The scenerio is where I am talking about language learning.
Example 1
Me: You can develop your speaking skills in your target language through practices.
Example 2
Me: You can develop your speaking skills through practices.
Is Example 2 acceptable even though it doesn't have "in your target language"?
Can Example 2 mean the same as Example 1?
Example 1
Me: You can develop your speaking skills in your target language through practices.
Example 2
Me: You can develop your speaking skills through practices.
Is Example 2 acceptable even though it doesn't have "in your target language"?
Can Example 2 mean the same as Example 1?
through practices ❌
by practicing ✅
Sentence 2 could be talking about public speaking skills, not a person’s speaking skills in their target language. So it’s better to be specific.
through practices ❌
by practicing ✅
Sentence 2 could be talking about public speaking skills, not a person’s speaking skills in their target language. So it’s better to be specific.
The scenerio is where I am talking about language learning.
Example 1
Me: By doing immersion, you might get pretty good at the language. But through practices, you can truely develop your speaking skills in your target language.
Example 2
Me: By doing immersion, you might get pretty good at the language. But through practices, you can truely develop your speaking skills.
Is Example 2 acceptable even though it doesn't have "in your target language"?
Example 1
Me: By doing immersion, you might get pretty good at the language. But through practices, you can truely develop your speaking skills in your target language.
Example 2
Me: By doing immersion, you might get pretty good at the language. But through practices, you can truely develop your speaking skills.
Is Example 2 acceptable even though it doesn't have "in your target language"?
Yes, it's acceptable.
Note that it should be "practice", "truly"
Note that it should be "practice", "truly"
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