
Sauce Deluxe

@saucedlx / saucedlx.tumblr.com

- hi I am saucy or sauce - -23y/o- -they/them (or any gender neutral)- I don't know what if anything the purpose of this page is, for now I'll just post about stuff I find interesting. Original posts tagged #a saucedlx original. Art blog is @sdlxart

[Emergency Water Relief for Gaza City – Help Deliver Life-Saving Water

In Gaza City, clean drinking water is dangerously scarce. Families are struggling to find safe water for drinking, cooking, and basic survival. With infrastructure devastated and water sources contaminated, the need for urgent relief is critical.

We are launching a three-month emergency water distribution project to deliver clean water directly to those most in need. Two water trucks will distribute 10,000 liters per day to communities facing extreme shortages. Our goal is to ensure that families, children, and the elderly have access to safe drinking water during this crisis.

How You Can Help

We have budgeted $50,000 to sustain this project for three months. Each truckload of 5,000 liters costs roughly $300 per truck. That means:

💧 $30 provides 500 liters of clean water

💧 $150 provides 2,500 liters – enough for dozens of families

💧 $300 funds an entire truckload of 5,000 liters

💧 $600 ensures a full day of water distribution (10,000 liters)

Every dollar makes a difference. Your donation will help us reach thousands of people in Gaza City with clean, safe drinking water]

Please donate if you can!!!

That article really was disgusting in its absolute disregard for human life like when he said that about how he saw where the chat said they were going to strike and instead of idk warning any people who lived there or doing anything to prevent it he used it to "confirm that the chat was real" or some bullshit by going to social media and seeing people's scared tweets as they were being bombed. Useless and voyeuristic scum. Do you understand that when the us drops bombs, people die? Real people?

They collapsed the target's girlfriend's apartment building! That is not a military target, that is a place where people live. All this preamble about protecting the lives of US troops and not even a mention of the idea that the reporter might have some obligation TO PROTECT CIVILIAN LIVES FROM AN ATTACK HE KNEW WAS TARGETING A RESIDENTIAL BUILDING!

Update since the last post. These pictures speak for themselves! Mona's work is a testament to her generosity and her dedication to her community. And you can help her keep this going! Please consider donating to help the people of Khan Younis!!! Remember, every dollar counts! P*ypal.

(If you live in India or Pakistan and want to donate, contact her through the means listed on her account).

None of this is possible without Mona and her family's diligence and work. If you would like to send her a thank you note or well wishes, please include it in the replies to this post, in your tags, or in the comments! She always appreciates them ♡

what im saying is this. and yeah, if every or most of the people in this situation were also masking, that would be perfect - but it only takes a few people's decisions (improving ventilation in an area) to increase the protection of every single person who will ever be in that space. when somebody masks, they're protecting themselves, and if they're sick or contagious, they're protecting the people around them - but only when they're in that space! no matter what we do, short of highly enforced mask mandates (very, very difficult to both put into action and enforce), people are not going to mask everywhere.

and we can say they should. and we can educate people on why they should. and we will! but it is not going to make everyone mask! our energy would all collectively be better used, imo, into educating on the insane improvements in respiratory spread when you improve air circulation. that means a space can become more accessible if only half of people are masking, or even less. and it will make you, dear reader who masks, even MORE protected against illness in ALL spaces.

The U.S. government is taking people off the street and sending them to the place in the bottom picture without charges filed, no arraignments, no due process and without notifying anyone of the people’s whereabouts.

El Salvador intends to never release anyone from CECOT.

With the blockade imposed by Israel, it is extremely important to support grassroots organizations. They provide aid to multiple families on the ground. The Sameer Project is one organization. It is led by 4 Palestinians in the diaspora and Gazans are risking their lives while distributing the aid to ensure families are accommodated.

The Sameer Project provides food and shelter. As you know, the rainy season is persistent and many families have been displaced by the sea. The high tide has caused many to lose their tents, the only shelter they have. So please donate to the Sameer Project! With your support, they can branch out to families across the Strip!

South Gaza Aid:

Refaat Alareer Camp Aid:

North and Central Gaza Aid:

Last week, the Relief for Rafah (R4R) community kitchen provided a water truck, and cooked and distributed food for the residents of Al-Junaina, Rafah.

R4R need money to continue their efforts providing people with food, water, and medicine in Rafah. Ramadan begins tomorrow, and people need food and water to break their fasts.

