✨Icon change!✨
I also changed my header and blog title because Holmes <3
The blog is, as always, essentially the same, I'm just back to posting a lot of Sherlock Holmes and adjacent stuff because the hyperfixiation has been rekindled :')
@sherlock-is-ace / sherlock-is-ace.tumblr.com
I also changed my header and blog title because Holmes <3
The blog is, as always, essentially the same, I'm just back to posting a lot of Sherlock Holmes and adjacent stuff because the hyperfixiation has been rekindled :')
Full Video: Riekko mukana hiihtoreissulla, Tolkuton Willow ptarmigan included in ski trip
For the love of god, PLEASE UNMUTE!!!
ptarmigan: [in a deep, croaking voice] awow awow awow awow awow awow awow. awow. awow. awow… awow… bup bup bup bup bup bup. pow. pow. pow.
i have never contemplated someone doing this on the harp. i am amazed she got all the parts in and so fast
I love her commentary in the video
Most polite doggy
remind me to never ever ever share anything that brings me joy with other people
god i love making animatics in my head i wish drawing was real
There’s danger enough for the two of us.
Me opening tumblr dot com to make yet another post that has the potential of reaching the colossal audience of 5 people.
It's all easy if you have suitable tools ...
in my dream world that i live in sometimes we stop saying things like “NOBODY is gross or dirty!!!” And start saying things like “being gross or dirty isn’t a moral flaw or failing”
not brushing your teeth for months at a time is gross. It’s not a moral failing and does not make you a bad person.
being told I wasn’t gross online by posts by well meaning people when i was a very depressed young teenager for not showering for weeks did not make me feel better, because i felt gross and dirty. What would have actually helped was engaging with the reality (that it was a little gross, what i was doing/unable to do) but that it did not make me a bad person undeserving of help. “Youre not gross and (so) you deserve help!” Okay well i feel gross. This cant be aimed at me.
it also goes against your own brain- everyone thinks things are gross sometimes & to say Nothing is gross rings false. You can be gross and be loveable. Grossness is not failure. Grossness is not a flaw. Gross is not a moral thing. It’s just what it is and has no effect on personhood and i think preaching “having things about you that are dirty or gross does not make someone lesser or unworthy or failed” over “nothing is gross” will carry us a lot further
works for me, anyways. maybe it won’t for you, but it’s helped me a lot more than anything else has.
Do not obey in advance.
Keep hating It's working
Okay but reblogging specifically for "Tesla in Distressla" because whoever came up with that tagine deserves a moment of recognition.
And he rose to the occasion.
What's that bro? You began interacting with a media from a different country than yours and/or was made in time period different than the recent present day? Haha that's sick bro! Keep expanding your horizons bro! You're remembering to take into account that sociocultural norms, gender roles and genre expectations are different from what you are used to and meeting the story halfway, instead of forcibly superimposing your ideals into the story, right bro? Right? Right?
And, like, you're aware that being asked to understand that the story was written in a time and place with different values isn't the same as being ordered to embrace or worship those values, right? You get that you can simultaneously comprehend why those values exist within this media and think critically about how it contrasts with your own view of the world? You can hold both "I understand why this culture at this time would have acted like this was okay" and "I understand now that this isn't okay" in your mind at the same time?
i need mulder and scully to be deeply unsettling to everyone but each other. i need them to be autistic about things and only make perfect sense to each other. is anyone hearing me