Ajax and Cassandra by Solomon Joseph Solomon (1886)
Sylvia Plath, from The Collected Poems of Sylvia Plath; "On The Difficulty of Conjuring Up a Dryad,"
Girl with teddy bear at a rune stone in Södermanland, Sweden
Prodigiorvm ac ostentorvm chronicon, 1557
I cried as you cried when you first saw them. I cried for their stillness and their isolation, and this horrible little place in which they stared forward at nothing or sat in darkness while Egypt died above. Anne Rice, The Vampire Lestat, 1985. Statue of King Menkare & wife upon discovery in 1910.
“The Enchanted Abode” by Lars Van De Goor
Outside St. Mary's Abbey, York. England.
Possession (1981) dir. andrzej żuławski
The kiss sculpture in Vienna Central cemetery.