Outtakes from David Bowie’s 1977 “Heroes” cover photo shoot by Masayoshi Sukita.
Originally found on: islamicrays
(via islamic-art-and-quotes)
As a lot of you may have already known we recently discovered that a guy who had been speaking to a lot of girls turned out to be a very dangerous predator. I explained everything in this post.
I met Ralph months ago, he followed me after I posted a few selfies on my twitter account, asked my friend to introduce us then started DMing me immediately after I accepted his follow request. He started asking personal questions about my life then quickly he escalated to make sexual remarks out of everything I said to him. Whatever. Boys will be boys right? Then weeks later I proceeded to blocking him because he just made me really uncomfortable, replying to my tweets with sexual comments, "jokingly" asking for sex or nudes, plus he was very aggressive whenever somebody did not agree with his opinions.
Then three days ago the lovely and brave Farida finally exposed him in a tweet. It didn’t take even 30 minutes for nearly every girl I was following on twitter admitted he had done inappropriate things to them as well, my experience was NOTHING compared to what these girls had to tolerate, and the few photos i posted show that.
- Photos 1 and 2 show a conversation Ralph had with a 16 YEAR OLD via imessage.
- Photo number 3 is a story a girl shared with me, and I don’t know about you, but that clearly reads manipulation.
- Photo number 4 are messages that were exchanged between Ralph and one of his victims. She told me that by then she had a boyfriend and Ralph simply dismissed that and kept requesting sexual actions from her.
- Photo number 5 reads a conversation he had with another girl on instagram. In it she admits of sending him nude pictures of herself, clearly because he pressured her into it. By the way, this girl is 17 YEARS OLD. That proves he IS in the possession of child pornography.
- Photos 6 and 7 are pictures I have previously posted. These texts were sent to a SIXTEEN YEAR OLD GIRL.
- Photos 8 and 9 are are snapchats he sent to a year old soliciting nudes.
- I have gotten an ask in which a girl told me her younger sister had contact with him and is now too scared to take legal action
- Another anon contacted me also saying what everyone else did, how ralph constantly asked for sexual favors, etc.
- He has been constantly stalking and refreshing our twitter accounts and has been online, we found his youtube account and discovered he had liked a youtube video two days ago, then seconds after we tweeted about his youtube account he deleted it.
- The number of people that have messaged me, Drew and Farida on and off anon and told me Ralph has been so revolting it makes me nearly physically sick.
- Just read the tags on this post, really you’ll be surprised how many girls knew about him
Since this is a very, VERY serious issue we need to bring as much attention to it as we can. Harassing underage girls and soliciting/being in the possession of nude photos of underage children is a serious crime. So thenFarida made a post explaining how you can report him on a cybertips website. Read the post and do it, it’s really easy, all you gotta do is ask her, me, or Drew for his private information, which we can’t publicly display because it might be very risky for us.
You can contact me, Farida and Drew on our asks or our twitter accounts ( x ; x ; x )if you have ANYTHING you want to say about Ralph or if you wanna get all his personal information to report him to the police. If you live in NYC and wanna make a personal police report please keep in mind that you’ll need as much evidence and personal information as you can so feel free to contact us for it as well.
Remember, his name is Ralph DeName. His common usernames are either DeNameRalph, RalphDeName, or RalphTravolta.
Don’t let this die out! This is about child pornography and the fact that he might face no repercussion is really distressing since he might come back any day.
Incase you haven’t heard already, there was a sexual predator, Ralph, @DeNameRalph on twitter and cunterion/captainwarbuckle/vaderblues on tumblr, that sexually harassed pretty much every girl he came into contact with online. More importantly, he pressured and manipulated minors for nudes. Ralph would always flirt with underaged girls and saw nothing wrong with it. Ralph deleted his social media when he was exposed of his crimes.
This is the tweet in which I exposed Ralph, as a result I got dozens of girls sending me messages sharing their experiences with Ralph as well, saying he would sext them, pressure them into sending nudes, tell them he masturbated to their pictures, etc. Most of these girls were minors. I really don’t need to go further with how absolutely disgusting and repulsive this sorry of an excuse man was.
Now, we want to report Ralph for sexual abuse and harassment. We’re trying to get around the legal details but for now can you please report him in the link above. It won’t take more than 2 minutes, just please send me, jesse-pinkman, or rossamundpike a message asking for his personal details. Like I said, it really won’t take that long, we’ll send you a screenshot of his info and you can fill it in right away. You don’t even need to give any of your personal info. if you’re not comfortable with doing do. The more reports they get the more seriously they’ll take this case. Please reblog this and spread the word. Thank you.
my favourites from agra
Gena Rowlands in A Woman Under the Influence (1974)
In memory of Michael Brown
HD, yes.
I gotta be honest with you guys, I never thought I’d get to make one of these.
In January I earned my first blue film tag and since then, this year has shown me nothing short of great people, beautiful experiences, ace music, and wonderful films. I’ve made so many friends within this community and I’ve really come a long way. So I just want to say thank you, for giving me better films to watch, for cracking jokes with me (or at me), for listening to my music, and for helping when i’m down. Some of you even took classes with me and helped me pass a class I really couldn’t give a shit about so I owe you a lot for that. Some of you just are fucking nuts not to include. And some of you I just miss. I can only hope that I return the favor for you guys in some way. So thank you. And I love you. Je t’aime. Eu te amo. And a happy festivus for the rest of us!
(if i forgot you, just let me know)
caryfuckmenowa paulthomasandersonn johncarpenters mauriceaarons caryfuckunaga howardbrackett witchguardian jackcardiffs andreii-tarkovsky juricon stylesthyghs phyllisdietrichsons jacques-audiard pawsthomasanderson cooperspooper junjihyun femtarantino directors-gone-wild tarntino sofiajonze richardlinklaters alpacinoes caryjojifukunaga vewn hemizygous robertaltmans targxryen sardonicwriter cinematastic russellharvards technicalgethmetal praisecalliope abbaskiarostamis amydunned riversjude mysterytrain1989 notjanine onlygodardforgives grandpa-bergman-dad crityrion imcomingbackmurph mroscarisaac revolving-ocelot punkybluesparty itisnotatinyguitar dothsnacki marquis-de-sadist survivasm curmudgeony margotkim oreansyvaa the-theater-geek kayezilla carrioncoyote victorsullyvan
"You know the most important thing your granddad ever taught me? Hmm? Be ready. Hurricane, flood, whatever it ends up being. No more food gets delivered to the grocery store, gas stations dry up. People just turn on each other, and uh, all of a sudden all that stands between you and being dead is you."
Uzo Aduba’s mom knew what she was talking about.
S A D B O Y S, see me in the club with it tatted on chest see me on the bus, blowing sesh nothing less, we the best, fuck the rest
i like reminding people i rap
Stills from “A Most Violent Year” (2014)