@rivertigo /

vivi abnormal- he- the fifth monkee- godlike rnr star- cosmic dancer- disco diva- mr mojo risin’-cold as ice cream but just as sweet - street walking cheetah with a heart full of napalm- the world’s forgotten boy- my kiss is like kryptonite- boycott love- advocate cannibalism- I am fucking crazy but I am free- god is empty, just like me- I am the beast I worship- switch hitter


i’m the vivi in furs 🪻an evil bisexual devil 😈 a trash glam superstar to some 🪩 a pervert to others 🫶 I’m a nut job 💋 and I’m totally addicted to music 🎸 resident of freaky canyon 🌅

blog where I only reblog playable music files -> @bittersweetworld2008


the old guy interviewer having to say that Roger has the bluest eyes he’s ever seen on a man …

Roger interview 1975 240p no prahblem


me and this girl both have the same picture in our final collection mood board but our boards are like totally opposite… I see your Keith Richards snakeskin boot/velvet suit image

they indulged in yaoi cocaine that night

I want to throw things at him I’m no better than the common man

Last night we let Nothing speak. Last night was no movie, no image, a blank page. got so fucked up last night off zero drinks that i ended up making no actions, much to the embarrassment of no one, who wasn't there.

Stop putting vaspider on my dash, they're the one who kicked off the hysteria against Palestinian gofundme's leading to people taking back thousands of dollars they've donated and reporting their fundraisers as fraudulent, potentially dooming families to death

i’ve successfully evaded bad jokes by jeff/writing prompts/drawing prompts for a while i think but just in case he’s still lurking out there he majorly contributed to this too and made a ton of really racist/islamophobic posts

This is especially relevant now that staff deactivated Ahmed aka 90s-ghost's blog, and more than a years life-saving work he did verifying fellow Palestinian's fundraisers.

Ahmed's been on tumblr for more than a decade, has had a news article written about him, been in fandoms, has many close friends on here, etc etc....he's a real human being that tumblr staff very much knows is a real person. Vaspider and Badjokesbyjeff are absolutely responsible for directing organized harassment and mass reporting his way, and staff are going to get Palestinians killed by deactivating 90s-ghost.

He's kept so many people alive this past year through tumblr, and deactivating his account cuts off hundreds of families from their best hope of raising desperately needed funds for survival supplies as Israel bombs Palestine. Ahmed himself is trying to keep his own family, including a baby, alive too - you can donate to him here. Info on demanding staff reactivate his account here.

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