You are cordially invited to celebrate the Cersei Appreciation Week 2025, which will take place on this blog from April 7 to April 13 . All kind of fanwork is welcome to honor our beautiful golden lioness, and I do hope you will enjoy this event.
Day 1 - April 7th: Favorite Episode(s)/Season or Grief
Day 2 - April 8th: Favorite Trait(s)/Trope(s) or Weapon
Day 3 - April 9th: Favorite Outfit(s) or Sacrifice
Day 4 - April 10th Favorite Parallel(s) or Motherhood
Day 5 - April 11th: Favorite Relationship/Dynamic or Resilience
Day 6 - April 12th: Favorite Quote(s) or Legacy
Day 7 - April 13th: Free Choice
🦁 You are free to interpret those themes and prompts the way you want, and to use them as strictly or as loosely as you wish.
🦁 Multiple entries are allowed. You can pick which days and which prompts you are creating content for.
🦁 Cersei has to be the main focus of your creation. Other characters may appear, but the main character has to be Cersei.
🦁 All type of fandom creations will be welcome such as fanfictions, gifsets, moodboards, edits, fanarts, videos, poems, etc.
🦁 Use trigger warning when needed.
🦁 I will track #cerseiweek2025 and #cerseiappreciationweek2025. Remember to use those tags so I can find your creations and reblog it here.
🦁 Late entries will be accepted up to two weeks after the end of the event.
🦁 If you have any question about the event, feel free to send me an ask.
🦁 Reblog this post to spread the word.