Ramadan Kareem 🕌✨🌒

R4R have only raised about $400 this Ramadan. Mohammed, one of the organisers, told me that about $4,000 would be needed!

$1,839 / $4,000





bird flu is 100% the US's fault, US and UK and Sweden and such all bear a lot of responsibility for how covid is playing out obviously but the bird flu is straight up the US refusing to sacrifice short term agricultural profit & concealing & ignoring information about a pathogen that is already killing humans. btw no you can't get out of this one by avoiding eggs (US poultry are so genetically similar, unhealthy, & overcrowded that hens basically always die before they have a chance to lay anyway) — every time a virus spreads it has the opportunity to mutate. you can't protect only yourself! this is what's meant by Public Health. without culling, a flock of five million chickens in US agricultural conditions (yes, including labelled 'cage free') goes down in a matter of days with an almost 100% mortality rate, & this scenario represents five million more chances for the virus to evolve. there are over 520 million chickens in the US and approximately 166 million chickens are known to have been affected by outbreaks since 2022. H5N1 is now so rampant that wild birds can transmit it to farm flocks by flying overhead while shitting. a pandemic requires a complex sequence of numerous extremely unlikely events to all occur & it is not a given! but it can become one if US farm policy & ableism keep rolling these dice.

That short term agriculture profit is a families ability to survive. I know we want to see the ag sector as a giant conglomerate but it is mainly family owned buisnesses that rely on ag to make a living. For laying birds that short term is 8+ months of no income and Growing expenses. The grand majority of these farmers deeply care for the animals health and well-being and are vigilant about biosecurity. The main spreading is, and has been, wild migratory birds, which are an uncontolable source. A lot of out breaks are being seen in backyard flocks that have no biosecurity measures to prevent that spread.

Can we do more to help contain the spread, yes. But that requires structure, funding (which the government is stripping away) and education.

And they do not feed chicken castings to dairy cattle anymore, and when they did they were heat treated to kill disease. The cross over to dairy cattle is believed to be from wild starlings.

more than three-quarters of chickens in the US food system live on farms that sell more than 500,000 animals annually, i don't give a fuck about the short-term economic needs of a notoriously subsidised industry that is killing the entire planet, and the US has not outlawed feeding chicken litter to dairy cows nor is that ruled out as a transmission possibility, especially given that no one actually knows how common this practice is, & hygienic controls in US farming are incredibly poorly enforced in general.

see what i mean about the bizarre saturation of ag industry shills on this website!


Peace be upon you, free people of the world and people of merciful hearts.

I send you these words from the heart of the besieged Gaza Strip that is being subjected to genocide.

I send you my words and my heart is filled with pain and sadness for what happened to me and my family.

My name is Kifah from the northern Gaza Strip. My husband Anwar and I were displaced under death and violent bombardment to Deir al-Balah, where we live in tragic and sad conditions.

I speak to you as I live in my beautiful home in the northern Gaza Strip. My home was like a luxurious palace, as my husband and I are from a wealthy family that practices trade and imports. But the war turned me into a poor, miserable woman who has no one to provide for her daily needs after our trade stopped and my home and commercial center in the northern Gaza Strip were destroyed.

I never imagined even once that I would ask for help from anyone, but circumstances forced me to do so, as my life has been turned upside down.

I no longer find food, flour, or water, and I live in a miserable, dilapidated tent that I cannot even prepare for the winter.

Please do not hesitate to help me to save me from my tragic circumstances and rebuild my home even if only part of it.. If you cannot help me by donating, please share my story on your page

Hello my friend, my name is Jaafar from North Gaza, I am 24 years old, and finally after waiting for a whole year of killing, displacement, hunger, massacres and genocide against us, the time for a ceasefire has come, thank God we are still alive after all the exhaustion, and during the next week we will return to our homes in North Gaza, which was completely destroyed, unfortunately our area was completely and brutally destroyed and we have nothing left, neither a home, nor property, nor furniture, nor clothes, nor any other clothes, I know that returning to the north will be very painful and difficult due to the lack of the necessities of life, and we will start building our lives from scratch, but we are happy for the war to end.
Please 🙏, donate to my campaign to save my family, even a small amount will help us stabilize ourselves a little, and buy some supplies 🥹, I hope that God will protect your family and friends, thank you 🥰🩵
✅️Vetted by @gazavetters, my number verified on the list is ( #299 )✅️

Please help Jaafar!!

He's been asking me for help for days but unfortunately I can't be online daily, he has asked everywhere but he barely gets attention.



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