Good Omens past doing the Good Omens 3 feature-length special, they should strongly consider giving a six-episode series order to BBC Studios to adapt one of the Discworld books.

They don't have to start with The Colour of Magic. Hell, we typically don't recommend readers start there. But they could start with the first book in one of the sub-series - I'd personally recommend Mort or Equal Rites - and if it keeps that audience, make the next six-episode series the next book in that sub-series. And so on and so on.

If it works, if the first series is successful, then they have 40 more they could potentially do. Even if they don't do the lot, they can still do... well, a lot.

I'm sure there are a million-billion reasons why this could never happen. Still, though.

Nah. Guards, Guards! is more likely to catch a wider audience if it's done right.

The Good Omens crowd loves:

  • Scrunkly mess of a man
  • Hot cinnamon bun of a man
  • Disaster best friends
  • Competent woman

I rest my case.

So, I saw this image on Facebook, and it was supposedly showing what Queen Nefertiti would have looked like in real life:

Now, I thought this AI generated garbage was just truly terrible on a number of levels; first off, she looks wayyyyyy too modern - her makeup is very “Hollywood glamour”, she looks airbrushed and de-aged, and as far as I’m aware, Ancient Egyptians didn’t have mascara, glitter-based eyeshadows and lip gloss. Secondly, her features are exceptionally whitewashed in every sense - this is pretty standard for AI as racial bias is prevalent in feeding AI algorithms, but I genuinely thought a depiction of such a known individual would not exhibit such euro-centric features. Thirdly, the outfit was massively desaturated and didn’t take pigment loss into consideration, and while I *do* like the look of the neck attire, it's not at all accurate (plus, again, AI confusion on the detailing is evident).

So, this inspired me to alter the image on the left to be more accurate based off the sculpture’s features. I looked into Ancient Egyptian makeup and looked at references for kohl eyeliner and clay-based facial pigment (rouge was used on cheeks, charcoal-based powder/paste was used to darken and elongate eyebrows), and I looked at pre-existing images of Nefertiti, both her mummy and other reconstructions. While doing this, I found photos of a 3D scanned sculpture made by scientists at the University of Bristol and chose to collage the neck jewellery over the painting (and edited the lighting and shadows as best as I could).

Something I see a lot of in facial recreations of mummies is maintaining the elongated and skinny facial features as seen on preserved bodies - however, fat, muscle and cartilage shrink/disappear post mortem, regardless of preservation quality; Queen Nefertiti had art created of her in life, and these pieces are invaluable to developing an accurate portrayal of her, whether stylistic or realistic in nature.

And hey, while I don't think my adjustments are perfect (especially the neck area), I *do* believe it is a huge improvement to the original image I chose to work on top of.

I really liked working on this project for the last few days, and I think I may continue to work on it further to perfect it. But, until then, I hope you enjoy!

Remember, likes don't help artists but reblogs do!
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