
lives without a body and speaks without a tongue


varka 21 he/xe/fey ✷ queer artist from ukraine, majoring in folklore studies. my interests include: anthropology of religion, folklore & ethnography, apocryphal literature, folk christianity, horror and fairytales. DNI if you're pro-russian or pro-israel. support ukraine: standforukraine.com

i hope every butch with acne, bush, dad bods, stone identity, high voices, & nerdy interests are having a beautiful day


among ukrainians most people will describe the most traumatizing part of school ukrainian literature course to be fedko khalamydnyk where a child dies of pneumonia while being beaten by his father. but to me it will forever be the shadows of our forgotten ancestors for a scene where main character's love interest dies in the fast river and it describes in detail how her body was scattered bloody upon the stones on the river bank unrecognizable. and also for the scene where later he encounters her as a mavka and follows her into the forest even while knowing it's not her anymore and he tries very hard to not look at her behind because he knows he will find her back missing and her entrails open. and you read it in 10th grade

btw you can give it a read in english here. it's only a hundred pages and it's absolutely beautiful


among ukrainians most people will describe the most traumatizing part of school ukrainian literature course to be fedko khalamydnyk where a child dies of pneumonia while being beaten by his father. but to me it will forever be the shadows of our forgotten ancestors for a scene where main character's love interest dies in the fast river and it describes in detail how her body was scattered bloody upon the stones on the river bank unrecognizable. and also for the scene where later he encounters her as a mavka and follows her into the forest even while knowing it's not her anymore and he tries very hard to not look at her behind because he knows he will find her back missing and her entrails open. and you read it in 10th grade


rare english article about the reality of russian occupation of ukraine, but of course those who don't hear and don't see won't believe this either. may god protect all ukrainians and the children from this article too


the reason why you see more detrans women then detrans men is because they are funded and pushed by the right and their white feminity and victimhood is being used to push a white supremacist, misogynist and anti-reproductive rights narrative btw. not because ftms actually regret their transitions more. btw.


the hardest part of the day is when in the evening i am in so much pain and nausea (and i always have the worst pain and nausea in the evening night and early morning) but i understand that i still have to go shower and brush my teeth and feed the snails and brew myself betaine because noone will do it for me


it is spring, my dearest friends! spring, the most beloved! gone with the old and stale and sick - in with the new, the unexpected, the deserved!

new beginnings, new friendships, new loves, new things to learn and new opportunities to grow, might they all pour down upon you like warm, life-giving rain. might spring fill your heart with joy and life like crocuses and marsh marigolds - make it bloom, courageously, against any odds and any tricks of fate.

might sweetest spring soothe any grief and any rage - and help us turn them into something soft and quick like skylarks in the bright, reborn skies.

I hope you'll feel alive this equinox, and carry that joy with you throughout the whole year!


something funny i noticed is that when we are being shelled my chronic pain lessens. it's like my body goes "hmm yeah man i understand that youve got more urgent things to worry about"


camileda is so important to me because i believe women in their 40s also deserve to have an epic monster romance

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