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New Campaign for the Shehab Family

This has happened again and again with Palestinian campaigns, the gfm shut them down for no reason, forcing families to start from the beginning and remain stuck amidst the genocide in Gaza.

There are 8 family members who desperately need to both evacuate from Gaza as soon as possible and survive the high prices on food, water, medicine, etc.

Please support the Shehab family by donating ($5,$10,$15), sharing, and/or tagging mutuals to spread this campaign.


standing around a map table with the other generals. and if they send the elephant cavalry? says one while moving a wooden elephant into our territory with his pushstick. i laugh and push a small figure of a mouse wearing a helmet in front of it. the other generals nod. impressive


Every day that passes our life gets worse in Gaza there are more than 2 million people we need large quantities of food but with the crossings closed it is impossible every day food is getting scarcer and its price is increasing dramatically there is no water or even electricity to operate the water wells our life is tragic in addition to all of this the sounds of explosions and cannons and planes that never stop they never stop when we ask you to donate you are our only hope with this money we can eat some of the available food or even some clean water to drink there is no sanitation or health services diseases are everywhere insects too everything is difficult so difficult that you cannot imagine what we are going through without experiencing it it is more difficult than what you see on TV our life is tragic so I ask you to donate to us any amount you can afford my family and I need something to help


I have an allergy that the doctors said could be chronic if not treated as soon as possible. They told me that it needs to be treated by injection or it will spread to the rest of the body but it costs 300 dollars I really need your help before the virus spreads to the whole body

Allergy began to spread in my body. Please, I need your help urgently. I need to buy medicines to kill this virus before you are chronic. Please help me


going to go to a random overpass and just start dropping bricks with my eyes closed until something happens. and its this posts fault


We fled from death into the unknown, carrying our pain and fear with us. We left our homes under heavy bombing, searching for a refuge to protect us, but all we found was hunger, thirst, and cold. Our children are crying, our bodies are growing weaker, and hope fades with each passing day without food or water.

We are not asking for much… just enough to keep us alive. Your support can save us—every donation could be a lifeline.

Donate now and be the reason a family survives. You can donate as little as $1 via PayPal or $5 via GoFundMe. vetted here


I need to once again ask for you all to help my friends Ahmed and Dina Alanqar and their four young children in Gaza. Unfortunately they've been struggling to contact GFM about issues transferring funds, so they needed to begin a new campaign from scratch.

Ahmed tells me the situation is becoming worse by the day now. Bombs are falling around them and the price of food keeps rising.

When they tried to return to their home they found their childrens clothes were burned and torn in rubble.

Please assist in their continued survival and ensure they have a chance to escape when they can. Donate and share! ♥️

Vetted! 264 on El-Shab-Hussein and Nabulsi's spreadsheet (here)

We are suffering day after day and we will soon face a disaster worse than the previous one. The situation is getting worse day after day. Prices are high and goods are scarce and unavailable. There is no water, no electricity, and no basic necessities of life.

Bombs, shelling, and terrifying and violent explosions everywhere. Martyrs, wounded, and amputees. A terrifying, catastrophic, and unbearable situation.


My dear friend, thank you so much for your continuous support and for sharing my post. Your support makes a huge impact! I’d really appreciate it if you could share the post, leave a comment, and follow me.




€1,293 USD/€12,000 as of March 22nd

Last donation was €15 SIX HOURS AGO; Can you match that amount?


We have raised €1,629, and only €371 is left to reach €2,000. Please donate and help spread the campaign—life in Gaza is unbearable.


my friend Raneen (@life-111) is facing a dire situation. Her young son is on a ventilator right now and she does not have enough money to afford to keep him on. If she cant pay by next week her son will be taken off the ventilator and will die.

She needs $1,740. Please message her Tumblr account and she can tell you where to donate! (Donations through GoFundMe take 2 weeks to arrive, which is not fast enough.) Thank you!

She just told me the operation date is Saturday and the payment is due TOMORROW!




Please this is extremely urgent!!!!! Thank you!!!

Rmemeber, contact @life-111 and message her! Thank you.

I sent Raneen $400, there is now $800 left!!!

I will do whatever I can to help, but I cannot afford that amount on my own.

Thank you sincerely for interacting with this post, whether through sharing or donating or just observing.

If you want to donate message @life-111! Raneen has told me not to give to their GFM.

I sent more money now there is $640 left!!!!! Please help him 🙏

$450 left!!!!! Please!!!!!

Additional information.

$425 left!!!!!!!! We can do this before early morning please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The operation Raneen's son was meant to have to remove the tumors in his lungs today has been postponed, and if the money is not sent to Ahmed and Raneen their baby will be taken out of the hospital!!!

Please donate or share widely. If you got a message from me, this is what it’s about. I normally don’t message other people this often. PayPal donations only (said PayPal is not on Ahmed’s blog due to its owner wanting to remain private.)

I believe this is vetted

I won't add the GFM link as they want to prioritize PayPal donations but if you go to @/life-111, you will see a GFM link

(I am not a vetter, I am just passing on the information I have found)

More tagging again. Sorry about this!!! But today is the day we need to donate now more than ever! Thank you!!!!!

I know it has been a very long time since a proper update. I have some additional info to share.

Raneen shared these two photos of her child! If you are wondering why a different person’s medical reports are on her blog instead of her child’s.

Here are the two images she sent me a few days ago.

Here is a recent conversation I had with her. Miraculously she is still in the hospital with her son. But she may get kicked out at any time. $400 remains still, please give only to the PayPal!


Raneen sent me the following today. I do not know what happened to the previous operation costs, but she has told me of a new need: intensive care for her son which costs $1460. The due date for this is next week.

Additional clarification.

She told me someone helped her pay the last $400 to afford the operation, and now needs $1460 to afford intensive care.

She has not yet told me who the donor was.


Other people already said it but sending immigrants to El Salvador is not a deportation but a kidnapping. Deportation is sending a person to their country of origin. This is something worse.

And think about what happens to these people who have no El Salvador citizenship once they arrive there and how they cannot leave El Salvador. First off, the US and El Salvador governments have to have an agreement otherwise El Salvador would not accept these people. Secondly, they are ending up in literal "Mega-Prisons" to do God knows what. They can't leave the country even if they were free since they likely have no documentation/money after being snatched up from their homes in the US. They are deporting people with no criminal record and this is really just the definition of human trafficking.

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