

@theninjamouse / theninjamouse.tumblr.com

Welcome and enjoy. Voice actor, writer, photographer. Author of the Undertale fic 'It's Not Too Late' and 'Ocean on Fire' on AO3. My writing blog is over at TheNinjaWrites

Hi hello everyone! Since there's been an absolutely massive wave of new followers, it's time for a new pinned post! This will have all my regular tags, links to fics and so on. Thanks and have fun!

MOST IMPORTANT: I'm helping my family raise funds to get my little brother a seizure alert dog! You can read about that HERE

Wanna toss a few bucks my way for gas and soup? Ko-Fi

My Fics

Undertale Grillby/Reader

Ocean on Fire- in progress. Reader is nicknamed Shore and Grillby is Sparks

Relevant tags: Shorby, OoF Extras, OoF fanart

Breaking Point: OoF sick fic one shot

Losing Some Wisdom: OoF wisdom tooth one shot

A Scientist, A Bartender and A Fool: an OoF future spin off short featuring Gaster. Established trio relationship

Snowstorm Inn: OoF winter storm one shot

Underfell: Grillby/Reader/Gaster

Purple Lightning and Flowing Silks: Nicknamed Cinders, Banks, Phantom Currently paused, but not canceled

Undertale: Sans/Reader

Relevant Tags: INTL fanart

Five Nights At Freddy's

Tonal Range: Sun&Moon/Reader in progress. Reader is referred to as The Photographer

My Youtube: Mostly ROTTMNT and Monkie Kid amvs at the moment

Other tags:


Please, If you can spare anything, help me get my boy to the vet.

I know yall just got me help in getting to the dentist and I hate to ask for more but my cat, my poor boy, he's been sick for the last few days. He's been sneezing, his nose has been runny and raw, and now part of the bridge of his nose is swollen outwards and I am. terrified. I want to get him to the vet ASAP but I have nothing in my bank account. His usual vet, whos been so nice and helpful, is 159usd per exam fee. Plus an extra 100 for whatever meds he might need my goal is 259usd I know its a lot to ask but please, my boy is miserable rn and he can hardly breathe. I can't let him suffer like this I just cant.

If you can spare even a little please help. Paypal: @ Goatsgalore96 Venmo @ CallenGGoat Cashapp: $calgoat96 0/259usd

a lot of stories treat romance like it makes the relationship between two characters self explanatory and to be honest it doesn’t

story: they're in love :)

me: why?

story: what do you mean? they're in love :)

me: what do they bring to each other's lives? what do they admire about one another? what draws them to each other?

story: love :) :)

me: ok... so what is that going to look like now?

story: like love :) :) :)

me: are their personalities going to clash at all? are they going to have arguments? learn to compromise for each other? will they need to adapt to sharing their life with another person? is it going to be smooth perfect harmony from day one? are they going to be always together? see each other sometimes as their occupations allow? how does this relationship affect their lifes.

story: they're in love :) :) :)

worlds slowest fanfic author tries really really hard

everyone in the notes we are all holding hands. everyone who hasnt worked on a wip in weeks or months or years, its okay. we are going slow but we are going


love the clashing aesthetics in sleep token that still somehow work together. vessel is a half naked eldritch horror (well, now he's a half naked knight), iii is a vampire dabbling in "clown" (the red hair), ivy is all dapper in his suits, and ii... is wearing addidas sweatpants

Couldn't have said it better myself


you want me to be normal about sleep token but sleep token isn't even normal about sleep token. no one who is well adjusted does that shit

We just had a trilogy of albums about pain and loss and moving forward but going backwards and then going forwards again and then moving on but longing for the best parts of what you lost and-

Sleep, run it back, give me five more minutes.

no but this ^ 100%.

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