
Watch Ainda Estou Aqui/I’m Still Here (2024)

@maester-cressen / maester-cressen.tumblr.com

Bruna // 26 // Brazilian // Mobile icon by userdre + header by nymerria // #usercressen //

Temporary Pinned Post

Hi, everyone!

For a while, my updates have been somewhat inconsistent and they'll likely continue to do so (I schedule posts). I'm job hunting pretty heavily right now and studying for public positions in my country, which really eats up my time. This will be the pinned post for a while, at least until I get a job and can make a decent schedule.

If you want to read my about, go here! Enjoy your stay <3

When it comes to fundraisers, know that I only share ones I find trustworthy (present in a list of vetted fundraisers or were shared by someone trustworthy). Please do not insist for otherwise.


are you guys gonna wrap it up with the dog motif anytime soon

literally man's best friend but whatever. i guess you do sexual roleplay as some kind of tender-leaved houseplant?

you know full well that my sexual roleplays are geological in nature


Dear my family

With deep gratitude and excitement, I’m thrilled to share that we have reached our first goal in our fundraising campaign! This wouldn’t have been possible without your generosity and trust. Your contributions have made a real difference, and we are truly grateful to each and every one of you who donated, shared, or supported us in any way.

But our journey isn’t over yet! Our next goal is to reach $5,000, and with your continued support, I know we can make it happen. You can keep the momentum going by donating here or by sharing this update with your friends and family.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Together, we make a difference.

Kholood is a 29-year-old physiotherapist, living in northern Gaza and her husband Khaled is a paramedic. They are also living with her new born baby, her 2-year-old daughter Amira, her mother and her younger brother Mohamed who is a medical student. This is a family with a baby and a young child!

£5,020 raised of £10K goal

You can enter my freshwater pearl necklace raffle if you donate to this fundraiser! (Deadline 31 March 2025!)


Ruh roh look what I finally managed to finish👀

This might be the first time I actually have drawn all the Stardew bachelors together haha :,D

I plan on making these into keychains for the upcoming Fantasy Basel here in Switzerland, so fingers crossed they make it in time😔👉👈


The United States — ALL of it

Reminder that Guam, Puerto Rico, the Northern Marianas, American Samoa and the US Virgin Islands and DC don’t have actual representation in congress and only DC can vote for President even though over 5 million people live in these areas

They drill “no taxation without representation” into our heads like it’s why the country exists… and then omit the fact that allllllll of those people pay taxes and have no say in their government.

I feel it is also worth mentioning many of these groups do not want representation in the US government and in fact want nothing to it whatsoever


me: "have they tried not being fucking ignorant religious bigots?"

article: “I suspect that a bit of the steam has gone out of the LGBT thing,” Backman told the right-wing outlet, staying ahead of the issue. “There may be the odd protester, but if they have got armies of PR people laser-focused on that then I suspect it may be OK.”

me: no surprises there... fuck them

sandwich recipe

We go through a lot of pickles here and this recipe is a good way to use leftover brine.

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