
If you feel trapped, run away. Run until you find other werewolves.

Blake Atlas, 22, white he/him butch | 16+ Current Focus: Ben 10 Art and Writing Commissions are OPEN!

Assorted List of Interests werewolves, horror genre, heavy metal goroawase, (hand) puppetry, weird fiction surrealism, mbti/ennea, animal welfare

[tagged reblogs contain a period, tagged original posts do not]


mbti/enneagram might really be a special interest since its been going on for well over a year now but i Have to make a disclaimer its pseudo-psychology and i KNOW its pseudo-psychology and theres not even much i can do with it other than loosely guide myself in a specific direction or use it 100% for fictional characters. really, the numbers just itch my autistic brain the right way.



TO FINISH: Ben 10: Alien Force (50%) Randy Cunningham 9th Grade Ninja (42%) Grojband (26%) The Locked Tomb (3 books) (15%; 57% through GtN)

TO START: Ben 10 Ultimate Alien Ben 10: Omniverse TMNT 2003 Maguire’s Oz (4 books) [Letterboxd watchlist]

TO REWATCH: Chaos Walking trilogy The OA Neon Genesis Evangelion?


I no longer prioritize representing the self through reblogged aesthetic posts. From now on, I’ll be posting a mix of photos & personal posts. Most fandom reblogs go to @cartoon-networked to avoid overflow, as usual.


usually update pinned post without notice so here’s notice. system reveal, even if i end up being wrong. blake keeps laughing at me about the mcdonald’s colors


Hi! I just wanted to congratulate you on being the first out of over 3,000 people who did that poll to correctly clock my quiz as an enneagram type sorter (I'm posting an explanation when the quiz finishes in a few hours)


HI WHAT THATS SO FUNNY. Good quiz, accurate explanations!


Yes my MK fic is under the MCU tag. No I don't write them according to their (potential) canon personalities < its my own iteration, in a way. Second iteration, technically.

If Season 2 / MCU Jake were to ever exist, it would make the most sense to me if he was the inflexible, procedural type; extremely security-seeking on all levels (for himself, his system, and others). Prefers to stay out of the spotlight when he can help it, though sensitive to Being Needed. Counterphobic in a Marc-like way, not as vocal about it like Steven.

Half of the previous paragraph shouldn't have to be said but.. the fanon..


gamer boyfriend yells GODDAMNIT! from the other room and throws his headset and you walk in all what's wrong babe :( and he's playing a story-driven indie game

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