
just transparent images


requests closed🔴 -- use these for whatever you like- no credit needed

Love the blog? Happy with a request? Really want to help me and my cat pay doctor bills? Consider tossing me some spare change on cashapp!


My PayPal is- d.shep3398@gmail.com

No pressure, no obligation, but anything helps the fiance and I stay afloat 💕 I love you all



Hi PNG lovers!

I hate to ask this but my wife and I are not going to have enough money to afford both rent and utilities this first month in our new apartment.

If there are any sweet souls who can help us out we would be so eternally grateful! 🥲

My PayPal is d.shep3398@gmail.com

My cash app is $riderandspider

We both love you guys so much and love running the blog for you!


THANK YOU GUYS FOR 20,000 FOLLOWS!!!!!!!! I never thought the self indulgent blog I decided to dump PNGs in would get THIS popular!!! But I'm so happy that you all enjoy it as much as I do!!!!


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