
for the wicked and just all the same

@merrymorningofmay / merrymorningofmay.tumblr.com

she/her • 🇺🇦 • i write things and i make things occasionally • tankies not welcome

Portugal legalized abortion in 2007.

Ireland legalized abortion in 2018.

Cyprus legalized abortion in 2018.

Malta legalized abortion (only to save a woman's life) in 2023.

Poland still has a near-total abortion ban.

We need less than 10.000 signatures more to make abortion safe and accessible for everyone in the EU! Sign and share <3

česko a slovensko jsou na skoro 80 %, šupejte to podepsat




The Assembly of Southern Gaza Clans has issued a powerful call for a popular uprising (Intifada) against Hamas, accusing the group of gambling with Palestinians’ lives for its own narrow, self-serving interests.

Google translation:

Statement issued by the families and clans of the southern governorates - Gaza Strip
Our steadfast people in Gaza, enough is enough, there is no longer room for silence or waiting Years of oppression, starvation and destruction, and now our people are being pushed towards destruction without mercy or responsibility In the name of the clans of Gaza, you are calling for a popular uprising against injustice, and a march of anger that will shake the ground under the feet of those who sold our blood and exploited our suffering for their narrow interests. The people of Gaza have sacrificed the most precious and valuable, and what was the reward? More death, more hunger, more humiliation We will not accept to remain fuel for narrow calculations, and we will not allow this farce to continue Enough playing with our lives and the future of our children! Enough trivializing our suffering! Hamas must lift its hand from Gaza immediately, and end this unjust blockade imposed on us due to decisions that do not represent us. We call on you all to take to the streets and make our voice heard to the world: Gaza is not held hostage by anyone. Gaza will be liberated by the will of its people.

OK, so, Middle Eastern people will already know what I'm going to say, so this is for Westerners : this is huge. Not just because Gazans are calling to kick out Hamas, but because it is a assembly of CLANS.

For Westerners, clans are seen as, in effect, an outdated concept that doesn't really have that much weight, so why care. You'll have some famillies that still hold up their clan structure to a point, like when three or four different branches of the same familly gather at the same place at set dates with some degree of regularity. But overall, the idea of "clans" in the West is seen as something of the past, a piece of folklore.

That is very much not the case in the Arab world. Clans still play a major role, socially AND politically. Clans are a very, very, very important part of someone's social identity. So if the Clans of South Gaza are calling for an Intifada against Hamas, then those clans' fighters will at minima be given an unofficial ultimatum : Hamas or the Clan, quit one.

Will we see flashy consequences on TV ? Most likely not, Hamas is from the same cultural sphere and knows the social rules and context. But it DOES show a loss of faith and trust in Hamas, and also a loss of strength sufficient that the Clans feel comfortable attempting this. So Hamas won't be able to just slam a foot down on that. My point being : this is huge in the Arab cultural context.

Thank you, @lordadmiralfarsight, for this context.


Look at russia's commitment to peace!

Thank you, orange man, for ending russian aggression through appeasement.

Kharkiv, Ukraine, March 26, 2025 city after russian airstrikes


перемирні шлюхеди по моєму місту від мирної країни, яка не хоче війни

ruzzia is a terrorist state



Most Western media have said “hundreds of protesters in Gaza” are demonstrating against Hamas when visual evidence shows that tens of thousands in so many cities and neighborhoods throughout the Strip, likely cumulatively hundreds of thousands, have come out against the war, the terror organization, and Hamas’s rule over the Strip. I have noticed a lot of people asking why now? And where are the women? Are you kidding me? Can you imagine being a woman in Gaza trying to make your voice heard in a Hamas-controlled, male-dominated society while trying to sustain the basics of survival? Even then, these young kids, men, elderly folks, and all those out in the streets are taking risks to be out in the streets in opposition to an ISIS-like organization that would have no problem killing Palestinians challenging its fascistic rule. It is despicable to watch Western media, “pro-Palestine” and “pro-Israel” voices online, attempting to dismiss the significance of what is unfolding right now in Gaza and suggesting that they are all “Hamas.” Some are insistent on dehumanizing the Palestinian people of all being pro-Hamas and pro-terror or want to ignore inconvenient Palestinian voices that shatter their overly simplistic “resistance” narratives. The people of Gaza have spoken, even if entrenched interests and narratives don’t want to listen. Please pay attention to who is supporting them and who is working overtime to dismiss their pleas and desperate cries for change.

Why now seems obvious to me - they just had a long break from the carnage and began to have hope, and that was taken from them. Same reason why Israelis went on similar protests



In what is being dubbed the "flood of life," tens of thousands throughout the Gaza Strip are continuing their organic, spontaneous demonstrations against Hamas's terrorism, violence, iron-grip, & death-cultism. They are demanding that the group gets out of their lives 🇵🇸💪🕊️☮️🤞
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