
maturation stalled

@perpetuallyfive / perpetuallyfive.tumblr.com

Hi, I'm P5. INFJ. She/her. | sexonastick @ AO3. | Banner by (my wife) @catalyswitch in browser and by @plastic-pipes on mobile. | Hateful gatekeeping of the queer community is completely unwelcome here.
Arcane, Vampire/Werewolf AU, Caitlyn/Vi

Summary: Werewolf Vi fights in the pits to finance finding her sister and vampire heiress Caitlyn wants to be the one holding the end of the leash.

Chapter Word Count: 5,726


“No, it’s cool.” Vi shuts off the alarm first — producing an audible sigh of relief from the other end — and then focuses on removing the rack of reasonably seasoned chicken. “I’m almost done here.”


“Meal prep.”

This time Caitlyn’s laugh shifts low, a strange combination of delight and disgust as she groans, “Oh Vi, please don’t tell me you’re a chicken and rice every day person.”

Vi has popped open exactly half the tabs on the first Tupperware when she freezes, feeling caught out. “… well, I mean. It’s just really straight forward.”

Genuinely whenever I hear someone talk about how they use AI to summarize papers or write emails or messages for them or to create anything I lose all respect for them. Like truly you can't even bother to participate in the act of living and interacting with other people?

If you use AI, know that I am laughing at you and think you're pathetic.

People talk about AI as making them more efficient or eliminating the boring tasks, but at what point are you no longer even existing or interacting with anything.

If you skip past every single point of friction in your life, you eventually stop having one.

y'all, it was always going to end this way. from the moment mark scout told mark s. about reintegration, it was always going to end this way. mark scout literally looked mark s. in the eyes and said "we're going to have a life, and it's going to my life. we're going to live in my house with my wife and have the life i want. and you're going to like it because you're an extension of me." he didn't see mark s. as a person and that, in the end, was his greatest downfall.

mark s. did what mark scout asked. he fought his way to the elevator and he ran ms. casey to the stairs so she could be gemma again in the outside world. he saved the poor, tortured, woman trapped in lumon's basement because that was the right thing to do. but then, when faced with a choice between dying forever or turning around to try and somehow have a life of his own? with the woman he loves? of course he turned around.

this doesn't have anything to do with which ship is better or what was the most logical thing to do or even what mark and helly are going to do now. the point is mark s. stood there at the door, at the literal precipice of death, and said "i want to live. i want to live. i want to live." and come on, wouldn't you do the same?

I feel like we really lost something when we started looking at writing as a reader-centric product meant to appeal to the desires of a specific audience rather than a writer-centric approach of someone writes whatever particular thing particular compels them/whatever weird thing the demons in their head want to talk about, and people out there who are also compelled, and/or relate, find that writing. A lot of discussions of writing really center around what readers want rather than a writer's exploration. Sometimes as a reader I don't know what I want. I click on a fic or pick up a book I'm not sure about but that looks interesting, and I love it. Reading what I expect to get is it's own joy, but we always need to expand our horizons and not get mad at creators for not always writing what we want/expect.

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