
The Happy Scavenger


Reblogging from everybody one post at a time.
i am dismissed & can breathe again. sometimes i see a scarf as a snake, writhing down from the scalp, twisted round the neck, tight. i / remember the first time i did that, waiting for my own venom to take me down. to spit through this body, to make me holy again, i was / perseus, new-aged & the first to be slain / this time. i was a child turned to stone from the inside. i taste / the blood & out comes the coral / of the red sea, hissing through the gullet.
‘mother medusa’ – lahraeb munir

happy world poetry day 2025! i’m very honoured to share that my poem ‘mother medusa’ has been accepted as part of pigeon publishing’s special edition on the subject of intimacy. you can read the full poem on their website, alongside all the other great submissions. this is particularly special as it was a call made to all 52 unesco cities of literature, & later today, there will be an event at heidelberg’s karlstorbahnhof where the poems will be shared, with some reading live. i would like to especially thank my good friend @spacedadpicard for recording a reading of my poem to be shared, i really appreciate it 🥹

pigeon publishing will also be sharing clips on their instagram over the next few days.

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