please come, i want you to be there.
Everybody wants to live happily ever after. Everybody wants to know their true love is true.
Enchanted (2007) dir. Kevin Lima
ok i swear it's the last i'll talk about this but while i'm on the subject of misogyny the response to helly this season has been soo crazy. like she was absent for the 6/10 episodes of the season and people have just been wild about her. and even though she wasn't there for the first 4, helena was. and while the jokes about her being elon musk/ivanka trump were funny at first, it's just ridiculous how no one else reacted to male characters that way. you get so many scenes where you can make your own analysis of helena's character but it's like people refused to engage with her on the basis of her being Rich and Evil. the same people who were obsessed with succession 2018 - 2023 (you know who you are). like i can't tell if it's because they thought this show was genuinely a revolutionary marxist commentary on apple tv+ (lmao) or just plain disinterest in another female character that they had to attribute more than 2 characteristics to, like helena. like it's either angry suicidal (s1 helly) or victim (gemma). anything else, not allowed. people give more grace to outie mark's obsessive savior conquest that has left casualties than helena's everything, simply because they want... what? no complexity? another season? just insane to me
I dont want to be exposed to varying and diverse fandom opinions I love my echo chamber #myechochamber
Severance 1x08 "What's for Dinner?"
“The big question of the whole series for me was, 'Beyond all the plot, the narrative and everything else, was how do these three people work together? How do these three people fit together?' These three people learn to love each other and those elevators end up, in some way, saving each other.” — John Hoffman @pscentral event 36: trios
TWIN PEAKS — 2.01, "May the Giant Be with You"
SEVERANCE 2.07 / 2.10
happy castlemas @imogen-heaney my beloved!!
It's Helly, actually. Helly. It's the person that i'm in love with.
SEVERANCE 2x09 "The After Hours" dir. Uta Briesewitz
See you at the equator.
defiance, personified
KILLING EVE 3.08 | Are You Leading or Am I?
like the ripples from a pebble someone tosses in a stream