nerd gojo / goth geto
"came back wrong" what about Came Back Afraid. You used to be brave. Too brave maybe, defying the odds at every turn, a fighter, cocky, playing with fire, first to throw yourself at the enemy. Until one day it all caught up to you. You came back, somehow, but now you know all too intimately how it feels to lose, to die, to be destroyed. Now you flinch and freeze and cower at the slightest provocation. Who even are you now if you can't be brave? The grave may have let you go, but the mortal fear still grips you tighter than ever.
modern art
This looks like art from a 1980s pop album.
Is this anything
transformers thought - Good Megatron AU
Transformers One has infected my brain and I need to share my ideas
So - a world where D-26 never defected! And no, this isn’t like Shattered Glass where Optimus is evil now - both of them are good and happy because dammit we need happiness on Cybertron. So how does this work?
Well, everything’s the same up until D shoots Orion and is holding onto him at the edge of the tunnel to Primus. His guilt is overwhelming, overshadowing any other emotions - including his hatred of Sentinel. This is the bot who’s always been able to make him smile, who’s always been by his side, one of the few good things in his life - and D realizes he can’t live without him.
“Hey… hey, Pax. You wanna go meet… you wanna go meet Prima? Let’s go meet him.”
D topples over the side with the dying Orion, immediately pulling him into a tight hug that Pax couldn’t escape even if he wanted to or had the strength. They fall all the way down together, never letting go.
While Sentinel takes this chance to try and put down the rest of the rebellion and regain control of Iacon, Primus recognizes D and Orion’s noble sacrifices and chooses to anoint them the true Primes - the next rulers of Cybertron. So what does D-16 become?
That’s where things get interesting. D-16 is rechristened “Magnanimous Prime” or, for short “Magna Prime.” And this is really interesting because “magna” in Latin is the word for “great.” The Great Prime. How I see it is that he will be a great warrior, the greatest Cybertron has ever seen - even surpassing his idol Megatronus. However, violence will be his last resort.
And because of that, I thought about what his weapons would be. Obviously his giant blaster, but it doesn’t seem fair that Optimus gets a sick new Energon Axe and Magna doesn’t. So I introduce: the Energon Chain. Why a chain? Well, I saw someone point out that an axe is not primarily used to fight - it’s used to cut trees or free survivors from wreckage. It’s a tool first and foremost. By the same token, a chain is meant to restrain and subdue, to contain. A peaceful resolution but can attack if need be.
Finally, and most importantly - the matter of the Matrix. Only granting it to Optimus seems like a prime (bah-dump tss) setup for an eventual schism between the two again, and this is meant to be the good ending! So how do we avoid this? I propose - splitting the Matrix! Two halves of a whole, granted to both the Primes. They both would have the reviving properties but the attacking power of the Matrix would be reduced unless both Primes are united. Alone they are strong, but together they are the greatest force to ever grace Cybertron.
this is mostly just rambling but I really needed to put my ideas out into the world. Hope you enjoy, sorry for the long post!
something my coworker's 3 year old did the other day, glorious ( ' ')b
✨Sneak Peak Sundays!✨
Today we're featuring this amazing Rouge and Sora art by @silkentine! This was for one of our weekly challenges which had the theme 'Beach Day 🏖'!
Thank you for participating! Stay tuned as we feature more work from our talented community!
✨Sneak Peak Sundays!✨
Today we're featuring this amazing Rouge and Sora art by @silkentine! This was for one of our weekly challenges which had the theme 'Beach Day 🏖'!
Thank you for participating! Stay tuned as we feature more work from our talented community!
saw/spiralposting time again.
Unpopular opinion: I feel like out of all the apprentices/followers of Jigsaw, William was the only one really worthy of taking up the mantle of Jigsaw. Amanda and Hoffman went off the deep end and started killing innocents for no reason, Logan was just being punished for his mistake, and Lawrence was dragged into the games against his will. With all of them, the philosophy never really stuck, or it was taken too far.
Will understood what it meant to be Jigsaw - pay for your sins in blood, but never spill unnecessary blood. He never touches an innocent person, only those who have wronged others (and yes, that includes Benny Wrights. Jigsaw punished drug addicts too - look at Amanda)
Take the heads of the rotten pigs, and leave the lambs to grow and thrive.
*calling your colleague voluptuous* *begging him for kisses* *bouncing on it (his lap, while manifesting a goal)* yeah. checks out. just a normal day at the office for them
I cannot believe there's absolutely no way to watch free shows and movies anymore, there are too many paid streaming platforms and pirating websites have viruses and ads preventing you from watching it uninterrupted((.)) id rather follow the rules and purchase media moving forward because it is too inconvenient. Seriously, free and no ads or viruses with 1080p streaming is DEAD.
Exactly! It's freaking annoying when I want to watch movies but I would have to subscribe to like 24 different services . Just to watch the shows that I like.
Oh and wouldn’t it be nice for cartoons? Just anything animated. I just wanna stream things without getting conned. Must I be cartoonless forever?
i like using streaming apps but there are waaaay too many and they're all stealing my data .i wish there was a secure and organized way to have millions of shows and movies available one one app. but alas. we've truly gone full circle back to cable + now it spies on you. its a real shame. i dont want to fill my device storage with tons of boring and stupid cash grabs.
i know, it's so annoying for everything to be paid nowadays, especially movies and tv shows. it would be perfect if i could watch them without getting infected by some virus or some shit. i'm fine with ads, they gotta run themselves somehow, but i want to watch stuff and .live! if they have to use different domains i'm okay with that too, because free media is .top dog either way.
for mobile users, it especially sucks, because you can't just use websites and you have to not only pay, but you have to download a billion apps just to find what the thing you wanna watch is on. it doesn't help that the streaming services take much space. so much.
something my coworker's 3 year old did the other day, glorious ( ' ')b
just wanted to share the National Down Syndrome Society’s message for this year’s World Down Syndrome Day (21st March) 💛💙
Powerful message that lovingly includes multiple disabilities, united. I love this.
something my coworker's 3 year old did the other day, glorious ( ' ')b
A comic commission I did for @lime_lotus on Instagram!
I loved this joke and as a non user of the english system I vibe, but also U.S ppl refusing to use ANYTHING but metric measurements is funny as hell, the other day I saw some article where they were using walruses as a reference for size
Written by: Lime_Lotus Art by: me