If the Robin & Batman: Jason Todd is just more of Bruce being a asshole to child who's suffer horrific poverty and Jason gets called fucking angry and reckless again, I will bit some one's head off. How about WE NOT demonize the impoverished child? How about that DC? How about we NOT play into the inherent classism that's in Jason Todd's Robin story. How about we recognize Bruce is a horribly unreliable narrator when It comes to Jason. And how he will genuinely never be able to understand Jason's Trauma because he has never and like will never be homeless.
Like I'm not suggesting the trauma Olympics over here but Jason's trauma is very different to Dick and Bruce's. Yeah he could get his revenge against Two-Face for his father... But Jason wasn't thinking about that when he became Robin... He was thinking about surviving. It's not a core of his character like Dick and Bruce. He joins Bruce because despite how bad his situation is he still tries to do good and not rob a museum. IDK man I'm very tired of writers just glossing over that with Jason and just jump to like those two issues where Jason is violent. And then every stupid flash back of Bruce's where again UNRELIABLE NARRATOR.
I will happily take the L if I'm just getting a huff over nothing. And this mini turns out good. But with that description I just can't get hyped. I'm pre-ordering still... but with like a sense of dread.