@officialpenisenvy / officialpenisenvy.tumblr.com

everything had been made to stand still in the house of incest

gio || 21 || white transmasc dyke || he/they


i mainly post about my personal life, literature, music, vintage manga, ancient greece and rome, and various horrors du jour; this blog hosts unflinching discussions of incest in both fiction and real life, and potentially triggering untagged content abounds, so tread carefully.


posting hermit: im so depressed i think im gonna kill myself tonight

amateur poster: i love it when my post blows up and i get some new friends!! my notification feed is never like this lol haha i feel kinda giddy and nervous

mid poster: ride the trend, write some poetry, sprinkle of irony, play with the expectation knobs, boom. rake in the post monay

posting genius: i NEED to invent a series of words that will make me lose as many followers as possible (it has the complete opposite effect) FUCK

posting hermit: (gurgles and starts aspirating vomit, but doesnt stir)


thrilled to report i went to the lovely ceramics pop-up and spent no money on dicks et al


aregà stavo sul bus ho fatto un incontro con un SOGGETTONE ma un soggettone che non avete idea


i really wish car manufacturers would make their cars look more niceys. cars these days look so evil though i suppose that is befitting their intrinsic evilness


right i forgot the american education system doesn't teach wee americans how to write in cursive

the replies by americans on this post paint a nuanced and complex yet still horrifying reality. please if you have children teach them cursive we can't afford to have another bottleneck in textual transmission

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